Is God subject to cause and effect


Registered Member
My statement: There is no free will.

We are all results of an infinite chain of events. Our thoughts themselves are concieved by chemical events within our brains, which act upon one another. Our lives, jobs and loves are all a result of events. Is there a beginning to these events, a first cause? Well there would have to be right? Well if so does cause and effect effect God? Does God hold free will? This question is of course on the assumption that God exist of course. Even being outside of space and time, does God stand outside the chain of effects? For those who believe in God would have to say he is the first cause. To create an effect would to be a cause, wouldn't he be acting on a result of an effect? :confused:
soulmind666 said:
My statement: There is no free will.

We are all results of an infinite chain of events. Our thoughts themselves are concieved by chemical events within our brains, which act upon one another. Our lives, jobs and loves are all a result of events. Is there a beginning to these events, a first cause? Well there would have to be right? Well if so does cause and effect effect God? Does God hold free will? This question is of course on the assumption that God exist of course. Even being outside of space and time, does God stand outside the chain of effects? For those who believe in God would have to say he is the first cause. To create an effect would to be a cause, wouldn't he be acting on a result of an effect? :confused:

To be or not to be, that is the question. And that is the choice quite frankly.

You move towards death or life. Sex starts your conception. Your father has an orgasm inside your mum. From that point it's up to you son. But wait, the world is crap! Work, frustration, death, wars, murder, rape, peadophiles, theives, meddlers blah blah. We are stuffed before we start. But wait again, lets look at our first movements. We are placed on a breast. Our mums having gone through the most evil pain cos our dad came in her. What joy! But you are your mother's joy. And your father's pride. His seed. There seems to be an enemy of man out there. Wars, death, murder etc etc. How did it all go so bad? I know you have kept out of trouble but what of that evil out there? How can it be allowed to happen? I shall tell you. God is patient. Very patient. Like a father waiting for the children he has told to "Be still!" to actually be still so he can read them a story. But what of evil men? Can they be saved? With God all things are possible. Jesus' death makes it possible for anyone who repents of their wickedness. The blood covers it. This is the Good News of which I was speaking.


We are the result of an infinite chain of events, but we also have free will, since this chain of events is not completely deterministic, there is always uncertainty at some level. The principle of cause and effect implies that there could never be a first cause. There might be some kind of organization to everything that you could call God, but outside of the system of cause and effect, there is nothing for him to do. That is why the Taoists prefer a concept of the organizing principle as passive. God doesn't cause events, he is the event, the cause and the effect itself.

Even your life has no clear beginning, to understand your conception, you have to understand everything that went before, there are no real boundries between them. Humans created the concept of God as a manifestation of our future hope, that one day we will find a balance and harmony with each other and the natural world, a system of social organization that is sustainable, like the ants, one that we might have enjoyed millenia ago, but which we lost due to our rapid evolution. It was the life of Jesus and so many other wise people that grasped the futility of our current state, and suggested a better way. At Jesus' death, he realized the culmination of his philosophy, a complete surrender to the unity of existence, and therefore the transcendence of death, which is purely conceptual. The good news is that between God and us, there is no boundry, nothing that must be done except an opening of the mind to the wonder around and inside, and surrender of the idea of self, pretty much the same thing Buddha said.
soulmind666 said:
My statement: There is no free will.
what would be the point of living then?
Even being outside of space and time, does God stand outside the chain of effects?
illogical,how could anything be outside of time and space?where exactly would G be?
also,for anything to happen you need time!
read the"Draygombs paradox"
soulmind666 said:
My statement: There is no free will.

We are all results of an infinite chain of events. Our thoughts themselves are concieved by chemical events within our brains, which act upon one another. Our lives, jobs and loves are all a result of events. Is there a beginning to these events, a first cause? Well there would have to be right? Well if so does cause and effect effect God? Does God hold free will? This question is of course on the assumption that God exist of course. Even being outside of space and time, does God stand outside the chain of effects? For those who believe in God would have to say he is the first cause. To create an effect would to be a cause, wouldn't he be acting on a result of an effect? :confused:
If so, that would be creating an infinite chain of events. So in this case, there would be no "first event". If every cause has an event behind it, we must have an infinite loop of cause and event. Otherwise, we have a paradox.
God is related to religion, but the concept of God is a general philosophical question. Everyone has questioned the existance of God, be it a theist or an atheist. It's a major question in philosophy and it may be discussed in the general forums. It is also often good to avoid the confusion of many different religious perspectives, which often goes on in the "religion" forums. Note that my discussion of the nature of God in this section are much more general than Christian, even tough I am a Christian.

Besides, religion and spirituality are two different things. Religion is more linekd to tradition, while spirituality is more broad and true to everyone, to a certain degree. Religion is to spirituality as politics is to life.
First to start:
what would be the point of living then?

There really isn't a universally defined point to living, we all make are own individual reasons to go on.

illogical, clearly time and space are simply dimensions in a definite space, how can you state that nothing lies beyond these dimensions.
Hi GOD, If U r reading this then try ansrin this U smartAss.

What about the free will of most of the people that pray U to stop all the pain and suffering of all ?