Is hell a good place?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Is hell a good place?

We cannot know how the first iniquity demonstrated itself but we can know that rebellion begins with questioning the status quo.

The moment God was questioned in any way, he responded with an evil punishment.
Evil as I class it in any case. He does not tolerate anyone doing their will, if it does not comply with his will. Obey or else. Not quite what scriptures say he should be doing.

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

It would seem that God let himself be overcome by evil and responded with evil. Or evil must be good. God created the first division in his once united kingdom.
It appears that God does not follow his own good advise. Or does he? If God was following his WORD, then hell must be a good place somehow.
Strange but true.

Are their any theists who would like to show how this is not back sliding?
That is of course, a rhetorical question as back sliding cannot be denied.

Was God overcome by evil?
Did God follow his literal WORD or not?
Should we?

Is hell a good place or is Gods WORD worthless since he himself ignores them and breaks his own laws?

Pronouncements of truth and fact such as hell have no substance to work with.

That they "might be" is also just something merely declared without fact. No go.
Pronouncements of truth and fact such as hell have no substance to work with.

That they "might be" is also just something merely declared without fact. No go.

Does your mind have substance , or your mental process have substance ?

When you say truth , you have to specify about some action , Fact becomes as two or more person have the same experience. S
So I don't think your statement have legs to stand.
Is hell a good place?

We cannot know how the first iniquity demonstrated itself but we can know that rebellion begins with questioning the status quo.

The moment God was questioned in any way, he responded with an evil punishment.
Evil as I class it in any case. He does not tolerate anyone doing their will, if it does not comply with his will. Obey or else. Not quite what scriptures say he should be doing.

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

It would seem that God let himself be overcome by evil and responded with evil. Or evil must be good. God created the first division in his once united kingdom.
It appears that God does not follow his own good advise. Or does he? If God was following his WORD, then hell must be a good place somehow.
Strange but true.

Are their any theists who would like to show how this is not back sliding?
That is of course, a rhetorical question as back sliding cannot be denied.

Was God overcome by evil?
Did God follow his literal WORD or not?
Should we?

Is hell a good place or is Gods WORD worthless since he himself ignores them and breaks his own laws?


What do you have against God, Heave you meat with Him, did He do anything evil to you. So why do you pick on some one you have not meat.
Does your mind have substance , or your mental process have substance ?

When you say truth , you have to specify about some action , Fact becomes as two or more person have the same experience. S
So I don't think your statement have legs to stand.

See brain science.

People's internal thoughts and sensations do not mean fact of external. And they even contradict.
Supposition of God's existence. Speaking as if God exists. Dishonest.

Supposition as He does not exist ? Dishonest.

What is real to me, might not be real to you and viseversa .

The day man make a living cell from carbon hydrogen ,oxygen , phosphorus and other elements then I might take your word seriously.
Supposition as He does not exist ? Dishonest.

There's no 'He' that can be shown that can even be considered as anything. Want to discuss an empty word that is only a placeholder for nothing?

Producing cells is not far off, if not already done.
See brain science.

People's internal thoughts and sensations do not mean fact of external. And they even contradict.

Please speak so this foreigner might understand you, in order to answer properly

If I predict some think it is not a fact until materialize ?

What do you think about Israel?
What do you have against God, Heave you meat with Him, did He do anything evil to you. So why do you pick on some one you have not meat.

The only thing I have against an imaginary God is imaginary blame for what he has done to imaginary victims.

Now if he were real, I do have a bullet with his name on it.
He deserves nothing less.

There's no 'He' that can be shown that can even be considered as anything. Want to discuss an empty word that is only a placeholder for nothing?

Producing cells is not far off, if not already done.

Are you really a science writer ?

I follow science a little , I am not familiar with what you know , I very much would like to reed your source on chemistry and biochemistry.
The only thing I have against an imaginary God is imaginary blame for what he has done to imaginary victims.

Now if he were real, I do have a bullet with his name on it.
He deserves nothing less.


I know today is Saturday and some people relax drinking. What have you been drinking .
Again I did not understand your sentences , If you can not make better tray Spanish or Russian
Are you really a science writer ?

I follow science a little , I am not familiar with what you know , I very much would like to reed your source on chemistry and biochemistry.

Science can be found on the internet, but don't go to Creationist web sites, for they don't do any science.

As for language 'God' seems to me like a meaningless word, such as 'xxzqbd', for it does not stand for anything known.

Israel is OK but for their made-up God stuff.
Is hell a good place?

We cannot know how the first iniquity demonstrated itself but we can know that rebellion begins with questioning the status quo.

The moment God was questioned in any way, he responded with an evil punishment.
Evil as I class it in any case. He does not tolerate anyone doing their will, if it does not comply with his will. Obey or else. Not quite what scriptures say he should be doing.

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

It would seem that God let himself be overcome by evil and responded with evil. Or evil must be good. God created the first division in his once united kingdom.
It appears that God does not follow his own good advise. Or does he? If God was following his WORD, then hell must be a good place somehow.
Strange but true.

Are their any theists who would like to show how this is not back sliding?
That is of course, a rhetorical question as back sliding cannot be denied.

Was God overcome by evil?
Did God follow his literal WORD or not?
Should we?

Is hell a good place or is Gods WORD worthless since he himself ignores them and breaks his own laws?


I think you need a new hobby. If you REALLY want to stir the pot post this crap on a forum that is more geared towards religion, not a science forum.
The only thing I have against an imaginary God is imaginary blame for what he has done to imaginary victims.

Now if he were real, I do have a bullet with his name on it.
He deserves nothing less.


Dude seriously . Well I got more than one bullet. Bring it on

O.K. O.K. don't get your panties in a bunch . We could talk about it .

Why you want to kill god . Your circle is way to small anyway . Lets see ? There is a crank you can a-line with . He said he would kick the fuck out of Jesus if he comes back . O.K. O.K. I am trying to remember .4 cubed earth guy I think . I got to check on that . Maybe I can dig up a link

Now this guy is whacked . I don't he is going to be jumping Me though . Never know ? I had a psychotic person jump me from behind before . I fared o.k. I am here am I not .

Here you go you bosom butt buddy

Crankery at its finest
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Science can be found on the internet, but don't go to Creationist web sites, for they don't do any science.

U son;t go to Creationist web, I look into science U am a subscriber and a member if science journal , so far you are bluffing

Israel is OK but for their made-up God stuff.

Here is some think for you to chew If God would nor be real , there would not be Israel
hell is not an evil place, it's where evil is sent as punishment, it is probably made up of your worst fears. No one will ever know the truth of it till death though.
Hell Mi.

Hell was first settled in 1838 by George Reeves and his family. George had a wife and 7 daughters – no reason to call it Hell yet… George built a mill and a general store on the banks of a river that is now known as Hell Creek…

The mill would grind the local farmers grain into flour; George also ran a whiskey still, so a lot of times the first 7-10 bushels of grain became moonshine.

In turn, horses would come home without riders, wagons without drivers….someone would say to the wife, where is your husband?

She’d shrug her shoulders, throw up her arms and exclaim, Ahh, he’s gone to Hell!”
In 1841 when the State of Michigan came by, and asked George what he wanted to name his town, he replied, “Call it Hell for all I care, everyone else does.” So the official date of becoming Hell was October 13, 1841.
