Is hell a good representation of Romans 12:21?

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Valued Senior Member
Is hell a good representation of Romans 12:21?

God cannot create good people who will not sin. A slight glitch in God’s creative technique that believers attribute to his giving us free will. Out our free will does not include our ability to choose not to sin. This is obvious as we are told that we are all born sinners and that all of us are condemned because of this glitch. If even one of us could not sin, we would all know about it.

While reading, I came across this verse. Romans 12:21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

Hell is not usually considered a good thing.

Further, we are told that we are to emulate God in all ways. Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

If this is so, should we, in seeking to be as perfect as God, ignore Romans 12:21 and do as God does and return evil for evil?

If God does not follow his own good advice, does that mean that we do not need to either?

Should we be following Romans 12:21 and ignoring Matthew 5:48 or following Matthew 5:48 and ignoring Romans 12:21. Clearly we cannot follow both as they are contradicting each other.

Should God return good for evil or should he return evil for evil?
