Is America too damn religious?


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
Recent NPR debate on the topic:

The unedited debate is 94 mins long...Although I could just give you a short answer: yes....

"Three experts argue in favor of the motion; three others argue against it.

In a vote before the debate, about 67 percent of the audience agreed with the motion. After hearing the debate, more than 70 percent agreed with the motion, roughly 24 percent were opposed and about 5 percent were undecided, concluding that America is in fact "too damn religious.""
Hmm, I think most people just SAY they're religious opposed to actually BEING religious.

And as to the "poll", my best guess is that it, like most all polls, is just people lying or the pollsters lying or the pollsters' employers lying or all of them lying!

Anyone who'd believe a poll is probably close to being a damned fool ....if not actually being a damned fool.

Baron Max
I like it even better when they pray to God before sport events, and when they win, they thank him. Realllllllyyyyyyy.........
We Americans love money to much to allow religion to have much sway. Probably the guy had a big bet riding on the game!
I like it even better when they pray to God before sport events, and when they win, they thank him. Realllllllyyyyyyy.........

I have never understood that. Funny how they never ask for their religious opinions after they lose.;)
I like it even better when they pray to God before sport events, and when they win, they thank him. Realllllllyyyyyyy.........

God hates the other team.
Recent NPR debate on the topic:

The unedited debate is 94 mins long...Although I could just give you a short answer: yes....
I could have predicted the result from the fact that it was an NPR debate. There is no more liberal institution in the US than NPR. I remember when Hilary was trying to takeover the US healthcare system, the NPR newsteam was discussing it. The reporter asked the news analyst, "At this point, is there anyone who opposes nationalised healthcare?" The news analyst couldn't think of anyone. I immediately began screaming at the radio. Fiscal conservatives! Capitalists! Anyone who's dealt with the BMV!

Ultimately her plan went down in flames and spurred the Republican takeover of Congress. No one at NPR could have possibly foreseen this outcome. It was simply not in their worldview. Neither is religion.
You are probably right with the leftish bias. It just shows that beside publicly owned radio (aka, no corporate interest involved) there is no liberal voice/left presentation really on radio...
I agree with Baron. Most people don't really believe the things they pretend to believe. They are just trying to obey social norms. The loud few misrepresent the rest.

What really hurts the US is the result of this social stigma: Most Americans do not understand that Evolution is an observable fact. So, even though it is a game of "pretend", it has real, negative consequences. Especially the hate and intolerance that this play-time engenders.
That primordial ooze changes into humans is an observable fact? Do tell.

For one who believes magic and myth are fundamental properties of nature, ooze transforming into humans should be but a little stretch, comparatively speaking.
Ah, yes, both in the realm of the miraculous, now you're beginning to see.

I see your line of thinking, or lack thereof, and you're confused that I would allow an over-active imagination to rule my world-view, as you do.

Understanding the fool to be a fool does not necessitate the need to become one.
Q, you put supposed Darwinian evolution into the realm of the supernatural, and I congratulate you.

Why the adulations? Can't anyone claim I don't possess an imagination and am freely, emphatically, and chronically deluded to impose it upon you?