Is gods view on humanity "evolving"?


Registered Senior Member
If we believe what predominately Christian theists believe.. Then God created the world in 7 days... his last creation being man... Then less than 1500-2000 years later he is so unhappy with his creations he decides to wipe them all out with the exception of Noah and his immediate family...

After the blood tides subside and some time later Jesus is born a Jew... he is raised under rabbinic law.... But at some point AGAIN god feels his people are falling by the wayside and lets Jesus die for mans sins and releases a whole new book on the way we should live....

Surely God could have got it right first time around? or has here merely been "evolving" his views on how we should progress....

Simple seems to be a few problems were made during the design stage at least??!!!

:confused: :confused:
Ya, I dont think you comply understand why Jesus died the way he did, or for that matter why Jesus ever came around.
Jesus' sole purpose on this earth was to die, he needed to remove the original sin that Adam had instilled upon us so that we can share in the splendors of heaven and drink in the presence of God, to do this he needed to suffer for all our sins, and he did hell.
And while he was on earth Jesus wasn't just gonna sit on his thumb and wait for death, he was gonna clear up some misconceptions about our faith, not rewrite the way we should live, the way we supposed to live was already written, ie Moses.
So -irrelevant-

Love thy neighbor is a misconception for an "eye for an eye", etc, then?

Before Christianity God was portrayed as an angry, wrathful and vengeful deity. People lived in terror of what would happen to them if they did something wrong. Christianity tried to re-write all of that by attempting to show God as a god of love. However, that really didn't work very well until the last 200 years or so. Most of the past 2000 years people were still terrorized by the Christian God idea, a god that would throw them into hell to suffer the torment of fire and brimstone.

Christianity is evolving into irrelevance as science shows us more and more about reality. The idea of a vengeful god is rapidly losing credibility, and the idea of demons and devils only make sense in fiction based TV programs like Buffy.

Less than 100 years ago atheists were seen as wicked and very few would ever confess to being of that persuasion. Now it is not such a stigma to openly state such disbeliefs, and even to the point of having organized atheist organizations, something that would have been unthinkable in the Western world a few decades ago. Combine that with the recent massive splintering of competing and increasingly disparate Christian cults, and we can see the obvious downward evolving spiral of Christianity into chaos and irrelevance.

It isn't God that is evolving but people’s ideas that are changing in a desperate attempt to make sense of something that is nonsense.
Yes mans view of god is evolving... taking into account all the displays of extelligence that we now display.... however.. my point is... that surely god has revised his original plans for man... or we have got madly astray somewhere as he felt compulsed to wipe out all fauna and flora at least once....

-rellevant- = [Q]Ya, I dont think you comply understand why Jesus died the way he did, or for that matter why Jesus ever came around.
Jesus' sole purpose on this earth was to die, he needed to remove the original sin that Adam had instilled upon us [/Q]

So according to this god created a flawed creation in Adam.. being able to commit "original sin" or that he felt something might change in the following peroid and was so disappointed again he brought about the advent of Jesus?!

God seems to make mistake time and time again... and also seems desperate for us NOT to have proof of him..... remember how he treated those building the tower of babel?!

Katazia.. i do agree... however.. no matter how much christianity has "evolved" it is still rooted in the fire and brimstone vengeful god mentality....

Surely philosophy's are better to believe and adhere too.... rather than faith based uncompromising religions?!
A few things...
First I totally agree with you, Katazia. Man's view of God is changing, no need for me to add onto that idea, your arguement will suffice.
And Funky, Yes God created us with the capacity to create original sin. I do not consider that a mistake though. What I consider a mistake was Adam being tempted into commiting the sin. God created and gave us free will, this free will allows us to believe in God or deny him, worship him or not. If God hadn't given us free will there would have been no point in creating us at all, unless He wanted an army of mindless drones to prostrate themselves before him.
And lastly if God ever revealed himself to us, there would be no excuse to deny him and thus removing our free will.
Oh and I believe you have your last line " based uncompromising religions?!" totally wrong. "umcompromising religions" are based on faith, not the other way around.
[Q]What I consider a mistake was Adam being tempted into committing the sin. God created and gave us free will, this free will allows us to believe in God or deny him, worship him or not. If God hadn't given us free will there would have been no point in creating us at all[/Q]

Mistake? Surely we were meant to be created in Gods image... and we never had a moment to ask how or why he had created us.... Free Will... I like it... but not at the cost of setting us a task that cannot be achieved without "faith" and then setting obstacles in the way like "original sin". Also I am impressed that you seem to imply that there WAS a point in god creating us.... please enlighten me as no where have I found this so far....

[Q]And lastly if God ever revealed himself to us, there would be no excuse to deny him and thus removing our free will. [/Q]

No reason to deny him... but maybe reason to question him? Maybe still opportunities for those that feel uncompelled with his argument to turn away... but as for removing our free will... I'm sorry I don't see how the two equate?!

[Q]Oh and I believe you have your last line " based uncompromising religions?!" totally wrong. "uncompromising religions" are based on faith, not the other way around[/Q]

I love it... just attack the semantics and not the sentiment.....

What religion is not uncompromising??!! philosophies need not be.. but religion by setting "religious law" are starting from an uncompromising position.... with priests usually starting with a variation of "god told me to tell you..........."