Is God All Around You?

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Is God All Around You?

Yes He is, and He has installed a Nanny-Cam in your shower. The footage is available to people who subscribe to His porn website. :p

So what if he is? What's the point here?

I don't think there is one.
No. I am surrounded by air and I see no god.

But define 'God' - perhaps this thing is the same as air.
God, or the combined energy and consciousness of all that is, is of course air too.
god exists because we do, all sharing the same conciousness, universally bound. we are the imagination of ourselves and there is nothing to be afraid of. ever.

organised religion can go ... itself
You mean unnecessary? Well no, because it gives the singular entity the possibility to grow within it, to enlarge its consciousness and become aware of all that is. It is a constant flow from unconsciousness to consciousness and then back again, a pulse of a consciousness becoming aware of itself.

Beb - Unnecessary, redundant, superfluous – whatever!

But what you suggest is only speculation though, right?

It looks more like individual conscious entities could grow, expand and merge to become an eventual single entity. And for now we appear to be merely at the growing stage before any universal single entity exists.
Has noone here met the personal God?

Has noone here, met the God who created teh universe, by speaking it into existence, and then revealing himself to His creation, through many prophets, and then fulfilling those prophesies hundreds of years later. Finally revealing himself in the flesh, when Jesus Christ walked upon the Earth.

God is not a universal consciousness, he is a personal being, that desires a personal relationship with each and everyone. There is no one too wicked, to come to Him, through Jesus. That is why Jesus went to the Cross, to pay for all of our wickedness. For every human that has ever lived, that has had a human father, has sinned, and earned damnation to themselves, but Jesus paid the price for us, so we won't have to.

It is by trusting in Jesus finished work, that our sins are forgiven, and our ticket to heaven is "purchased", and then God begins a work of changing our personality, to quell the rebellion that exists in each one of us, to conform us into the mindframe of Jesus Christ, the only person who ever lived a perfect life on earth.
Re: Has noone here met the personal God?

Originally posted by biblthmp
Has noone here, met the God who created teh universe, by speaking it into existence, and then revealing himself to His creation, through many prophets, and then fulfilling those prophesies hundreds of years later. Finally revealing himself in the flesh, when Jesus Christ walked upon the Earth.

God is not a universal consciousness, he is a personal being, that desires a personal relationship with each and everyone. There is no one too wicked, to come to Him, through Jesus. That is why Jesus went to the Cross, to pay for all of our wickedness. For every human that has ever lived, that has had a human father, has sinned, and earned damnation to themselves, but Jesus paid the price for us, so we won't have to.

It is by trusting in Jesus finished work, that our sins are forgiven, and our ticket to heaven is "purchased", and then God begins a work of changing our personality, to quell the rebellion that exists in each one of us, to conform us into the mindframe of Jesus Christ, the only person who ever lived a perfect life on earth.

No,but if you have i suggest you get a double lobottomy and have all your walls covered in rubber wallpaper.
biblthmp, what a load of crap.
purchasing a ticket to heaven?! what the..?!
i appreciate the metaphor.. but c'mon..!

The image you've been brought up with is that 'eternal suffering awaits anyone who questions God's infinite love'...

spot the paradox....

Yes He is, and He has installed a Nanny-Cam in your shower. The footage is available to people who subscribe to His porn website.

If He has installed a Nanny-Cam in your shower, Xev, I'd like to know the web address!:D
Re: Has noone here met the personal God?

Originally posted by biblthmp
Has noone here, met the God who created teh universe, by speaking it into existence, and then revealing himself to His creation, through many prophets, and then fulfilling those prophesies hundreds of years later. Finally revealing himself in the flesh, when Jesus Christ walked upon the Earth.

God is not a universal consciousness, he is a personal being, that desires a personal relationship with each and everyone. There is no one too wicked, to come to Him, through Jesus. That is why Jesus went to the Cross, to pay for all of our wickedness. For every human that has ever lived, that has had a human father, has sinned, and earned damnation to themselves, but Jesus paid the price for us, so we won't have to.

It is by trusting in Jesus finished work, that our sins are forgiven, and our ticket to heaven is "purchased", and then God begins a work of changing our personality, to quell the rebellion that exists in each one of us, to conform us into the mindframe of Jesus Christ, the only person who ever lived a perfect life on earth.

Well it would seem that there are only the two of us here who HAVE met the Personal God and thank you for pointing it out.......I'd like to offer another way of looking at the gift of salvation:

its like we parked illigally and got a huge fine, in fact we got sentanced to death. Then Jesus comes along and say 'I'll pay that fine for you, I'll die for you so that you may be pardoned, the only thing you have to do is accept this gift of replacement' you accept, jesus dies, you are forgiven and (real christians) are so grateful for that payment that they want to show others this gift and try to show their appreciation to Jesus by living for him. its a tough concept for most people to grasp, but an awsome one once you have it!
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