Is Censorship Justified?


Whose Worth's unknown
Registered Senior Member
Censorship usually has good intentions, but isn't it just a form of 'positive propaganda'? :shrug:
Why should any information be hidden from the general public just to avoid certain parts of society being 'offended'?

I think that hiding parts of the nude or bleeping out swear-words can be the very thin end of the wedge, and provides excuses for omitting certain views from the mainstream. Shouldn't we all have the right to argue with those we think are wrong, instead of having someone decide what wrong is for us.
I think it's justified for inappropriate material, like porn or something.
Censorship is not justified. I don't believe in it. I hate when people black out certain parts of books because a word used is offensive. My elementary school did that and I totally think that's wrong. And on tv it kind of seems pointless. A word will be edited out, but the actors lips are still saying the same thing and even if you can't read lips context clues make it simple for one to know what you're saying anyway.
Good question,
Where does one, or better yet “who” draws the line on what is appropriate or not appropriate, society? If any censorship is used regardless of the subject or the content matter then everything else that is uncensored comes down to social propaganda and promotion. This because those censored items or materials prevent the public (Individual people) from being able to freely and truly decide for themselves on all matters. This could apply to books and educational materials such as the huge argument in schools on creationism vs. evolution, etc… both should be taught and the individual person should decide what they believe without pressure from anyone or any group or outside organizations such as churches.

One might argue this point (as already mentioned by another user above) regarding censorship of pornography or graphic images but where does society draw the line here? The one exception of pornography would be child pornography where even if child pornography were widely accepted as it once use to be in some parts of the world the problem herein lies with the rights of the child who is not old enough to consent to participation in such activities and therefore censorship and banning such materials then becomes necessary to not only protect the child but society from the exploitation of children, the downside to this is that the same argument then is used to justify banning or censoring other subjects or items when an argument is raised that it corrodes morality or a person’s judgment or any other argument along these lines that is used, then censorship simply gets out of control. Nudity is nudity and is not offensive nor is seeing children nude, but child porn is the act of children engaging in sex and this is not natural as children are not developed for sex naturally so regardless of what one might argue nature has already made her case on this.

One comedian said, “have you ever notice the people that go to nude beaches are often the very people you least want to see naked as they are either really old or really fat” (and there is truth to this).

One must notice how time has a way of working through these censorship issues as back in the 60’s it wasn’t allowed on TV to show a married couple having one bed that they shared. At that time censors required there always to be two separate single beds in the bedrooms, where as today we laugh at such a notion not to mention the sex scenes are so hot and real that it just begs to wonder what is next. Imagine a show like Will & Grace back in the late 50’s. Smoking use to be advertised widely on TV with the Marlboro Man on his horse but today you cannot advertise cigarettes on TV. In Denmark and those European countries child pornography use to be legal and even sold at adult book stores, but today just the mention of such and the government investigates as it is considered a high crime. My point is that society seems to have a way to decide through time what is and isn’t appropriate and usually does a good job of it.
I think(censored) and (censored) should be (censored) in case of (censored). Furthermore, (censored) (censored) when (censored). If we (censored) then (censored). And that is all I have to say bout that!

paid for by friends of the thought police :)
When you can't experience your feelings properly, we would be happy to do delete them for you.
it depends on the reason its censored.

for instance a supression order on a person accused of a crime could be because the judge doesnt want the media to preduce the case OR because there is a child involved and there identity is by law ment to be protected

then there is "censorship" of things which are blatantly untrue for instance defimation and libal

now if your purly talking about "assetic" censorship i agree with you, sexual images and the naked body in general is overly censored to please the religious right mainly who think that sex is "dirty" and something that should be hidden.
it depends on the reason it's censored.

for instance, a supression order on a person accused of a crime could be because the judge doesn't want the media to produce the case, OR because there is a child involved and their identity is by law meant to be protected

then there is "censorship" of things which are blatantly untrue, for instance defamation and libel

now if you're purely talking about "ascetic" censorship, i agree with you, sexual images and the naked body in general is overly censored to please the religious right, who mainly think that sex is "dirty" and something that should be hidden.

is that what you meant to say, Asguard? :rolleyes:
I censor what I say and what my kids watch. Other than that, I've never cared about censored TV shows. I've never read any writings that were censored either.
I think(censored) and (censored) should be (censored) in case of (censored). Furthermore, (censored) (censored) when (censored). If we (censored) then (censored). And that is all I have to say bout that!

paid for by friends of the thought police :)
When you can't experience your feelings properly, we would be happy to do delete them for you.

censorship keeps power out of the hands of the uninformed, and allows for an informed aristocracy. If you enjoy being a serf to your government, then yay censorship!


Just don't tell the thought police I was here. They can be cranky.