is islam a cult and not a religon???


Sir Vincent, knighted by HM
Registered Senior Member
lets analize islam

they go to a mosque on there knees to allah praying
rthymically moving as one and chanting as one

when i went to egypt on a 2week vacation 10 years ago
i was amazed to find i was a woken each morning seamed like 4,00 am
but the muslims say its 5.00 for the call to prayer
i was annoyed to be woken up with loudspeakers posted throughout the town that i was staying at

but even then i thought the way this guy is chanting over the loudspeaker he is hypnotising the locals with this religous crap

the brain is highly susceptible first thing in the morning you wake up like a drone, and then you here this drone like chanting

it reminds me of the story of the pied piper
he whistled his flute and the rats followed him

are not muslims guilty of forcing there religon down other peoples throats with this call to prayer thing i mean non muslims are woken up with this crap everyday

now in the west we have to accomodate muslim demands when they live in our countries

in the uk mecca bingo had to change its name the name it had for a bout 80 years, because it offended muslims it associated gambling with mecca.

a uk citizen had too take a ornamental pig from her window because it offended muslim neighbours

it seams too me the west is bending over backwards too please our muslim friends, but in muslim countries we are forcefed there religon with the call too prayer

are we trying to please our muslim friends too much to the extent ou own cultures of freedom are being eroded

is islam a cult, maybe this would explain why they have so many willing terroists

even japan suicide bombers in world war 2 asked themselves why they were doing this thing, some refused too

but muslim suicide bombers never ask about the sanity of doing these acts
they are so brainwashed that they think they are serving god
working for her majesty secret sevice,
i have infiltrated many cults and organizations.

and after infiltrating islam on many occations, i would have to agree islam is a cult

i am currently infiltrating al queda cells in the uk, and ahave been amazed at there brainwashing tactics.
bond i dont need you too bash muslim terroists, i am doing great by myself

but the moonies, and doomsday cult all share islams eventual fate,
that is the destruction of another sad cult, whose followers have been brainwashed and misguided.

Please do an internet search and find out some of the characteristics of a cult. Cults generally advocate cutting all connections with family and friends. They usually demand absolute allegiance to a particular, living, human leader. etc.

Islam doesn't fit the bill.
A ''religion'' is the same as a ''cult'' - simply with more political power. Get enough political power, your status in the dictionary gets changed!
gravity i thought you put me on your good buddy ignore list

but here you are kicking me with your gravity boots on

its time you took them off and floated into space

my point is this it becomes a cult when muslims become so obssessed with it they
can kill in the name of islam

muslims also have grave difficulty in poking fun at there religon,
and also find it very difficult to accept that there religon is being hijacked by the minority

there are many catholic comedians poking fun at the catholic religon
i too can have a sad laugh at the pathetic paedophile priests
however muslims find it very difficult too see the humour in religon

in england there is a female muslim comedian who made worldwide news both on bbc world and cnn, because she dared to make fun about islam and crack jokes about it
that is sad when 1 comedian can get so much publicity for having the audacity to poke fun at islam

only people who are brainwashed
are devoid of humour

if islam was not so serious, maybe westerners could understand it better
Muslims dont poke fun at their religion because they respect it. why make fun of a religion you follow? People will be laughing at you and not with you.
"there religon is being hijacked by the minority"-and what do you mean by that? religion is a personal thing not something that anyone can take, the name of the religion can be abused and linked with bad things but the name of a religion is nothing compared to the belief? (no good at spelling)
Registered User (1 posts)

aka black rappa got his fingers burned once now using a alias

Redoubtable (1,170 posts)
alias25 (black rappa)
Registered User (1 posts)

Today, 12:33 PM
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Muslims dont poke fun at their religion because they respect it.

catholics also respect there religon but if you cannot joke about it or life
you are becoming a robot a member of a cult who is no longer able to see the funny side of life anymore

laughter is the most important thing to a healthy mind
so why are muslims devoid of it
Deus ex Machina (164 posts)

Registered User (1 posts)

my mistake alias could be gravity
falling back to earth with a thump after the stick of typed dynamite i posted to him
The people who inforce religion by harrasement or by the sword are sometimes called Zealots. Jews did the same thing against the Peganism of the Roman Empire. Hordes of Jew Zealots would kill people who believed in the Roman gods. Same thing with the Empire. They killed Jews.

Its the individuals that count. Not everyone is gonna agree with everyone else. A religion is just a group of ideas. it can be different for different people.

I believe in Jesus the son of God. But im not a Christian. I have seen many things that tend to move the focus on what really matters. I can have my beliefs and be a part or not be a part of a religion.

Note: the thing about the town call for prayer is that Early Muslims invaded the land and have a big influence. They pray 5 times a day facing Mecca. So thats just a tradition they have.
camphlps: The people who inforce religion by harrasement or by the sword are sometimes called Zealots.
M*W: Doesn't the Bible claim that Paul of Tarsus was a Zealot?
camphlps: Jews did the same thing against the Peganism of the Roman Empire. Hordes of Jew Zealots would kill people who believed in the Roman gods. Same thing with the Empire. They killed Jews.
M*W: Paul of Tarsus was a Roman citizen. I've read where Paul and his family were practicing pagans. Is this true? What's the difference between a pagan and a Christian?
camphlps: I believe in Jesus the son of God. But im not a Christian.
M*W: Wait a minute. You say you believe in Jesus, the Son of God, but you're not a Christian? Get outta the city! How can that be? How can you say you're not a Christian? Isn't that blasphemy? Aren't you afraid of going to Hell?

I have seen many things that tend to move the focus on what really matters. I can have my beliefs and be a part or not be a part of a religion.

Note: the thing about the town call for prayer is that Early Muslims invaded the land and have a big influence. They pray 5 times a day facing Mecca. So thats just a tradition they have.[/QUOTE]