Is death really a tragedy?

A Canadian

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With earths ever so increasing population... is death really a major issue anymore?

Natural death, Murders, Poverty and Starvation, natural global disasters and many, many, many other generalized reasons for death are going to happen.

But with Earths current population and how much space we are consuming with living areas on this planet... Are Large natural or Accidental disasters really so bad?

A few people die from say a tornado today, but years from now, it will be a few hundred or thousands due to the congested living areas. Just a little example.

It was said best in the movie 'The Matrix', the idea that we are more like a virus... an ever expanding virus....

As far as I can tell the earth is falling apart as we speak. Maybe it is just me, but this last year a lot has happened on Earth due to "natural?" disasters.

What future do we have on this, 3rd rock from the sun?

Here is a few links that I found interesting:

Some Shocking Facts on World Population.

Is this counter accurate? It is mind boggling to watch it.

Some population per area information.
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Watching that counter WAS mind boggling. I just took a sociology course last semester and according to my textbook, the world is in a cycle right now where the amount of births are less than the amount of deaths. The author of the text stated concern that there will not be enough of a younger generation to help support the elderly by 2030. It will be interesting to see what happens. I sold the book back to the bookstore and can't remember the author's name, but the book was titled "Down-to-Earth Sociology".
When I saw the title of this thread, I assumed that you were referring to death as a tradgedy on a personal level. But on a non-personal, objective, global level, death is a blessing to an over populated planet. The only hope for homo sapiens is that we can get the hell out off earth before we totally destroy it...then we can go and destroy some other planets. I think this is both possible, and likely.

As Canadain alternative rock musician and political activist Matthew Good says in the "The Future Is X-Rated" video, "The world is not enough, let's take the solar system!"
anal your right. at least thats the problem here in australia. The goverment here is doing all sorts if things to get girls pregnant:p nah seriously they are trying to get people to have kids. they are even giving you money for each kid you have . not as in child care to help raise them, just a flat payment for poping them out. Its sad really, in all the people i know to have claimed the baby bonus i have yet to hear of one using it to help pay for there child. They all just use it to splurge on themselves
China had (or still has... I do not know anymore) a law that only permitted a certain number of children per family.... They came up with ithe dea long before the realization of over population that is occurring.... where they really so wrong....?

Who are we kidden.... Humans cannot even stop themselfs....
A Canadian said:
But with Earths current population and how much space we are consuming with living areas on this planet... Are Large natural or Accidental disasters really so bad?

Pick up a paper or turn on the TV this morning; just about every correspondent from Indonesia, Malaysia, southern India or Sri Lanka would seem to agree that large natural disasters are indeed tragic. :(
"Its sad really, in all the people i know to have claimed the baby bonus i have yet to hear of one using it to help pay for there child. They all just use it to splurge on themselves"

It's the same way here with a lot of people I know.... My friend just went on a cruise with her child tax credit. Pretty sad.

It seems like even though there are more natural disasters, we still just keep getting bigger and bigger though........
But they report it so much....

Like any news organization...........

Indeed it is horrible that someone dies... but is it really worth reporting that the cause was natural or a natural disaster anymore?

With our high population, do poeple even care anymore that someone dies if we do not know them..?
"With our high population, do poeple even care anymore that someone dies if they do not know them..? "

I don't think a lot of people care these days. It has become a cold and cruel world for a lot of people, who have become numb to the pain.
the problem is not just plain overpopulation, its that hillbillies and rednecks are poping out 20+ kids which they need welfare to support, and even with that the children have no rneal futures, while the intelligent and wealthy only have a few children.

so we have 20 rednecks using petrol cars, using outdatede technology, and wasting resources, whlie the 2 kid that use efficient or hydrogen cars, research technology to enhance crops, and build more dense housing like apartments, have almost no power because of the mass of rednecks.

if the intelligent and wealthy had more power then society wolud advance to accomodate for the large numbers, not just cut down rainforests and drain swamps
A Canadian said:
China had (or still has... I do not know anymore) a law that only permitted a certain number of children per family.... They came up with ithe dea long before the realization of over population that is occurring.... where they really so wrong....?

I agree. This policy is a blessing in disguise. It reduces the number of people living in povelty and misery in a developing country. Too bad India can't adopt this because of "democracy".
Overpopulation and limited resource will be the major issues threatening the world till WW3.
Well said vslayer...I totally agree with that - and of course as a result, the general population will get dumber and dumber until they're all on the same intellectual level as the damn 'rednecks'. It's a form of evolution if you think about it, we are evolving into dumber creatures because of our need to look after the idiots and letting them spawn their inferior genes all over the place..
Just_Not_There said:
...the general population will get dumber and dumber until they're all on the same intellectual level as the damn 'rednecks'. It's a form of evolution if you think about it, we are evolving into dumber creatures because of our need to look after the idiots and letting them spawn their inferior genes all over the place..

I hope you're wrong, Not There... human evolution by natural selection may be over, but it ought not to be actually reversing itself. The good genes usually win out in recombination: besides, even "rednecks" are capable of plenty given a decent education, and not all unintelligent behaviour is genetically determined.

If you think it is, that makes you sound more than a little like a Nazi eugenicist. Perhaps the regression of human mentality has begun right here...
So, on the initial post:

Death a tragedy... well, just look at the news today, 80000 people supposedly dead by the tsunamis in the indian ocean. Is that a tragedy for you? I do not really care about it, and I do not see it as tragical. Death is a part of life, what about it? I am also not lamenting the death of all those poor cows and pigs that are the source of my dinners.

To the other topic that arose here, the one about the growth of population; agreed, it grows and grows, and as far as I know, there are still two or three percent more births than deaths, and that is quite enough to increase the world population a great deal. That creates many problems, but I think that it will find a kind of balance, one way or the other.