Is God Absolutely Righteous?


Valued Senior Member
Yes or No?
If God is righteous, why did he allow evil to exist?
Let's say, a terrorist is going to detonate a bomb in a restaurant and kill dozens of innocent people, no one knows it except the terrorist himself and God (assuming God does exist and He is omniscient), however, the incident happens later and God does not do anything to stop it!
As we are sure, if a police would know it he certainly will do his job to stop the bombing, isn't it?
In this case, is God righteous or as evil as the terrorist?
Yes, God is righteous. He allowed evil because he allowed free will. and in some cases, an act of evil could prevent futuristic larger acts of evil, if that makes sense.
He allowed evil because he allowed free will

So he allowed evil so we could have free will, but what hasn't he allowed us? See my point?

In the eyes of God, a species perception of right and wrong merely comes from emerging out of caves and being forced to live together, otherwise a community simply wouldn't function if everyone had their own rules. It's silly of us to call the God evil or righteous IMO - These are just aspects he has applied to us, why should they also apply to him?

Again, I say this assuming there is a God in the first place...
God gave people freedom to choose, and an environment to interact with. For the most part, our lives are set in motion and we deal with the effects, and shape our own spirit out of the means provided. We shape our triumphs, our losses etc.

We will be seen according to---what degree we will govern ourselves, what we want, what we think, what we can become, when we are totally responsible for ourselves; and what nature we are more inclined to embrace. Malicious or we deal with opposition.

Basically all of the fruit of our being, the fruits being our works, our desires, our thoughts, will attest to what kind of soul we are under judgement.

When given a tool, what do you do with it? Do you use it to provide for yourself and sustain yourself or do you run up on someone else, slaughter them and take all they have..

Life isn't to prove if God is righteous, it's to prove if we are.

Many people here are casualties to another persons selfishness unfortunatly, and are killed innocently. But the sword of justice will fall upon the heads of those who merit it.
God is like hitler in a way- evil and flawed as fucking possible, but presents an image of infallibility that the ignorant follow blindly and unswervingly.
God is entirely righteous, by one way of looking at it, or entirely neutral and insignificant by another.

If God is righteous, why did he allow evil to exist?

God does not allow evil to exist.

Let's say, a terrorist is going to detonate a bomb in a restaurant and kill dozens of innocent people, no one knows it except the terrorist himself and God (assuming God does exist and He is omniscient), however, the incident happens later and God does not do anything to stop it!

And why should God intervene so directly?

As we are sure, if a police would know it he certainly will do his job to stop the bombing ....

Nothing about the police tells us that they are either good or evil. Furthermore, the police are not God, even though they like to think they are.

In this case, is God righteous or as evil as the terrorist?

Possible answers include:
- Righteous
- Evil
- Both
- Neither
- Ice cream has no bones​

My personal assessment is relatively simple: Good and Evil are human assignations with real and practical values, but mean nothing to God. God simply is, or is not. Anything else and you're just trying to confuse yourself.
Bleed said:
Yes, God is righteous. He allowed evil because he allowed free will. and in some cases, an act of evil could prevent futuristic larger acts of evil, if that makes sense.
M*W: Oh, great. Another god-slinging christian on the forum. God ain't nuthin', friend. He's just a big fig newton in your head.
Bleed said:
Yes, God is righteous. He allowed evil because he allowed free will. and in some cases, an act of evil could prevent futuristic larger acts of evil, if that makes sense.
what about natural acts of god such as earthquakes tornadoes tsunami waves and all kinds of sicknesses in which innocent young babies or children die horrible painful death,no free will excuse there,god created the world with such natural evils so god cannot be righteous/good.
imo god doesnt exist anyway.not a good xian omni-one thats for sure
the assumption is that death (murder) is evil. that is an assumption from the human perspective that has been taught to fear death.