Is Christianity completely dead?


Is Christianity completely dead?

Christ said: "they will either love the tree and hate the fruit or they will love the fruit and hate the tree."
That is what I have found in all of the groups of christianity today.
They love Salvation and they love the holy spirit but they hate everything else about the man Christ and the way he lived and the words he spoke.
Christ said "the love of money is the root of all evil", they hate this and they preach prosperity.
He said it is all but impossible for a wealthy person to enter heaven.
"If you love this life, you will lose it".
Everyone is taught to love this life, no christian hates his life.
Christ said to forsake the physical world and not to concern yourself with what you wear or what you will eat.
There is truly very little that Christ said that every christian does not hate.
"Thou shalt love the lord thy God with all of your being", everyone hates that saying also and thinks it impossible to love God with every part of themself.
The only time Christ got angry enough to hurt people was when he walked into the synagogue and found merchants selling doves for the sacrifice. He overturned the tables and got cords and whipped the merchants and drove them out. It is hard to find a church these days that does not sell things inside the church. Some churches even have enclosed stores inside.

So, what of the rapture of the church? What church? There is no church to rapture, only worshippers of self and money and this life and the physical and pride and doctrines of devils. None of them give thought to the afterlife.

Maybe the christians were plucked up one at a time until there were none left, leaving only the wicked generation who are the weeds for the fire.

The Gnostics believe they are christians but, in reality, they have taken the pearls (the uncovered secret scriptures) and being the Scribes and Pharisees which Christ spoke of, they took each line of truth and buried it in a mountain of nauseating verbiage and translated much of it incorrectly.

Also, what spirit will it be that posesses the Lord when he tells each of you in this generation to go to hell and casts you into the lake of fire?

So, is christianity completely dead?
witnessjudgejury said:
Is Christianity completely dead?

Christ said: "they will either love the tree and hate the fruit or they will love the fruit and hate the tree."
That is what I have found in all of the groups of christianity today.
They love Salvation and they love the holy spirit but they hate everything else about the man Christ and the way he lived and the words he spoke.
Christ said "the love of money is the root of all evil", they hate this and they preach prosperity.
He said it is all but impossible for a wealthy person to enter heaven.
"If you love this life, you will lose it".
Everyone is taught to love this life, no christian hates his life.
Christ said to forsake the physical world and not to concern yourself with what you wear or what you will eat.
There is truly very little that Christ said that every christian does not hate.
"Thou shalt love the lord thy God with all of your being", everyone hates that saying also and thinks it impossible to love God with every part of themself.
The only time Christ got angry enough to hurt people was when he walked into the synagogue and found merchants selling doves for the sacrifice. He overturned the tables and got cords and whipped the merchants and drove them out. It is hard to find a church these days that does not sell things inside the church. Some churches even have enclosed stores inside.

So, what of the rapture of the church? What church? There is no church to rapture, only worshippers of self and money and this life and the physical and pride and doctrines of devils. None of them give thought to the afterlife.

Maybe the christians were plucked up one at a time until there were none left, leaving only the wicked generation who are the weeds for the fire.

The Gnostics believe they are christians but, in reality, they have taken the pearls (the uncovered secret scriptures) and being the Scribes and Pharisees which Christ spoke of, they took each line of truth and buried it in a mountain of nauseating verbiage and translated much of it incorrectly.

Also, what spirit will it be that posesses the Lord when he tells each of you in this generation to go to hell and casts you into the lake of fire?

So, is christianity completely dead?
M*W: Almost, dearie, almost!
There are more grassroots Christians in the West than there ever were in previous generations. But that won't slow down the Day of Judgement.

Church attendance isn't a measure of Christianity's strength,
only the public's gullibility.
Einstuck said:
There are more grassroots Christians in the West than there ever were in previous generations. But that won't slow down the Day of Judgement.

Church attendance isn't a measure of Christianity's strength,
only the public's gullibility.
M*W: Cite your resources, please. All official polls indicate that christianity is dying worldwide.
Christianity isn't 'dying worldwide'.
It never really reached China or India, where the cultural/racial and language barriers stopped it nearly dead.

Interestingly, the Chinese almost automatically become Christians when they arrive in North America, and Oriental baptist and pentacostal churches are overflowing and have crowding problems. It is not just a pragmatic cynical decision either. The Chinese community has a strong evangelical movement which actively prosyletizes new immigrants, and there is little that North American atheists can do to stop it, since they can't even speak the language, and English culture is largely ignored entirely by the Chinese.

Similarly, in Africa the Anglican and other churches are experiencing unprecedented growth. So much that European whites are afraid of losing control of the churches entirely. Soon white man will be huddled in a little corner with his handguns, trying to hold out against overwhelming hordes of ethnic Christians that don't even speak English.

Just like Omega Man, for a while Charlton Heston's gadgets will keep out the 'zombies', but eventually they will be ass-imilated.
actually it is DEAD...just that the members donr know it yet!

i mean ..please einstuk. you expect people to swallow the BS you have been ...pushin here? of lakes of fire, and demonization of 'drugs'---bet you dont demonize 'meds', huh??---and 'homosexuals..? D.E'A'D' dead
c7ityi_ said:
M*W, didn't you say that it is growing in Africa?
M*W: Yes, I did say that. Although there is extensive missionary work being done in Africa, the numbers on average are declining worldwide.
Einstuck said:
Christianity isn't 'dying worldwide'.
It never really reached China or India, where the cultural/racial and language barriers stopped it nearly dead.

Interestingly, the Chinese almost automatically become Christians when they arrive in North America, and Oriental baptist and pentacostal churches are overflowing and have crowding problems. It is not just a pragmatic cynical decision either. The Chinese community has a strong evangelical movement which actively prosyletizes new immigrants, and there is little that North American atheists can do to stop it, since they can't even speak the language, and English culture is largely ignored entirely by the Chinese.

Similarly, in Africa the Anglican and other churches are experiencing unprecedented growth. So much that European whites are afraid of losing control of the churches entirely. Soon white man will be huddled in a little corner with his handguns, trying to hold out against overwhelming hordes of ethnic Christians that don't even speak English.

Just like Omega Man, for a while Charlton Heston's gadgets will keep out the 'zombies', but eventually they will be ass-imilated.
M*W: Check the websites for and Even Christianity Today Magazine has published articles about Christianity dying worldwide. Why do you continue to post false information?
Christian prophecy states that there will be living followers of the Messiah Jesus at the time of His return. So therefore Christianity is not dead. :)

While it is true that there are relatively few Christians left in this world at the present time this too was also prophesized in the Bible.

Christianity lives in the eternal lives of all who have ever believed Jesus. So it is wrong thinking to look upon the current state of affairs in this world. The Body Of Christ (number of true believers) is a large group indeed. They still exist.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Yes, I did say that. Although there is extensive missionary work being done in Africa, the numbers on average are declining worldwide.

Why are you so happy about it?

Adstar said:
Christian prophecy states that there will be living followers of the Messiah Jesus at the time of His return.

The Christ has already returned to some people but people don't see it, since they only observe the physical. Christ is the self within us which humans have forgotten and abandoned because they believed in the world and their persons more than their real self. So, you could say that we crucified our self on the two beams of space and time. The sons of God told this to us and we created religions from their teachings.
Medicine Woman - actually, it did.

Hey, you think the Christians are bad - look around.


Yes, the idea that 'Christians' are the villains of the world is becoming tedious.

Everyone should know at this point that the wealthy 600 super-rich are as un-Christian as it gets. While Republican Right Wing Conservatives may USE their own versions of "Christianity" to manipulate the gullible and milk back welfare money they only want to appear to be giving, they and their propaganda engines don't represent the majority of Christians in the world.

The majority of Christians, who are poor by the way, hold liberal, socialist, and often extreme communal (true 'communist') views. No real intelligent Christians involved in social work (as required by the gospel) hold 'Right wing Conservative' political views.

And most of the semi-educated working/middle class Christians in America are just about fed up with Republicans telling them what to think.
c7ityi_ said:
The Christ has already returned to some people but people don't see it, since they only observe the physical. Christ is the self within us which humans have forgotten and abandoned because they believed in the world and their persons more than their real self. So, you could say that we crucified our self on the two beams of space and time. The sons of God told this to us and we created religions from their teachings.

I agree, in me He is.

Christ said: "Lucky is the Lion that the man will eat so that the Lion becomes human, and foul is the man that the Lion will eat and the Lion still becomes human". That Lion is the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
witnessjudgejury said:
I agree, in me He is.

Christ said: "Lucky is the Lion that the man will eat so that the Lion becomes human, and foul is the man that the Lion will eat and the Lion still becomes human". That Lion is the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
M*W: You were born under the Sign of Leo, I take it. But, this has a deeper meaning than that. The Sun in Leo with Jupiter rising is a "lucky" sign. The "man" who "eats" the Sign of Leo is represented by Scorpio, the "biter," the one who "eats the body and blood" of the Sun (as in a solar eclipse). The Sign of Leo represents one of the twelve tribes of Judah (or the twelve signs of the Zodiac).
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Almost, dearie, almost!
:D I'm here Medicine Woman. There is mud at the bottom of the well. Mud is useful for making bricks. Souls within brick sepulchres. Ah! Just BELIEVE! Just have FAITH! But the Supreme will illumine them and they will slap their heads. Let them drive their BMW's to Heaven. Let them ride their hate - all of them. They'll come around in God's own time.
Isn't that good though Witnessjudgejury? Because once it starts dieing doesn't the bible say Jesus will come? I dunno. I should read it sometime... Well there there, there there that's all I can say.
Einstuck said:
Christianity isn't 'dying worldwide'.
It never really reached China or India, where the cultural/racial and language barriers stopped it nearly dead.

Interestingly, the Chinese almost automatically become Christians when they arrive in North America, and Oriental baptist and pentacostal churches are overflowing and have crowding problems. It is not just a pragmatic cynical decision either. The Chinese community has a strong evangelical movement which actively prosyletizes new immigrants, and there is little that North American atheists can do to stop it, since they can't even speak the language, and English culture is largely ignored entirely by the Chinese.
Ironically enough, over the last month I have meet a number of Chinese (Cantonese as well as Mandarin) that are wanting to become Christian.

I always try to persuade them to go for Buddhism or maybe Taoism (even though that’s a bit of a philosophy) or anything else – maybe Falun Dafa?

But nope.

They always say look, it’s too much thinking. Christianity is simple. And so long as I feel better then that’s all that matters.

Then I explain –I’m Atheist so you are in essence saying that I am going to burn in Hell. Whereas Buddhism allows for people to think a little. Why not try it.

They just aren’t convinced.

They like the simplicity of Xianity and every single one of them have said that Buddhism and especially Taoism involves to much thinking and too much self evaluation.

It appears that Xianity is the MickyD’s of the Religious world.

Einstuck said:
The Chinese community has a strong evangelical movement which actively prosyletizes new immigrants, and there is little that North American atheists can do to stop it, since they can't even speak the language, and English culture is largely ignored entirely by the Chinese.
What the... I'm pretty sure you have to speak English to be naturalized. Unlike illegal immigrants from Latin American countries, the Chinese can't "cross" the border. Just to point that out, because you seem to attack caucasians a lot, yet you have no clue about other minorities. Tired of people clumping every minority together and claiming they have same views and ideals as each other.
