Is encouraging addiction ethical?

Mr. Hamtastic

Registered Senior Member
I take medications. I develop addictions to those medications. These medications are precribed(never could spell that one) by an MD. If I want to go off these medications, I must consult the MD. He can say no. He can increase the dose. I can stop taking it, but if I do I can be considered noncompliant and subject to hospitalization against my will if they find out, serious withdrawals can occur if they don't(seizures even death). Makes things exciting in the event of a natural disaster or something and I can't get my medications.

It's another form of control. No different from if they handed out cocaine to increase productivity.
Being addicted to prescribed meds is the price you pay for protecting you from yourself or even protecting others from you, it's not as if you were 100% healthy and someone forced you to take meds; you Need to take them.
Give it time. I wouldn't say its is encouraging addiction. The meds can really offer some major benefits. It just takes a lot of time. What meds do they have you on?
I am on Lithium 1800mgs per day,effexor xr 300mgs per day,mirtazapine 30mgs per day,klonopin .5 mgs up to 8 times per day as needed for the cold tightness in my chest that happens alot.
That is a grip of meds! I know that cold tightness all to well though my friend! I've been on meds for a while now. It gets better. But you have to give it some time. How long have you been on them now?
Lithium-10 years off and on Effexor- 1 year Mirtazapine-3 months Klonopin-2 years what meds are you on, Skaught?
I used to take Zoloft, Strattera, Wellbutrin and Ativan. Now I am just down to the Zoloft, and the Ativan as I need it. Which varies. Sometimes I need it every day, other times I can go months without taking it. I have a friend who used to take a few of the ones that you are on. Mind if I ask what your diagnosis is? You can PM it to me if that's getting to personal.
I only know a bit of it, and it's not that personal to me. Bipolar 2, dysthymia, borderline personality schizoid features, or at least that's what I've seen on some paperwork. They only tell me I'm Bipolar 2 dysthymic and something else I can't think of right now.
if i were you i would stop taking the drugs. there is nothing wrong with drugs being used recreationally, sometimes its fun to change your state of mind, but you must remember that your state of mind is who you are, and if you constantly take drugs to change that, then you're unable to be yourself.
if i were you i would stop taking the drugs. there is nothing wrong with drugs being used recreationally, sometimes its fun to change your state of mind, but you must remember that your state of mind is who you are, and if you constantly take drugs to change that, then you're unable to be yourself.

On the contrary. I am not myself without my meds. About five years ago I came down with an anxiety disorder. And because of it, I was paralyzed. I couldn't leave the house, I always felt like I was going to have a heart attack. I had no clue who or what was real and what was fantasy. And once I got on the meds, things got better and after a few months I was myself again.

Depression, anxiety, bipolar are all diseases of the mind. Just like say, AIDS is a disease of the body. If a virus is attacking your cells and living inside of them, then those cells are no longer in their natural state. Same thing goes for diseases of the mind. They invade, they destroy, and they change things. While Meds are not a cure, they do treat the disorder and offer some comfort to the patient.
I only know a bit of it, and it's not that personal to me. Bipolar 2, dysthymia, borderline personality schizoid features, or at least that's what I've seen on some paperwork. They only tell me I'm Bipolar 2 dysthymic and something else I can't think of right now.

So when you take the meds as prescribed do they help?
Well give it time friend. I work with people with chemical dependancy and mental health issues. Be patient, stay positive, and if you need help, reach out. Feel free to send me a PM anytime.

Have you ever had or considered electro-shock therapy?
as far as i know there is no direct measurable "benifit" for lithium, all it does is prevent the mood swings so its hard to sit inside your head and see a benift. that being said the fact that it DOES prevent the mood swings IS a benift but its ownly seen from an objective long term assesment of you basically from the outside

if you want to measure its benift get a diry and right down your mood swings, when your excessivly high and when your excessivly low. this way you can see if the drugs effect is increasing, decreasing or staying the same
This thread is a good example as to why the psychatric institution is a sham. Forced medication? Electroshock therapy? Getting you addicted to mind altering drugs? WTF, are we living in the Middle Ages?
I already said in my response to your other thread that the government must not be given the right to decide for you whether you should live or die. It follows from that that they must not be allowed to tell you what drugs to take. Whether it's lithium or cocaine. If you start causing direct harm to people (direct means "direct"--physical violence etc.) then of course the government can step in because its primary duty is to maintain civilization and that requires minimizing violence. If increasing your daily dose of lithium or decreasing your daily dose of cocaine will protect your family from direct harm, then so be it. Otherwise they should leave you the fuck alone.