Is Eve God?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
The original Eve had no spouse except the serpent, a living phallus she created for her own sexual pleasure. Some ancient people regarded the Goddess and her serpent as their first parents. Sacred icons showed the Goddess giving life to a man, while her serpent coiled around the apple tree behind her. Deliberate misinterpretation of such icons produced ideas for revised creation myths like the one in Genesis. Some Jewish traditions of the first century BC, however, identified Jehovah with the serpent deity who accompanied the Mother in her garden. Sometimes she was Eve, sometimes her name was given as Nahemah, Naama, or Namrael, who gave birth to Adam without the help of any male, even the serpent.

Because Jehovah arrogantly pretended to be the sole Creator, Eve was obliged to punish him according to Gnostic scriptures, (although it does not say how). Though the Mother of All Living existed before everything, the God forgot she had made him and had given him some of her creative power. "He was even ignorant of his own Mother.... It was because he was foolish and ignorant of his Mother that he said, "I am God, there is none beside me." Gnostic texts often show the creator reprimanded and punished for his arrogance by a feminine power greater and older than himself.

The secret of God's "Name of power," the Tetragrammaton, was that three-quarters of it invoked not God - but Eve. YHWH, yod-he-vau-he, came from the Hebrew root HWH, meaning both "life" and "woman" - in Latin letters, E-V-E. With the addition of an "I" (yod), it amounted to the Goddess's invocation of her name as the Word of creation, a common idea in Egypt and other ancient lands.

Gnostic scriptures said Adam was created by the power of Eve's word, not God's. Adam's name meant he was formed of clay moistened with blood, the female magic of adamah or "bloody clay." He didn't produce the Mother of All Living from his rib; in earlier Mesopotamian stories, he was produced by hers. The biblical idea was a reversal of older myths in which the Goddess brought forth a primal male ancestor, then made him her mate - the ubiquitous, archetypal divine-incest relationship traceable in every mythology. Furthermore, Gnostic scriptures said Eve not only created Adam and obtained his admission to heaven; she was the very soul within him, as Shakti was the soul of every Hindu god and yogi. Adam could not live without "power from the Mother," so she descended to earth as "the Good Spirit, the Thought of Light called by him "Life" (Hawwa)." She entered into Adam as his guiding spirit of conscience." It is she who works at the creature, exerts herself on him, sets him in his own perfect temple, enlightens him on the origin of his deficiency, and shows him his (way of) ascent." Through her, Adam was able to rise above the ignorance imposed on him by the male God.

By this Gnostic route came the Midrashic assertion that Adam and Eve were originally androgynous, like Shiva and his Shakti. She dwelt in him, and he in her; they were two souls united in one body, which God later tore apart, depriving them of their bliss of union. Cabalists took up the idea and said the paradise of Eden can be regained only when the two sexes are once more united; even God must be united with his female counterpart, the heavenly Eve called Shekina.

It is interesting that the mythical story of the original "Eve", the "Mother of All Living" was lonely and so created a companion - Think about it. It is the dilemma of every women since the beginning of time. No matter how intelligent, successful, or accomplished she may be, without a mate or spouse - a woman feels incomplete - she feels lonely. Often, a woman will compromise on the man of her choice with hopes of changing him and bringing him up to her acceptable mental and emotional standards, often failing miserably. Most women would cherish a man who she could honor and hold in the highest esteem, but unfortunately, he falls from the projected pedestal.

Directed toward Christian Doctrine:

Instead of blaming God for casting Adam out of the paradise where he might have lived forever, the patriarchs blamed Eve for bringing this about. Fathers of the Christian church said Eve conceived by the serpent and brought forth Death. The seeds of all women already existed in Eve, St. John Chrysostorn maintained, so that in her sin "the whole female race transgressed." This was the real origin of the church fathers' fear and hatred of women, which expanded into a sexist attitude that permeated all of western society. Heaven was closed to all women except those who were submissive and worshipped their husbands as gods. Even modern theologians naively blame human death on the Edenic sin. Rahner said, "Man's death is the demonstration of the fact that he has fallen away from God . . . Death is guilt made visible. Theologians have not yet dealt with the question of what "guilt" causes death among non-human creatures.

Actually, churches depend for their existence on the orthodox myth of Eve. "Take away the snake, the fruit-tree, and the woman from the tableau, and we have no fall, no frowning Judge, no Inferno, no everlasting punishment - hence no need of a Savior. Thus the bottom falls out of the whole Christian theology.

Equally destructive to Christian theology would be the restoration of books arbitrarily excluded from the canon, such as the Apocalypse of Adam, in which Adam stated that he and Eve were created together, but she was his superior! She brought with her "a glory which she had seen in the aeon from which we had come forth. Some of these once-sacred books made Eve superior to both Adam and the creator. It was she, not God, who gave Adam his soul and brought him to life. It was she, not God, who cast down the evil deities from heaven and made them demons. And she, as the eternal female Power, would eventually judge the God she created, find him guilty of injustice, and destroy him.

I KNEW IT! Women are the divine spark in the universe! That would make quite a bit of sense being as life COMES from women...Cool thread! ::thumbs up::
Barbara G.Walker, who wrote the piece submitted above, should have invested more research into gnosticism, of which she apparently (and ignorantly) sees herself as a representative. She distorts some of the gnostic beliefs to fit her feministic agenda.

Most Gnostics saw Eve, or more accurately Sophia (of which the first one is thought to be a messenger), as God's feminine aspect. This is not the same as saying she was God.

The original Eve had no spouse except the serpent, a living phallus she created for her own sexual pleasure

No.To gnostics Sophia IS often the serpent, just like the god of Paradise is not the true god but the Demiurge, just like Christ is not the same as Jesus.

"Because Jehovah arrogantly pretended to be the sole Creator"

The Demiurge WAS the sole creator of the material world. What he did pretend (or rather was ignorant of) was that there was no one higher that him.

Eve was obliged to punish him according to Gnostic scriptures, (although it does not say how).

Yes, it does. She passed on gnosis to people.

It was she, not God, who gave Adam his soul and brought him to life.

Not soul (psyche) but spirit (pneuma); to gnostics there's a distinction between the two. And God here is understood to mean the Demiurge.
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Originally posted by Raithere
Have to agree with Tiassa here.

MW, enough is enough. Stop posting other people's work without reference or commentary if we wish to research we can do so on our own.

Please also read the SciForums Cut-and-paste policy regarding plagiarism and the posting of whole texts.

Here is the link for anyone who is interested.


(edited to add cut-n-paste link)

Would you rather I be like you--Long-winded, boring, and still not say anything intelligent?
And how is that any different from what you are now?
Oh wait, you are saying anything period, just cut and pasting.
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Would you rather I be like you--Long-winded, boring, and still not say anything intelligent?
using serpent as 'living' phallus does not seem to be an intelligent act by Eve unless she wanted to get loaded with venom instead of semen if she had a regular c**t. Opening such a thread, to ask whether such a loonie is God , is not an intelligent post either.

Linking the concept of shakti and 'eve&her serpent' is a total distortion. You can use your enormous imaginating power to write mythological erotic stories.:D
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Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Would you rather I be like you--Long-winded, boring, and still not say anything intelligent?
No, I'd rather you be like me and say something yourself rather than let other people do your thinking and your writing for you. Shall I simply cut and paste a response to your post that someone else wrote? We can go back and forth cutting and pasting various counter references ad nauseum. It seems to me this runs against the reason Sciforums is here. If you want to reference an article, why not do so appropriately and give some personal commentary? Tell us why you think it's important or insightful or whatever.

I found the article itself rather boring and spurious. And while I find the reinterpretation of the Genesis myth in a Gnostic frame more appealing than the more traditional misogynistic Christian fare, the thesis provided is poorly conceived and only loosely bound by the most blatant leaps and presumptions. There's an agenda to be achieved and it shows. It also demonstrates, as Circe pointed out, a rather shallow understanding of Gnosticism.

Perhaps this would be useful:

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Would you rather I be like you--Long-winded, boring, and still not say anything intelligent?
That you would say something like that about Raithere is stunningly stupid.
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Would you rather I be like you--Long-winded, boring, and still not say anything intelligent?

One thing i can definately say is that Raithere is NOT long-winded and boring, and is most intelligent. I would advise all theists to put their argument to him, to keep themselves sharp and with it.


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Would you rather I be like you--Long-winded, boring, and still not say anything intelligent?

MW means well, I know her, she's a sweet heart. But if I had to say anything in regard to the comment above, I would just advice MW to pick her battles more carefully. Raithere is indeed not a battle. So do as I do when Raithere rarely but rightfully picks on me and subtely pick up the advice without others looking and act like nothing happened, even if it hurts a little...It's good for us:D