Is it ethical to stone someone??


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Full story here.

Is it ethical to stone somebody for adultery? I understand it would be up to the society that you lived in and the laws thereof, but that doesn't neccesarily make it ethical. If they were to kill somebody for a crime, why don't they just inject something or electricute them or something instantaneous. Anyway, I hope the link opens. The story is about a Nigerian Women that had a baby two years after her and her husband split and she hadn't remmaried yet. The judge ruled that she be stoned under the new islamic law and she is now appealing.
as i'm against religious law, this purely stinks. no one should be forced to live under such a regime. isn't there anywhere in the world that is free? canada i guess. if only it wasn't so cold...
Bemused and amused.

I understand it would be up to the society that you lived in and the laws thereof, but that doesn't neccesarily make it ethical.
Huh? Within the that society of course it is ethical if by law that is the punishment so decreed. Question: Is it ethical to send a man to jail for rape?
no. it is ethical to rape a man for rape. or kill him. but these are the laws we have to live with.
Let's be practical

These sort of case gets us all emotional, and I see all sort of give up towels in the air.

First, this lady must win the appeal and should have never been sentenced to stoning from the first place because:

1- She didn't commit adultry. Based on the report, the lady has been separated from her husband, meaning she is not married and adultry rules don't apply to her.

2- In case the woman was married, and she wasn't, but maybe somehow her divorce paper were not finalized, then the burden of proof of adultry based on the Islamic rule is 4 wittnesses that have seen her in bed totally naked with the man's cock in her vagina.....I'm serious, but this is the qualifying wittness. A baby is not a valid proof of adultry, neither is an angry husband, nor anything else....Only 4 men or 8 women, since 1 woman =0.5 man, who saw the cock entering and exiting the vagina.

If the lawyer of the state could come up with the 4 wittness that could all attest to the same thing and show picture for it, then maybe the poor thing will get stoned. The new modern DNA proofing can not be used to satisfy the ancient law of stoning.

I think that the story is saying that she parted with her husband and 2 years later had a baby without remarrying. Fornication/Sex without marriage would be considered adultery of her first husband. I believe this is what it speaks about. I do not know the muslim laws, but this is what the story implies. The reason I get this is because their defense was that the embryo of the baby of her husband was dormant in the womb for over a year and it is her husbands kid and not with another man. Yes though, it is silly that she is charged with a death penalty in the form of stoning over this, but then again so was stoning early christians for believing something different then what the government of the day wanted them to believe.
Dang, and I kept hearing about this Islam is a religion of peace. Wow, guess I was blind, killing 3,000 in NY or blowing up buses in Israel just don't quite push it over the top, but this just takes the cake!
phew yeah. i mean, the systematic murder of thousands of native brazilians by portuguese christian missionaries does not even come close. the inquisition never reached this level of injustice.
and israelis can't be terrorists even though they engage in horrific terrorist activities because they are god's chosen people. it doesn't count if it's to steal land the bible says belongs to them.
I still say, the application is wrong

I'm not saying that 100 times of flogging is an okay thing to do, but the Quran says:

The Light
[24.2] (As for) the fornicatress and the fornicator, flog each of them, (giving) a hundred stripes,

Lawal didn't commit adultry, but maybe she is guilty of fornication. And where the hell is the father, or the fornicator?. Anyways, 100 strips don't lead to death and she'll be out in less than an hour with a couple of marks in her back.

Noone should be subjected to a crime withoout presenting the tool of the crime. How could she had sex with another, while that other unknown man is not being investigated or even known....? She could have easily been druged and raped in bed??? What a horrible lawyer do she have that can't think of ways to get her out of this mess.

I want to be a lawyer, I'm wasting away as an engineer.
Funny how Christianity's past is constantly assailed, especially when Christ never said anything about doing in non-believers, and yet Islam continues to get a pass with continuing atrocities such as this.
muslims are also christians dumbass. yet their version of the garden of eden does not implicate eve as the sole cause for being thrown out of the garden. adam was equally guilty.

if you're bent out of shape about christianity's past, we can fast forward to the present if you like. high leaders raping small children and church officials covering it up. the spanish petitioning the pope to cannonize queen isabel for converting so many people to christianity. inherent sexism of current church construct. hell, while we're on the topic let's take a trip through the good book itself. i took an entire college class on the sexism of the bible.

"In his daily Christian TV show, The 700 Club, Rev Pat Robertson portrays other religions in poor light. However, he exceeded all limits in his March 23, 1995, programme, when he labelled Hinduism as ‘demonic’ and advocated keeping Hindus out of America."

i have only this left to say: Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and Jimmy Swaggart
I think those guys are wrong. I don't think Hindus are on the right path, but I certainly do not share the belief they are evil.

On Adam and Eve, I love that one. I have played around with other Christians' minds with it. God gave two commands, multiply and replenish the earth and not to eat of the tree of good and evil. In order to keep one, they had to break the other. But to know good and evil, they would have to eat from the tree, until that time they did not know they difference, and therefore could not sin. I think Eve understood that in order for there to be life, they had to eat, otherwise nothing, therefore no need for Christ to suffer through the atonement and resurrection.
So? Stoning is merely a form of the death penalty.

Is it ethical to have capital punishment in the US at all? Think about that.