Is Coffee Dangerous?

An interesting article, but curiously replete with certain omissions I personally find inexcusable - for instance Coffee was actually the Unibomber and eluded the FBI for over 25 years whilst all the time actually being in the same building.

Equally, it's a well known fact Coffee is responsible for autumn scheduling on Fox and is personally responsible for cancelling shows like Angel, Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Big Eric (which only ran for 3.7 seconds before being pulled before anyone noticed).

Coffee invaded Panama in the early 1970's and gave rise to A-line flared trousers.

Coffee preys on the very young and the weak and eats the eyeballs of new born infants and laughs manically whilst doing it.

Coffee was responsible for the Great Train Robbery in 1965, 1969, 1973, 1974, 1975, and 1986.

Coffee, if exposed to air, turns into pteradactyls which immediately fly off to find the nearest new born baby for an eyeball-feast before flying off, evolving into Godzilla and treading on Tokyo - even though its big enough to see and could easily be avoided if only the stupid big lump would just pay attention and actually look where he was going.

In 1947 - I think the facts concerning that speak for its self.

Coffee killed my brother. Even though I'm an only child, Coffee I'm positively certain, was responsible.

If you force coffee beans either up or down your urethra, depending on which way your plumbing works, it stings like you wouldn't believe.

All the wars that have ever happened have been about coffee and/or coffee related deserts, without exception.

There's more, much more, but I haven't injected heroine into my eyeballs now for over ten minutes and I need a fix. Good. Night.
Every bloody thing on this damned planet is bad for us, we just got to look deep enough. People have died putting on socks in the morning yet we still wear the murdering bastards!

As long as you don't drown yourself in it everyday (which you'd probably need to do for coffee to kill yourself) you're fine. Don't let the media fool you into thinking coffee is deadlier than a French art movie that shoots you if you fall asleep!

Worst coffee does for people is force them to release the brown hostages...
Thanks guys. I'm much more comfortable now that I got the opinion of two great and logical scientists......
Looks like that site is pushing "alternative" medicine and "natural" remedies. The article on coffee references iridology as if there's something to it, which makes me doubt the trustworthiness of the remainder of the article.
Son of a...

I thought coffee had recently been found to be chock full O' life saving antioxidants !

Damn science !!
Coffee contains certain chemicals.
Every chemical including water has a good as well as bad effect.
One should not cross the limits of individual body capacity.
As long as intake of coffee is within ceratin limit there are no bad effects.
Pls note that the tolerence limit for individual is different.

Mr Anonymous said:
An interesting article, but curiously replete with certain omissions I personally find inexcusable - for instance Coffee was actually the Unibomber and eluded the FBI for over 25 years whilst all the time actually being in the same building.

Equally, it's a well known fact Coffee is responsible for autumn scheduling on Fox and is personally responsible for cancelling shows like Angel, Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Big Eric (which only ran for 3.7 seconds before being pulled before anyone noticed).

Coffee invaded Panama in the early 1970's and gave rise to A-line flared trousers.

Coffee preys on the very young and the weak and eats the eyeballs of new born infants and laughs manically whilst doing it.

Coffee was responsible for the Great Train Robbery in 1965, 1969, 1973, 1974, 1975, and 1986.

Coffee, if exposed to air, turns into pteradactyls which immediately fly off to find the nearest new born baby for an eyeball-feast before flying off, evolving into Godzilla and treading on Tokyo - even though its big enough to see and could easily be avoided if only the stupid big lump would just pay attention and actually look where he was going.

In 1947 - I think the facts concerning that speak for its self.

Coffee killed my brother. Even though I'm an only child, Coffee I'm positively certain, was responsible.

If you force coffee beans either up or down your urethra, depending on which way your plumbing works, it stings like you wouldn't believe.

All the wars that have ever happened have been about coffee and/or coffee related deserts, without exception.

There's more, much more, but I haven't injected heroine into my eyeballs now for over ten minutes and I need a fix. Good. Night.

That is just an awesome post. LOL! :D :m:
QuarkMoon said:
That is just an awesome post. LOL!

Your awfully kind, but really, it's just the heroin talking....

TruthSeeker said:
Thanks guys. I'm much more comfortable now that I got the opinion of two great and logical scientists......

Not at all. Believe me, we both feel the same way - Ooooooo! Daisey's. Growing out of my ass. How on earth did that happen...?
Killjoy said:
Son of a...

I thought coffee had recently been found to be chock full O' life saving antioxidants !

Damn science !!
Ha !
In vitro and ex vivo antihydroxyl radical activity of green and roasted coffee. Daglia M, Racchi M, Papetti A, et al


What is the hydroxyl radical? Is it the HCl in the stomach?

The original article explained that coffee decreases the amount of acid in the stomach. That is supposedly what is causing me problems.

Is there any research on the effects of coffee in the stomach?
Or any research with good results!!!!!

Yaba Daba! :m:

EDIT: oh, and of course. I've read in many places that coffee is a carcinogen. How true is this?
The hydroxyl radical is -OH, with a dangling bond due to a missing electron, and therefore a valence of +1. It's the defining component of an alkali.

If you bust up a water molecule you get a hydroxyl radical plus a hydrogen atom with an extra electron and a valence of -1, the defining component of an acid.

HCl has one of those negative-valence hydrogen atoms (a hydrogen radical) and is an acid--hydrochloric acid. Anything with a hydroxyl radical is just the opposite, an alkali (or "base" as we used to call it).

So the hydroxyl radical is not only not present in HCl, it is just the opposite.
Caffeine is an amphetamine stimulant that may keep you awake and more active, but it increases your heart rate and makes you more prone to cardiac arrest. Cocaine, nicotine, ecstasy, and caffeine are all stimulants that taken in excess can be harmful to your health and sometimes fatal.

"Caffeine is a poisonous alkaloid that causes kidney stones and kidney damage.

It can cause irreversible heart disease with arrhythmias, tachycardia, later requiring pacemakers. It can also cause birth defects.

It causes hypertension, strokes, higher cholesterol & triglyceride blood levels.

Coffee is a carcinogen. It's a BURNT bean. Coffee accelerates hypoglycemia into diabetes, and for many, causes ulcers as it is acidic. It can also burn the stomach lining so badly that one stops making stomach acid, has burps all the time due to lack of stomach acid.

Even a dose in the AM is still with us at midnight, mixed into the food deep in our gut. You will trick your body clock into staying awake for 18 hours, which is abnormal. Then you will only be able to sleep six hours due to the residues of caffeine in your blood the next morning. You come awake without sufficient sleep, feeling draggy but unable to get back to sleep due to caffeine in your colon. Within a few months of this, there is permanent nervous system damage, lowered I.Q.

Here's one more. Caffeine causes hardening of the arteries in the brain, low brain circulation and is suspected of causing Alzheimer's by one holistic healer I know.) Coffee is a diuretic, causing excretion of the body's minerals and vitamins through the bladder. This ages our skeletons prematurely giving dowager's hump, curved fingers, dissolving bones, osteoporosis, hip replacement. Your urine is washing away calcium, magnesium, trace minerals, your BONES - your very SKELETON is dissolving and departing thru your BLADDER.

Worse, black brew is attracted to the pancreas where it causes cancer. Holistic healers know this as they read irises of the eye. Every syndrome leaves its mark on the iris. That black spot at the 7 o clock portion of the right eye, (meaning on the right side of your body, close to pupil, 7 o clock position if it were a clock face IS the pancreas.)

If you want benign caffeine, switch to Yerba Mate tea (a smooth, mild caffeine) or green tea which has the upside of protective anti-oxidants. Even a little bit of caffeine in your bloodstream affects your sleep adversely and is diuretic, hence causes excretion of the body's minerals. Few people have given thought to the insidious way caffeine can affect sleep, even 12 hours after it is ingested. Caffeine mixes with the food in your digestive tract which isn't eliminated until the morning of the day after it's eaten. Even if you have caffeine Friday morning, 19 hours later, Saturday at dawn, while you're trying to get your last three or four hours of sleep, the ones that count, Friday's caffeine dose has finally reached your lower bowel where most absorption is taking place, giving a FULL jolt of caffeine. You wake with a CLENCH, look at the clock and realize you haven't had a full eight. You try to go back to sleep but your brain is going, clicking away, stimulated by the last and final jolt of caffeine absorption. Unless you do mantra to give the brain something benign to chew on, you're likely to toss and turn and wake up too soon. But this isn't only Saturday morning, it's Sunday, Monday and so on."
Fraggle Rocker said:
The hydroxyl radical is -OH, with a dangling bond due to a missing electron, and therefore a valence of +1. It's the defining component of an alkali.

If you bust up a water molecule you get a hydroxyl radical plus a hydrogen atom with an extra electron and a valence of -1, the defining component of an acid.

HCl has one of those negative-valence hydrogen atoms (a hydrogen radical) and is an acid--hydrochloric acid. Anything with a hydroxyl radical is just the opposite, an alkali (or "base" as we used to call it).

So the hydroxyl radical is not only not present in HCl, it is just the opposite.
Alcohol is base!?!?!?!?!?!?! :eek: :confused: :m:
That's exactly what I posted, valich....

I do experience quite a lot of burping and hypoglycemia...
I wonder if it can be reversed...
Fraggle Rocker said:
The hydroxyl radical is -OH, with a dangling bond due to a missing electron, and therefore a valence of +1. It's the defining component of an alkali.
If you bust up a water molecule you get a hydroxyl radical plus a hydrogen atom with an extra electron and a valence of -1, the defining component of an acid. ...
Long time since I had chemistry courses, but think this part of your post is wrong. (Rest, not reproduced above, was OK.)

There is no "missing electron" in -OH radical. In water the two hydrogens "lend" their single electrons to oxygen, which prior to this loan has 6 outer shell electrons, but would like to have 8 to compete that shell. -OH is water with one PROTON only removed. Thus exactly the opposite from your view. The oxygen atom in -OH still has 8 electrons, and a complete outer shell. Consequently is very stable, but highly reactive, as it can donate the EXTRA electron it has when forming other chemical compounds.

Second error:
When you "bust up a water molecule" you get a proton, not a hydrogen atom, and the -OH radical for reasons discussed above.

The way you get hydrogen gas (H2) out of water with electrolysis is to apply an electric field to the water, which has Ph = 7 so there are some free protons that migrate towads the - electrode aplying the field. When these protons reach the surface of the electrode, it gladly* gives them an electron to replace the one they left behing on the -OH radical. and becomes a neutral hydrogen atom, adsorbed o n the surface waity for another it can join with to form H2 molecule.

Normaly acid is added to the water being elecrtolized to increase the concentration of free protons and make the flux of them to the -electrode more intense. You are not really getting hydrogen from the acid however. For example, if HCL has been added, it becomes (in large part) protons an -Cl radicals. When some of these protons are removed at the -electrode, there is an excess of the -Cl radicals. This extra concentraition of negative ions, promotes the naturally present fraction of ex-water protons to increase.

I will stop here, and not talk about the +electrode chemisty and why it is Oxygen, rather than Chloine gas, that is produced there.
* "Gladly" is not to be taken litteraly, but merely indicates that the -electrode has an excess of electrons - why it is negatively charged.
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To Valich:
I will not ask you for reference that support your strong attack on coffee-I think you, with your Google skills, can supply them. If your position were just the opposite (coffee is great for health. Drink at least two cups each day, etc) I am sure you could also site equally good references.

I will instead only note that I am not currently of low IQ, and have been drinking two cups in the morning for more than 50 years. If it is true that doing this lowers IQ, I must have been very smart at one time, but I know that in the special experimental 5-year program of my undergraduate days at Cornell, I was only average (or a little less than average) of intelligence in this highly qualified, special group.

I do in afternoon some times drink Mate tea. It is made from the dried leaves of modest size tree. (scientific name, from the package, is Llex paraguariensis) Is this the tea you are recommending? From the name, I would guess that white men of science in Paraguay first discovered it, but it has been used by the natives of Brazil for thousands of years, (or much longer. I trust this more than the modern research than may show it harmfull or beneficial, as it does for coffee.)
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