Is God Narcissistic?


Registered Senior Member
I was riding the shuttle today and overheard a woman preaching about God and telling another person to praise him and bring him glory. The thought popped into my head that maybe God is the ultimate narcissist. Narcissist act much the same; wanting all of the praise and attention. That is what the bible preachs; to praise God in all of his glory.
There are different ways to interpolate just about any thing any one says.
If God is separate from you and me, then it would seem that Narcissistic is accurate. Creating beings to have them serve and worship the one who created
them is such an act, as well as an act to overcome loneliness. What is god if god is alone? No longer god, since no one is there to worship or admire.

If god is in all of us and we are altogether god, then to praise and worship god is to praise and worship all that lives as it is created by god. Then it is an act of unconditional love to praise and worship god, for praise and worship is a form of deep adoration and love, thus we love all life that is god, each and everyone of us, who collectively compose the beauty of creation in its highest expression.
How can a being that created man with the sole purpose of having them tell him how great he is not be Narcissistic?

Beats me!
I have thought that as well. But on further reflection, who requires God to be praised? Is it a function of God, or is a need of man. I would sugest to you it is man who has the need to praise God. God who created all things is not in need of praise or worship by one of his creations.
However, in order for man to experience something greater than him/herself, he must know humility. And praising God, is a path to humility.
Just my too cents. I think men, including myself, are too often guilty of arrogance. In order to grow spiritually and to experience something greater than ourselves, we have to minimize the self.
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The only thing left is an examination of the narcissism of the nature of the actual God.

Sort of odd.
God who created all things is not in need of praise or worship by one of his creations.

Of course having said that, that all these insignificant little creatures exist - that this god supposedly created them in the first place, does indeed hint at a need on its part.
I'd think god would be suicidal, If he's ommniscent and Ommnipotent, the only thing that should therefore interest him, is to see whether he could die.
I was raised that everything was created for the glory of god. Humans were created to glorify him.

Very narcissistic I'm sure. Personally I think he just got bored and needed something to play with. If I believed in him that is. ;)