Irish church knew abuse 'endemic'


Master Queef
Valued Senior Member
I don't know what is more shocking, the abuse that happened or the fact that after all this time and an inquiry that has taken nine years nobody will be prosecuted!?!?
Add to that, this story is pretty much dead in the British press after one day but the MP's expenses scandal is running and running.....WTF?
The Catholic Church just pays everyone off to shut them up. Then they send those that did anything elsewhere to do it again and again, over and over. Anyone that thinks the Catholic Church is a very nice organization better think again. Throughout history the Catholic Church has gotten away with murder , torture and just outright evil shit and NO ONE DOES ANYTHING TO STOP THEM! People still join up with it daily as well. :mad: :mad:
Funny isn't it that no one else has anything to say about this really fucked up religion doing this crap to children. They just sit back and let it go on and on and on....:shrug:
I can understand still being a christian, but how could anyone still be a catholic after all this comes out. How have they not lost faith in their church?
People are stupid and will brush this stuff under the carpet. After all they can just reason that the priests in question were not proper Catholics.
It seems they would rather forget this stuff than let go of their precious religion.