Is God real? What is God(s)? Which God? Why should we worship him and How? the point?


For many centuries, it is in human nature to worship and treasure someone or something, we dont settle down by natural means (natural in a sense of tegetherness, food, and violence for survival), for us that is not enough, we have a "strong emotion" that drives us to look for "something else"...

"Apart from God we are lost"....Ever since the sin of Adam and Eve, human race have been separated from the connection with God...

Take all the world cultures for example (lets leave religion out for a moment). For thousands of years (historically speaking), humans have always found something to lay their strong emotions to, if they see a cow in front of them, then sory cow your gonna be worshipped, if its the way they eat, then eating wont just be as easy but must wash hands, bow down, take sandals out, etc. as it is in many cultures from japan to europe.
It is like when you have a girlfriend whom you dearly love, and when she leaves you, you need a rebound otherwise you will be extremely deppressed because you will not be able to express the strong emotion she gave you...

Take all the world cultures and observe them, from the west to the east, from natives in south america to japan. Observe and learn that people feel lost unless there is something or someone they lay their heart to, human interactions isnt enough, or even food, we crave for more..If that emotions isnt settled in religion, it is settled in sports, in science, or in fashion and materials...
In japan, people are very well disciplined, there is strict rules you have to follow before and after meals, greeting high postion people..But whats the point? Why does the human race do these? Does reasons even have room here? You know why, because we feel lost if we dont make rituals and practices, thats a strong emotion that we have...
ALL cultures are a slave to worship of "something something" otherwise we feel lost without such practice...

You guys dont understand the concept of "God" and gods..

There are many gods...Some gods are immortal, some gods arent, some gods are 1000 years old trees, some gods are 80 yrs old man...There is a god called "Belzebul" in the old, the hindu gods, etc.
Anything can be a god, thats how they refer to back then as something you worship, trust, hope, and treasure in your heart, and that can mean anyone and anything...
You might think that People back then are crazy to die for a god which is a statue of goat made out of gold and silver. A goat is made for food, but why do they go beyond the norm? Are people then really weird? Let's see....They are willing to die for it, worship it (by treasuring it dearly in their hearts), make songs about it, talk highly of it, they will even kill for it such as offering human sacrifice, whatever.
What about today? We have cars, which we used for transportation, do we go beyond the nomrs like what people back then do? Let's see...We hope that we can achieve better cars, better engine, we worship and treasure some cars, some of us are willing to die to obtain it, sacrifice marriage, even moral values..You will steal to get them, cheat, even some will kill to own a ferrari, or 1 million dollars. Some of us talk highly about cars, we even make songs dedicated to cars with nice grills etc., take the rappers for example like Ludacris...this is the SPIRITS of the world.. I guess people back then isnt that weird after all, we are no better than them...This is what we call "IDOLATRY"..."Thou shall not have other gods before me"- Bible..

Again there are many gods, and the practices along with those gods are abomination to the real God, the truth. How is the God of Abraham the real God? In other words How is the God of humble, hardworking, faithfull, loving, and kind men the true God?
Because His ways are the right way to live, proper way of living, civilized manner, as a true father wants the best for his children, just as a true God will not teach us to hate each other and steal each others' goods...But then again, over the centuries, the human race have different concept of God, just as a kid has different concept of things until he matures...I will explain more later....

Why should I worship "God" and how? Whats the point?

Why is it so important to worship the "God" of Abraham? Or the christian God? Why cant I worship the ferrari god, or the cow god, or the snoop doggy dog god? What about the girls gone wild video tape god, why cant I worship them instead? Whats wrong with them?

Sofa or Television is not a sin, it is the love of Sofa and Television that makes it a sin...Also, it is not the thing or the something that you worship that makes it a sin. It is the result of it that makes it a sin.
What is the result of worship in Karma Sutra? Perversion, which leads to saccrifice of human life, from losing family, to disrespecting women, rape in some case, losing focus in the meaning of life, etc..What is the result of worshipping a "violent" God? Violence, murder, justified because of their god, this is evident in the bible because they thought God is a violent God, and even today, this is visible through the muslim..What you "worship" in your heart, n other words what you treasure in your heart is where your god is, and what your god do is what you do..
For instance, if you worship Arnold Schwarzennerger, or Marvel Super Heroes, you immediately wanted to be buff and muscular, because they are your role model, and their action is the virtue in which you found appealing...

So why is it so important to worship the Christian God? Because worshipping Jesus means worshipping his deeds, and action, and what he do..And that is the virtues, beatitudes, moral guidelines, etc.

We can be saved through love and the virtues. Whether you carry the title "buddhism" or "hinduism", but you are judged by your virtues, your quality. However, it is very unlikely and unprobably for someone to worship SNOOP DOG or MTV and have good virtues, is NOT perverted, and is very patient, because the MTV god doesnt teach any of that..

"See no evil, hear no evil, and SPEAK NO evil"...If you dont hear and see evil, then you will not DO EVIL EITHER BY TALKING, OR ACTING...

So what is my evidence that the Christian God, and the God of Abraham is the one and only true God?

The love he have shown, "As a true Father wants the best for His children and would willing to give up his very life to save him" just as a true God will do the same for his children...No other so-caled Gods have given the profound laws and guidelines effective in governing as Jesus did..

Another is that there is only One God, because all the other cultures, and religion, is not like the christians..
When the apostles were taught of the gospel, they were instructed to keep the event to themselves and tell others about it at a certain time. But people have so much conviction and excitement that they disobeyed Jesus and told everyone they met anyways, they testified Jesus healing, his words, and what he do..
Till this day, this tradition is carried out, ONLY CHRISTIANS IN THE WORLD RELIGION ARE SO CONFIDENT THAT JESUS IS THE LORD THAT THEY WILL GO IN EVERY CORNERS OF THE EARTH TO PROCLAIM IT, THEY ARE SO OVERWHELMED THAT THEY CANNOT KEEP IT TO THEMSELF...That proves that genuinity of our faith, the buddhist, the muslims, and other religions doesnt have that conviction, AS HISTORY SHOWS, even buddhism complains of the westerners evangelizing their own people...
Catsupyall, unless you actually make at least a halfhearted attempt to see where we're coming from, there can be no discussion.

Come on! Note all the high members here, even MODERATORS, who've decided to put you on their ignore lists. This is your last WAKEUP call.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?