Is heaven for real........?


Just a dumb hillbilly...
Registered Senior Member
Anybody here have first-hand experience.......? Or is it just something you hope for?
spidergoat said:
I was there before I was born, but I forget what it's like.

Me too. It's possible to remember heaven if you really love someone. Heaven is not in another person, but because we think we're only a body, we also think God is a body. Only one side can be manifested at the same time because of material restrictions ...a man or a woman... The other side, our complementary half, is still inside of us, but invisible, lost in our consciousness.

But because of our body, we think God, our complementary half is in this world, in another human being, the one who manifests the opposite pole. Two bodies can never melt together though. Our complementary half, God, can only be inside ourselves. When I don't speak, the speaking is invisible, and reversed. If the two sides didn't exist at the same time at the same place, existence wouldn't be possible. How could there be up without down?

What flows through the two magnetic poles constitutes life.
itopal said:
Heaven is pure love and an eternal power, existing as the manifestation of god’s hope for those destined to enjoy the fruit therein. When we conceive of this pureness it enters our soul completing us making it our destiny. If you let this truthful relationship find its way into you - you will enjoy the knowing of heaven now; and the contentment of a destiny realized.

Beautiful words are seldom true.
itopal said:
My comment/point was you make no sense and this stuff is pure farce,
either you make it up as you go along or someone else has made it up
out of thin air as well.

Um... actually I was just telling a normal thing and I had a clear point with it. But I guess it's a bit hard to understand. I'm so bad at explaining things.
I plan on visiting there after I visit Santa Claus at the North Pole. I will let you know what it is like then Marv...
First of all - Nice Avatar Diesel !!

As for heaven, that is a place inside of our hearts that never dies.

Heaven is what keeps your beautiful heart beating, or what breathes for you when you forget to.
And if you refuse to except the fact, then you have only inflicted it upon yourself.

Personally I see it as a mass conciousness, there is no time unless you want it, no pain unless you really feel that you need to feel it, no consuming other than that of the perception learned in time from other entities, nothing to fear within yourself and other entitities.
If you want white clouds and you think you deserve them, then that is what you get.
again it is the separation of opposites. 'heaven' is allthetime summer...allthetimeblossoming.....allthetimenopain....etc

hell is allthetimesuffering...allthetimeweepinandgnashinofteeth

put the two togetheeeer and whadayagot?
