is dis true


i heard in the US alone, every 6 secs a woman gets raped (thats like 1400 a day). but does dat mean some women get raped more then once?im not a pedo im just wondering
You mean right then?....yes, sadly, some women do get gang raped when attacked.

If you mean a woman gets raped once and then raped again at another occasion....I highly doubt it.

If you count women in abusive relationships who have sex against their will with their abusive boyfriends/husbands and women in US who work in forced prostitution (New Mexico?) then I guess the number would be that high and it would count as consecutive rapes.
1400 women a day is very little compared to the overall population of the USA. IT is still too much, it is another one of those sad fugures that keeps popping up about modern society. This also happens too much because women are too afraid to come forward. Like Sgt. said, women can be rapes by their husband or boyfriend, so that is probably taken into account when someone created that statistic
The "every x seconds" thing has been applied to many phenomenon, and it's never literally true. All they might have is annual estimate. It is reported this way for effect.
If you mean a woman gets raped once and then raped again at another occasion....I highly doubt it.

I ... uh ... well ... college, and Catholic school. Yeah. It happens.

Buried somewhere in the archives of this site is a link I posted to a news story about a survey of college campuses suggesting as many as 70,000 rapes a year in the colleges and universities alone.

An old slogan used to be, "1 in 4 women you know will be raped in their lifetime. Your mother? Your sister? Your daughter? Your friend? Who will it be?"

I would be surprised if that number has gone down.

But think about the US for a moment. How many people are f@cking right now? Obviously, not us sitting in front of our computers, but as you read these words think about this country and take a wild guess at how many Americans are having sex.

In the time it takes you to read that paragraph, yes, a couple of rapes have commenced.
shag_pole1 said:
i heard in the US alone, every 6 secs a woman gets raped
No, this is obviously a made-up statistic. If 10 women were raped every minute, it would mean that 5.25 million women were raped every year, which would be about one in every 30 women.

According to the FBI there only about 95,000 rapes in the U.S. last year, which would be around one in every 1500 women. Still much higher than anyone would like obviously, but much lower than that ridiculous 'once every six seconds' statistic.
Nasor said:
According to the FBI there only about 95,000 rapes in the U.S. last year.

Keep in mind those were the only reported ones. The actual number is much higher but once every 6 seconds does sound rather high.
How many people are f@cking right now? Obviously, not us sitting in front of our computers,
sspek for youasrselff !! (ssoirry abot tyhiping)


I'm just glad I didn't have to make the joke myself. :cool:

General Note

Even though I personally don't have a difficult time grasping the notion of one rape every six seconds, Women's Defense Center claims one rape every six minutes.

The site also notes a study that puts the average at 1.3 rapes per minute.
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sargentlard said:
Keep in mind those were the only reported ones. The actual number is much higher but once every 6 seconds does sound rather high.
Rape statistics are a tricky business. Obviously police are only able to keep statistics on crimes that are reported, and there's good evidence that a significant percentage of rapes go unreported. Unfortunately no one really knows how many rapes go unreported every year. One in three? Two out of three? Nine out of ten? It's hard to say. Several studies by the department of justice have indicated that the percentage of unreported rapes might be as high as 50%, especially in cases where the victim knows the attacker.

Unfortunately a significant amount of misunderstanding is generated by a small group of radical feminists who invent their own crime factoids in an effort to prove how oppressed women are how violent the patriarchy is. Their 'statistics' are usually based on surveys in which they ask questions like "Have you ever had sex with someone when you really didn't want to?" or "Have you ever had sex with someone while intoxicated who you would not have had sex with had you been sober?" and then count all 'yes' answers as rape, which obviously leads them to some pretty strange numbers on how many rapes occur. This allows them to come up with things like the 'once every six seconds' factoid that started this thread. While it's obviously pretty unbelievable that 1 in 30 women are raped ever year, it's quite plausible that 1 in 30 women get talked into sex by their boyfriend even though they aren't in the mood, or get drunk and go home with a guy who they ordinarily wouldn't be interested in.

Unfortunately people hear this sort of thing and then go around repeating it without ever really thinking about it or checking on the source of the information.
Yes, well, people who ply women with liquor with the specific intent to cause them to change judgment, in intentionally exploiting reduced capacities for decision-making, like to pretend they aren't rapists.

Of course, that's the best some guys can do.
tiassa said:
Yes, well, people who ply women with liquor with the specific intent to cause them to change judgment, in intentionally exploiting reduced capacities for decision-making, like to pretend they aren't rapists.

Of course, that's the best some guys can do.
True. However, I would contend that encouraging a woman to voluntarily drink so that it will be easier to convince her to have sex with you isn't nearly as bad as assaulting and forcibly raping some random woman who you catch jogging in the park at night. Usually when people think of 'rape' they think of physically forcing sex on someone, which isn't nearly the same as having consensual sex with a drunk partner.

Also, I don't think anyone would honestly claim that a woman who gets drunk on her own and ends up having sex with someone who she wouldn't ordinarily be interested in has been raped. I'm not saying that it's right to take advantage of drunk women, but does anyone seriously think that having consensual sex with a partner who got drunk voluntarily is the same as forcibly raping someone? I mean, in our society it's pretty universally accepted that you are responsible for your actions when you're drunk.
"Yes, well, people who ply women with liquor with the specific intent to cause them to change judgment, in intentionally exploiting reduced capacities for decision-making, like to pretend they aren't rapists."

What, that's wrong?...damn, there go my weekend plans. Is it still OK to ply yourself with liquor to reduce your capacity for rejecting ugly women?
What, that's wrong?...damn, there go my weekend plans. Is it still OK to ply yourself with liquor to reduce your capacity for rejecting ugly women?

I don't see what's wrong with plying yourself ... I don't think even Sybil could be jailed for raping herself.

My partner, for instance, doesn't like to have sex unless she there's a massive fight first. Like this morning. She got up, sat on the edge of the bed and made a phone call. And she's one of those people who projects into the phone. Accustomed to her celphone, she speaks in a raised voice on any phone. It sucks to be on the other end of, but even moreso to be trying to sleep beside it. After a couple minutes, she hangs up the phone, stomps and coughs around the house, wakes the baby with her noise so that the monitor is babbling at me, and then comes back to do another phone call. After about three minutes of this, I get up and get the baby and set about the day.

Apparently, this was the wrong thing to do. All of a sudden I've got a woman yelling at me, "And now I definitely don't want to have sex with you!"

What? It was on the menu? When? Where? How?

And this is the beginning of the pattern. I chose not to play it today because I'm sick of it. In the end, we go round and round and finally have sex anyway, and then sometime within the next few hours she reminds me of what a horrible person I am because she doesn't like our sex.

But understand ... not having sex with her can actually crack the walls.

Have offenses occurred within this argument? Depends on who you ask. Did she have sex with me when she didn't want to? Depends on how you measure it. Have I raped her? I won't duck it, but neither am I going to construct such a complex chain of logic that ignores any comparison of her descriptions of events to reality in order to crucify myself.

It's an ugly situation, but why does she persist in this cycle? I mean, she literally tears holes in the walls if I try to skip out on a cheap f@ck that isn't worth it.

To come back around, there are women I know who like to go out and have guys buy them drinks and even though they claim to hate the sleazy guys trying to con them with booze, they seem to respond to it, and desire it, and go out and do it again. Look, if she knows the guy is just buying you drinks to get you unconscious, why do you keep drinking?

In either the specific digression about my partner or the abstract cases of these women I know, and many of us know, one must wonder if "something's wrong with her," that needs specific attention--e.g. counseling toward personal-conflict resolution. What is it that drives this quirk of self-loathing?

At which point, for me, personally, it feels like taking advantage of the sick to liquor them up in order to win consent.

Convoluted, I know, but if it was simple it probably wouldn't be worth our interest.