Is Henry VIII's English Church breaking up?

Billy T

Use Sugar Cane Alcohol car Fuel
Valued Senior Member
"According to The times on Oct.21, as many as 1,000 priests could quit the Church of England and thousands more may leave churches in America and Australia under bold proposals to welcome Anglicans to Rome. ...

Under the plan, the Pope will issue an apostolic constitution, a form of papal decree, that will lead to the creation of "personal ordinariates" for Anglicans who convert to Rome.

These will provide a legal framework to allow Anglicans to enter full communion with the Catholic Church while preserving distinctive elements of their Anglican identity, such as liturgy. Clergy will have to be retrained and re-ordained, since Rome regards Anglican orders as "absolutely null and utterly void", but they will be granted their own seminaries to train future priests for the new ordinariate. ..."

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I thought this was very interesting a quite a bold move for a relatively conservative Pope.
I'd like to see inside his head right now... Is he just trying to refill the ranks of those he lost? Is he trying to topple the Church of England? Is he trying to consolidate power and this is just a first step? What is he trying to do?
Start of Economist article at:


"SINCE the Church of England voted 17 years ago to admit women to the priesthood, disenchanted individual members of the 80m-strong worldwide Anglican Communion have been quietly converting to Roman Catholicism. Since 2003, when the Episcopalian church, the American branch of the Communion, first ordained an openly gay bishop, the number of alienated conservatives has been swollen by those dismayed by their Church’s growing tolerance of homosexuality.

Many traditionalist Anglicans, nevertheless, have held back, reluctant to sacrifice their liturgy and heritage. On October 20th Pope Benedict offered them a way out of their unease and into the Catholic church. In so doing, he created a new headache for the beleaguered Anglican leadership—and resuscitated an old conundrum for the Vatican. ..."
"According to The times on Oct.21, as many as 1,000 priests could quit the Church of England and thousands more may leave churches in America and Australia under bold proposals to welcome Anglicans to Rome. ...

Under the plan, the Pope will issue an apostolic constitution, a form of papal decree, that will lead to the creation of "personal ordinariates" for Anglicans who convert to Rome.

These will provide a legal framework to allow Anglicans to enter full communion with the Catholic Church while preserving distinctive elements of their Anglican identity, such as liturgy. Clergy will have to be retrained and re-ordained, since Rome regards Anglican orders as "absolutely null and utterly void", but they will be granted their own seminaries to train future priests for the new ordinariate. ..."

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From the frying pan into the fire.

Hopefully some will just leave the church of england and not go to the catholic church. Hope some come to trust and believe Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
He's a smart Pope. More politically minded than his predecessor. I predict we'll see a strengthening of the Vatican under him. He wants to consolidate the Christians. He'll take anyone who wants in.