Is empty space made of 1-dimensional strings?


GR is an effective field theory of string theory.

Think of it like those French impresionist paintings. When you're far away, the painting is nice and smooth. The closer you get, the more it looks like just a mess of brush strokes.

GR is an effective field theory of string theory.

Think of it like those French impresionist paintings. When you're far away, the painting is nice and smooth. The closer you get, the more it looks like just a mess of brush strokes.

Are the 1-dimensional strings in empty space vibrating?

GR is an effective field theory of string theory.

Think of it like those French impresionist paintings. When you're far away, the painting is nice and smooth. The closer you get, the more it looks like just a mess of brush strokes.

So, what's the difference between the 1-dimensional strings that make up empty space and the 1-dimensional strings that make up matter?
I watched the video. So, are you saying that empty space and matter are both made of the same thing, but that they are 1-dimensional strings that vibrate differently?

Like I said before, I'm not exactly an authority on string theory.
What I know is what I see and hear from it.
Brain Green IS an authority in the particular area though (the dude in the video).
The implication is that a particle in one location can pop out of existence, and turn into space or time, or another completely different particle.
Like I said before, I'm not exactly an authority on string theory.
What I know is what I see and hear from it.
Brain Green IS an authority in the particular area though (the dude in the video).

So, is that how you understand it? That empty space and matter is made of the same thing, which is just different vibrations of 1 dimensional strings?
The implication is that a particle in one location can pop out of existence, and turn into space or time, or another completely different particle.

So, is the one-dimensional string just the entry of our brane onto the surface of another higher dimensional object? Sort of like an imaginary plane moving through a hollow ball, and the intersection of the plane and ball would be the 1-dimensional string?