Is ice mentioned in the Bible?


pubic diorama
Valued Senior Member
I did an on-line search for the term, but didn't find anything. Could it be that the Bible looks as it should if it were written by people that had never before seen ice? This is especially interesting, since wasn't Jesus supposed to be able to walk on water? Scientists now think that a frozen surface was possible, given the climate at the time. Eskimos would not have thought this a miracle.
Biblical accounts of Jesus walking on water include boats and waves and other water related activity.
I did an on-line search for the term, but didn't find anything. Could it be that the Bible looks as it should if it were written by people that had never before seen ice? This is especially interesting, since wasn't Jesus supposed to be able to walk on water? Scientists now think that a frozen surface was possible, given the climate at the time. Eskimos would not have thought this a miracle.

Snow is mentioned in the scriptures.
I did an on-line search for the term, but didn't find anything. Could it be that the Bible looks as it should if it were written by people that had never before seen ice? This is especially interesting, since wasn't Jesus supposed to be able to walk on water? Scientists now think that a frozen surface was possible, given the climate at the time. Eskimos would not have thought this a miracle.

You talking to the Ice Man again. I-nu-it . Leave it on the ground spidy. WE might have to teach you how to give heart. Yeah let Me consult my Mayan buddies and see if we can arrange an appointment on the old heart cutting slab at the top of the temple . I am sure we can rip your faithless no hope dragon heart of a non believer out of you at a real reasonable rate. Make you a Borg filled with nothing but love.
spider, it's very clear from the context of that scripture that it's pertaining to what some would call a "miracle" resulting from faith. it doesn't take a lot of faith or a miracle to walk on ice. it would require faith that the ice was a particular thickness, but not faith in god. do you agree?
M*W: I think Jesus walking on water is a metaphor for the sun's reflection on water, but then that's just me.
M*W: Do the temperatures in the areas where the bible was written actually get below freezing? Do we actually know where the bible was written? Even Rome doesn't get below freezing as a rule. So how can there be ice in the bible?
M*W: Do the temperatures in the areas where the bible was written actually get below freezing? Do we actually know where the bible was written? Even Rome doesn't get below freezing as a rule. So how can there be ice in the bible?

Here you go.


I did an on-line search for the term, but didn't find anything. Could it be that the Bible looks as it should if it were written by people that had never before seen ice? This is especially interesting, since wasn't Jesus supposed to be able to walk on water? Scientists now think that a frozen surface was possible, given the climate at the time. Eskimos would not have thought this a miracle.

M*W: Do the temperatures in the areas where the bible was written actually get below freezing? Do we actually know where the bible was written? Even Rome doesn't get below freezing as a rule. So how can there be ice in the bible?

I almost laughed when I saw this until I realized you were serious.

There are seven references it "ice" in the scriptures.
that's very poetic. :m:

I think it means he wet himself. Is that poetic in it's own way too? :p

On topic - if it was ice wouldn't the water have been visibly different in appearance to any onlookers, and therefore they may have suspected they could follow?

It was the middle east, we're probably talking about the worlds first oil pipeline.
"But my brothers are as undependable as intermittent streams, as the streams that overflow when darkened by thawing ice and swollen with melting snow..."

Job 6:15-16

"He spreads the snow like wool and scatters the frost like ashes. He hurls down his hail like pebbles. Who can withstand his icy blast?"

Psalm 147:16-17

Even the Israelites had mountains, and snow and ice did accumulate there sometimes.
Do the temperatures in the areas where the bible was written actually get below freezing? Do we actually know where the bible was written? Even Rome doesn't get below freezing as a rule. So how can there be ice in the bible?

At night.

The ancient Egyptians, who lived even closer to the Equator than the people of Rome, used a couple of scientific principles to manufacture ice. They made shallow, porous, clay bowls. They filled them with water and placed them on rooftops in the evenings. The water would wet the underside of these bowls, and the evaporation from the underside as well as from the water's surface would suck some heat from the bowls/water. The cloudless night skies would not reflect any heat radiating into space back down to earth, including the bowls. This combined loss of heat would promote ice to form on the surface of the water, which the Egyptians would collect in the morning.
you are just mean...
Post references please.
my search returned three results..

Let me check them verses other translations.

So far the same 3 in Job.

Ps. 147:17

He is throwing his ice like morsels.

Ez. 1:22
And over the heads of the living creatures there was the likeness of an expanse like the sparkle of awesome ice,

Scratch the other two those were reference bible citations. So actually 5