Irreligion by John Allen Paulos


Valued Senior Member
A mathematician explains why the arguments
for God just don't add up

by John Allen Paulos

Has anyone read this book yet?

I just began reading it and am about 1/2 way through, but it's.... very vague. I still don't see his reasoning. So far, all of his "math" concludes that you cannot prove whether or not god exists, instead of supporting his title that god does not exist.

Anywho, anyone who has read this book, please chime in and let me know what you think.
God can be proven by mathematics... It has already been done... When analyzing Scripture like the Quran we can see that a great mathematician wrote it. The author knew, already 1430 years ago, that humans have 46 chromosomes. This number is evident when analyzing the parts talking about human creation in the Quran.

The following site presents many of the incredible mathematical / scientific phenomena that have been discovered recently in the Holy Quran:

Denying God's existence provides no answer to how we and the universe came into existence. The complexity of the universe and life itself calls for an intelligent creator.

The site provides proof for God's existence.

"Or were they created without there being anything, or are they the creators?" Quran - The Mount 52:35
God can be proven by mathematics... It has already been done...
No it can't and no it hasn't. Mathematics can only prove itself.

The rest of your post is insupportable supposition.
A mathematician explains why the arguments
for God just don't add up

by John Allen Paulos
I just began reading it and am about 1/2 way through, but it's.... very vague. I still don't see his reasoning. So far, all of his "math" concludes that you cannot prove whether or not god exists, instead of supporting his title that god does not exist.

I've not yet read the book. But looking at the reviews quickly, and reading the introduction, you've mischaracterized his intent. Debunking arguments for the existence of god does not mean he set out to prove there isn't one (which is a good thing, since it's impossible).
I've not yet read the book. But looking at the reviews quickly, and reading the introduction, you've mischaracterized his intent. Debunking arguments for the existence of god does not mean he set out to prove there isn't one (which is a good thing, since it's impossible).

You're correct at that, but he does clearly state through the book his denial of a higher power, and not just the arguments.
No it can't and no it hasn't. Mathematics can only prove itself.

The rest of your post is insupportable supposition.

1. why can't it be proven?
2. how do you know mathematics can't prove God' existence?
3. what do you mean by "insupportable supposition"?

1. why can't it be proven?
Because there's no evidence.

2. how do you know mathematics can't prove God' existence?
You what? You are aware that mathematics cannot prove anything other than more mathematics? It says nothing whatsoever about the real (or unreal) world.

3. what do you mean by "insupportable supposition"?
It's quite simple:
The complexity of the universe and life itself calls for an intelligent creator.
That is a supposition. With no support.

The site provides proof for God's existence.
As has been explained to Yosef many times, the site does no such thing. It's speculation. With no support.