Is Anybody In Heaven Now?


Hey ya'll,

I know I haven't posted in a long while, but with the holidays and all, work has been hell (no pun intended) and I've been too busy/tired/lame to even visit sciforums. ANYWHO...

I work with a Jehovah's Witness, and just today he inspired me to post. I mentioned, jokingly, about how I was going to go straight to hell for my behavior or something, and he said "If I believed in Hell, I'd agree with ya."

Now, that caught me, because Witnesses are strict to the Bible. When I asked him about it, he told me "There isn't a soul, you don't go anywhere when you die. You just die. We believe in a physical reincarnation on the day of Judgement."

I kind of thought that was crazy, but when I actually thought about it, doesn't it kind of make sense? (Not that I believe in God, this is just for the sake of argument) Isn't the point of Judgement Day to take all the souls of the dead and living and take the deserving to Heaven? I mean, aren't all the souls waiting to be judged right now? Is anybody (aside from those who are said to have gone to Heaven in the Bible) in Heaven?

I don't know. No one knows for sure all we can do right now is guess and come up with the most logical answer. Unfortunetly according to the bible the ideas of god and heaven are to advance for us to comprehend. Although this statement has been used alot to answer questions that object the bible...anyways it comes down to the same question, Is there even a heven? So many interpretations of the bible are just absolute bullshit now adays, the idea of faith has become a joke over the years so questions contradicting god's existance has arrised. Maybe if they only had the will to keep themselves from alter the bible, then maybe such questions wouldn't be asked who knows.

is there anyone heaven? Well according to the bible, Nope. As far as I know Judgment day hasn't been presented yet, and those souls are still sleeping waiting for their passage into heaven...or hell. Or maybe hell is the period in which they wait for judgement day. who knows?
I personally dont believe in free will. Actually it is obvious that we dont have the type of free will that would make heaven/hell a legitamate idea. Nobody in their true essence is responsible for anything.
DefSkeptic said:
I personally dont believe in free will. Actually it is obvious that we dont have the type of free will that would make heaven/hell a legitamate idea. Nobody in their true essence is responsible for anything.
M*W: Humanity does not have total free-will now. Free-will is limted by the percentage of brain power we are able to use in the present. Therefore, until the human race has FULLY evolved toward total perfection (toward becoming One with God when our faculties reach 100% and our mortality reaches 0%), that is when we will experience totality of free-will and we BECOME God.