Is a fragment of Infinity Finite?


Registered Senior Member
I ask that question because I wonder if transfinite set theory can contribute to a comtemplation of 'God'. When I think about the Alpephs known-proven and unproven-unknown I come up with an analogy like this that those two terms are like the light cone that because of lightspeed restricts us from learning everything or seeing all the way/all of the universe. Do all the Alephs sum,add,or culminate in some absolute Infinity. :confused:
I find enjoyment in this line of thought because I guess it opens my imagination to wider ranges of understanding, the nature of 'God'. :) Peace Amp
are you refering to something similar to limits?
where a series aproaches a number, but never really gets there, even to infinity?

EDIT: (well, actually it DOES get there at infinity, but infinity is not value)

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A finite segment of infinity?
Think of a circle. There is technically no beginning and no end to it. INFinite. But if we take an arc of a circle then the line of arc does have finite boundaries.

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even though you could travel the circumference of a circle in one direction for ever, it is not true infinity, since the same values are repeating every 360 degrees....

also, of course you have finite boundaries if you select two locations

a line on a plane fits this description as well
Why then in waveform analysis, in the displacement value of sinusoidal waves does the circular derivation increase wavelength after wavelength, ie, 360, 720, 1080?

The same principle applies to the study of loci.
In essence, what I am saying is that you can pass through 360 degrees.
The total angular displacement is then 361 degrees and so on.
The idea of a circle seems to apply well though I think of it in the sort of way a

mobius strip is a circle, but I suspect its more along the trail of fractals with each segement being sort of uncountably infinite though thats redundant because of the repetition even though the repetitions are not exactly alike in orientation. And I believe there are topological structures with more than one-sidedness,BTW, are Mandalbrot sets(Julias,ect) topological structures Peace Amp
The model mobius strip is to my mind almost like differential interface between two perpendicular circles.

I would still maintain that if an arc of the line described by any part of a infinite entity is removed fropm the entity, there must be very definite regional limits.

Infinit entities are therefore comprised of finite components. :D
heh, unfortunately im not a physicist or mathemetician

all i mean is that the points that lie on a circle are not infinite. you can have infinite rotations, and when drawing these rotations as a wave you will get an infinite line...

but an 'infinite' circle can be placed inside a non-infinite plane (a rectangle)

EDIT: a line IS infinite, and requires an infinite plane to be placed on/into

mostly my point was that of course you get a finite distance when choosing two arbitrary points...
Infinit entities are therefore comprised of finite components

ah yes, but an infinite amount of them :D
Mangoman, I'm trying to use cardinality but if you mean the limit of

the Alephs(symbolic of cardinality) being some value meaning an absolute or universal infinity. And what I mean by know-proven is well Aleph-sub0,aleph-1(I think thats the continuim),and so on. :)
Peace Amp
Originally posted by Mangoman
mostly my point was that of course you get a finite distance when choosing two arbitrary points...

My point exactly about the finite nature of an arc!

Infinit entities are therefore comprised of finite components

ah yes, but an infinite amount of them

Exactly what makes the circle infinite.

So in part, this answers the question;
Is a fragment of an infinit entity finite


I must go now. Some of us have night shifts to prepare for. There are damaged circuit boards out there with my name on them.

I'll be back. :D
Ya know Esp it dose't seem to work if you take the segment but exclude the end points

ie. The # line the #s between 1 and 2 or 0 and 1, you get what I'm getting at? Peace Amp
Infinit entities are therefore comprised of finite components

ah yes, but an infinite amount of them

Exactly what makes the circle infinite.

but a circle is made up of a limited amount of arcs....
or hmmmm

ok you CAN take arcs forever if the arcs are increasingly smaller and smaller, but you are always able to take the last arc, and be left with nothing

on a line you can take as many and as large segments as you like and you never have a shorter line, even if it is missing parts...
Ok, I agree you can take

a finite segment of an infinite line. Does that apply to entities such as transcendental sets, infinite sets(probably using a technique like the one u showed for a line), transfinite sets?
Peace Amp
Well neither am I qualified as I'm no mathematician

but I've an interest in those concepts and wonder how it relates to comprehending 'God' is an absolute. Any one out there know about those types of sets? Feel free to respond. :) Peace Amp
ok you CAN take arcs forever if the arcs are increasingly smaller and smaller, but you are always able to take the last arc, and be left with nothing

Perhaps an arc is a bad example.

But would you consider a point on a circle?

Because a point has no dimension, there must be an infinite quantity of these finite entities, since a circle is, in essence, a line curved round on itself, and a line is a collection series of points.

One other thing, I haven't checked today, are people saying that the universe is infinite or not?
