Is Dollo's Law Inviolate?

The giant machines of the early stellar universe were very simple - just big hammers and stuff, on pulleys - so the new ones will be something different.

And the tapeworms have asked me to remind you that the Big Bang did not stop with humanity - more advanced creatures have come along since.
Wouldn't it violate Dollo's Law to evolve back into machines? :shrug:

I can’t see how we could “evolve” into cyborgs/robots in a purely biological sense. In other words, genes and biochemistry can’t make metal and synthetic structures for our bodies. This will be a purely man-made and man-directed event. Sure, once we’re on the way to becoming robots natural selection might make such moves advantageous, but inserting metal/synthetic parts into a body will still be at the discretion of human beings. Thus, I can’t see how laws that describe natural phenomena, like Dollo’s Law or others, can be applied.

(I’m not sure I’ve made myself very clear. :eek:)