You are so monumentally confused nothing is clear to you. Photons emited from an object must enter our eyes to see the object, that is trivially obvious.You clearly do not know how light has to reflect of an object and into your eyes to see that object,
I will make a guess at what this is suppose to mean. I think you are asking how does a red shift occur.what do you propose of space reflects light to show a red shift ?
There are several ways to make a red shift/blue shift, here is one.
If there is a relative motion between a light source and a reciever then the relative velocity will result in the reciever detecting a different wavelength from the emitted wavelength. If the distance between the reciever and the source is increasing the wavelength will be longer, red shifted. If the reciever and source are moving towards each other the the wavelength will be shorter, blue shifted.
If by chance you disagree with this, you should know that is exactly how radar speed guns work. So if you get a speeding ticket maybe you try convincing the judge that the radar guns don't really work, according to your 'theory'.