? I certainly do understand things in brief, I have a habit of putting it briefly myself: Breif, though certainly not.
And again time dilation occurs because of the finite speed of light as I said.
Are you trying to be funny?
Redshift/blueshift, cosmological redshift/blueshift that is, occurs because of intervening spacetime expanding.
Now read both statements slowly and let the meanings sink in, uninhibited by whatever agenda you are afflicted with.
Sorry, that's bullshit. Spacetime is expanding, and expanding at an ever increasing rate.........No one said space is red shifted, obviously you are confused......Space does not reflect light as such: Light follows geodesic paths in curved spacetime:
Near everything you are suggesting is pseudoscience according to the evidence and data available.
This thread should be shifted, as your intended question is fraudulent and just a guise to push this pseudo crap.
ps: Also please be aware that as I listed earlier and which has seemingly confused you even more, there are three kinds of red/blue shift: Doppler, Gravitational, and Cosmological.