Is cancer a bad way to die?


Registered Senior Member
Compared to other common diseases?

I feel as though I would rather die of cancer than have a heart attack because I am terrified of pain, and heart attack seems like one of the most painful ways to go.
My Dad died of cancer. It took him six long painfully agonizing bedridden incontenant delirium filled years to do so.
My mother. Two years of exactly the same.
Mine too, but four months, thankfully.

I don't think there is an objectively worst way to die. If you were dying from an infected hangnail, I'd expect that would seem like the worst way to go to you in that moment.
depends on attitude - I've known people who greeted cancer as a good way to go since they have plenty of forewarning to organize and prepare themselves for going
Compared to other common diseases?

I feel as though I would rather die of cancer than have a heart attack because I am terrified of pain, and heart attack seems like one of the most painful ways to go.
Would you rather rip the band aide off, or tear it off ever so slowly? Sure a heart attack must hurt, but for how long? Cancer? Fuck. That can lead to months of pain and suffering.
Compared to other common diseases?

I feel as though I would rather die of cancer than have a heart attack because I am terrified of pain, and heart attack seems like one of the most painful ways to go.

you dont think cancer is painful?

not only when you are told that you have cancer you feal that your whole life is falling to pieces and you have to pick them pieces up and get yourself together, you are constenly being pumped with pain killing drugs, needles, and not to mention the initial operation, which leaves a scar which in turn can have its own problems, you are in pain every day, somtimes all day, taking liquid morphine, and on top of all that your hair falls out because of all the treatments you need, which opens up a whole new chapter of problems, then if you have breast cancer you need reconstruction surgery to make you a new breast, and if you have lymphoma the operation point in your neck line, or under your arm, can open up at any point, and bleed, and then you need more sticthes, so all in all i would rather die of heart attack!!

cancer is painful, not only for you but your family, who have to sit by and in some cases watch you die slowly and painfully and there is not a thing they can do about it.
While I lost my grandfather recently due to pancreatic cancer, and it was absolutely depressing, the byproduct of killing the host in hopes of killing the cancer is the worst part of it, not the diagnosis. Do not take me wrong, I certainly believe the study of medicine is a blessing in this modern era, but I believe in the older days, I sure many people who were diagnosed at death: "died of natural causes," were actually victims of cancer, and went away without the toxins and agony.
However, I've always felt that drowning and suffocating would be the worst in terms of physical pain and panic to the victim, but stands nowhere near cancer in terms of emotional pain and agony.
I lost my mother to brain cancer in 92. She fought it for 18 months, and in the end, I don’t know how much physical pain she experienced. Don’t get me wrong she experienced pain, but her treatment was radiation therapy, as opposed to chemo. But I do recall many nights when she would scream and cry aloud that she was losing her mind. She was a strong individual and I think her losing her independence was the worst part of the cancer.

If it were me, I'd rather take a bullet and get it over with, then slowly become something you're not and then die.
Cancer is very painful. If I knew I was going to die fom cancer, and be bedridden in continuous pain, I dont think I could stand living. There are worse ways.

Old age. Get out there and do something. How humiliating is it to have spent 70+ years on this planet and not have done anything exciting enough to kill you.

As a suicide bomber.

Like Goose in top gun.
Cancer is much worse than a heart attack. Cancer patients are drugged out of their minds to lessen the agony of a slow and painful death. Heart attacks are fast. The next thing you know you are unconscious, and then dead.
Any kind of pain, resulting in death, short term or long term is a "bad" way to die. The ideal would be painless, like going to sleep comfortably and never wake up :eek:

What’s the picture that you are using for your avatar?


It’s too small to make out clearly, but it looks like a picture of cells expressing GFP. It doesn’t look like a confocal image so it’s probably taken using a compound light microscope with fluorescence capability. It looks like there are projections radiating out from the cells – is it a neural tissue explant of some kind (ie. they’re axons)?
Except for dying in your sleep or having it occur suddenly without warning, is there a good way to die?
i would take a bullet to the head in my sleep over just about anything. But a MASSIVE heart attack or a brain aneurysm is so much kinder than cancer. no pain and dead before you hit the floor
Except for dying in your sleep or having it occur suddenly without warning, is there a good way to die?

In the arms of a beautiful woman having sex and having an orgasim! Now that's entertainment! :xctd::itold::shake:
I would hate to be that poor woman.
Doesn't your body evacuate when you die? Would you be peeing in her or pooping on her?