Is Christianity Misinterpreting what Jesus Says?

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Jethro Tull

Registered Member
I read this interpretation and it really made sense to me, so I thought I'd pass it on. Here is a little preview:

I am the way, the truth and the life.
No one goes to the father except through me.
Jesus, John 14:6

He is literally saying that he is the truth and the life.
He does not say he is a man or God, he says he is truth and life. How could it be more clear or direct?

Jesus is saying; if you know the truth and the life, you know him.

Knowing the truth and true life (a.k.a. Jesus) is the way.

Jesus also says you have to go through him to get to God/heaven. In other words, you have to know the truth and the life before you can know God.

The truth + the life = God.

Jesus said, “You will know the truth and the truth will make you free.”

Jesus is saying the truth will set you free from your own mind, your false self. Jesus said, “I have overcome the world.” Jesus is saying the truth will overcome deception, the mind of the world.

Jesus said, "Your minds must be cleared of the falsehoods of this realm if you are to be taught Eternal Truth."

Christians that believe a bearded man in a sheet and sandals will greet them when they die are going to be disappointed. That Jesus, the man Jesus, no longer exists, but the truth and the life, the spiritual Jesus, does exist.

Jesus said, “The world will see me no more, but you will see me, because I live, you will live also, you are in me and I am in you.”

Jesus said, “I am in spirit and truth.” Again, what he says is perfectly clear.

The Bible says; “you shall be like Jesus, for you shall see him as he is.”

False Christians:
People that do not know the truth and the life cannot call themselves Christians. Jesus says you have to know the truth and life to know him, be like him. It is what the Bible says literally; it is not an interpretation.

People that worship an image of a dead man do not know the truth and life.

Jesus said, “People honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. They worship me in vain, teaching the precepts and principles of men.”

The Bible says that people that worshipped him according to the teaching, the precepts, and principles of men will hear this from God after they die; “I never knew you; depart from me.”


Page 21 from the free book, The Present (with religion) at

This book is good to read in my opinion, because it gives you truth you can check for yourself instead of relying on blind faith. It also continually asserts that science and religion need to work together, that science is the best thing that ever happened to religion. This is something I agree with. We must make the two one, as Jesus said. I don't know, just thought I'd share. There's a lot of good stuff besides this section that shows how Christianity is misinterpreting Jesus, and it actually makes sense to me. Check it out and share your thoughts!

Tempted to quote meg ryan when harry met sally. I think a good follow up question might be how do you get to the truth in a world full of so many lies?
Those who say they're interested in god aren't interested in science and those who say they're interested in science aren't interested in god. I guess that just means that the path is narrow and the question is do you want to follow?
Why should that be? I'm interested in both things, but one does not support the other. If God were real, that would not be the case.
Why should that be? I'm interested in both things, but one does not support the other. If God were real, that would not be the case.

The thing I like about this book is that it says that the truth is in religious books, but people into religion cannot see it. It also says that God is not an invisible entity, or a man in the sky. It shows that God is Life. Pretty good stuff, check out the first few pages and see if it interests you.
Why should that be? I'm interested in both things, but one does not support the other. If God were real, that would not be the case.

No, Spider, not if God was controlling all of it! He could make anything seem whatever He wanted it to be or seem. He could make science prove something entirely different just to test you faith.

Baron Max
The thing I like about this book is that it says that the truth is in religious books, but people into religion cannot see it. It also says that God is not an invisible entity, or a man in the sky. It shows that God is Life. Pretty good stuff, check out the first few pages and see if it interests you.
Yes, if you can read between the lines, there is alot of good stuff attributed to Jesus, but also alot of other not as well known people. I like the Gospel of Thomas, the Gnostics, even Osho's take on it, and Manson's.

No, Spider, not if God was controlling all of it! He could make anything seem whatever He wanted it to be or seem. He could make science prove something entirely different just to test you faith.

Baron Max
And if my Grandmother had wings, she'd be a canary. For someone that knows everything he's sure doing alot of testing.
Why should that be? I'm interested in both things, but one does not support the other. If God were real, that would not be the case.

I think they do support each other. God isn't magic. God is evident in law and the perfection of it. Science doesn't own the law or create it. Science just uncovers it. And what do we then do? Try to find ways to circumvent it to satisfy our selfish desires? Exploit it? We certainly don't respect it. It is our intent that lies at fault. Can law fix that? Can science find a way to perfect our intent? Maybe it could if somebody gave a shit.
People certainly circumvent religious laws, and use them to satisfy personal desires. The intent in science is to find out how things work. So far, most things can be explained without the need of a creator. Science has made God obsolete. Perfection can exist without intervention, like a crystal that forms in a deep cave. Life is a similar formation, formed in the isolation of our Earthly gravity well. The intent of science is to find things out in such a way that minimizes error. Some humans will misuse their knowledge, that's just what we do. I don't see that ending completely any time soon, but the task remains. Religion seems to want us to be satisfied with simple answers. The truth might be far stranger and more wonderful than that.
Science has made God obsolete

humans need warm and fuzzies and woo's comforting ;)
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