Iraq Veterans vulnerable to commit suicide

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for the ones that don't understand the article:

in 2005 there was a suicidal rate of 17 vets each day.
normaly that number is much less: US ctizens compared to vets: 9/100.000 against 20/100.000
The number is even higher for vets between 21 and 24: 30/100.000
So when does he ship out to Iraq?

I don't know. I got a call from an Army nutritionist yesterday. Apparently mine is the only contact number they have for him. He's on an Army base in Georgia, and they call an Oregon number to find him. No wonder we can't find Osama.

Anyway, he finished basic and he still has to complete infantry training. Maybe sometime next year.

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Baron Max: If only 25% is realy on the front line: Why the hell did you sent the other 75% for? To play cards? Is that maybe why you made a mess out there? I think you miscalculated!

Support personnel, clothing, gear, supplies, water, housing, electricity, vehicle maintenance, administrative tasks, medical supplies and personnel, ......and the list goes on and on. And, yes, when they aren't working, they probably play a lot of card games.

Baron Max
It must be traumatic killing people for no good reason in their own country.
It must be traumatic killing people for no good reason in their own country.

No, not really. It might be for some mamby-pamby, doo-gooder, bleeding-heart, liberal idealists, but shooting someone ain't nearly so difficult or traumatic as people make it out to be.

Just think, Sam, if that we true, and if was so traumatic, then we'd not have many Muslim terrorists, would we? As we see on tv news, "those people" really like killing people! :D

Baron Max
No, not really. It might be for some mamby-pamby, doo-gooder, bleeding-heart, liberal idealists, but shooting someone ain't nearly so difficult or traumatic as people make it out to be.

Just think, Sam, if that we true, and if was so traumatic, then we'd not have many Muslim terrorists, would we? As we see on tv news, "those people" really like killing people! :D

Baron Max

So the Iraq veterans are western suicide terrorists? Interesting perspective Baron.

They already have the suicidal tendencies then? And decide to take down a few other people before they give in to their impulses? Is this an advanced form of suicide terrorism?
So the Iraq veterans are western suicide terrorists? Interesting perspective Baron.

They already have the suicidal tendencies then? And decide to take down a few other people before they give in to their impulses? Is this an advanced form of suicide terrorism?

Jab, poke, jab, poke,.......... Sam and her sharpened stick ...aiming for the eyes, no doubt.

Baron Max
No, not really. It might be for some mamby-pamby, doo-gooder, bleeding-heart, liberal idealists, but shooting someone ain't nearly so difficult or traumatic as people make it out to be.

Just think, Sam, if that we true, and if was so traumatic, then we'd not have many Muslim terrorists, would we? As we see on tv news, "those people" really like killing people! :D

Baron Max

you reliaze their is science that proves you wrong. when some one is exacuted they make sure no one knows who did want to why they found when som eone knew they were responsible for someone death in this area they had a higher rate of commiting sucide. in others words your wrong deal with it
baron said:
No, not really. It might be for some mamby-pamby, doo-gooder, bleeding-heart, liberal idealists, but shooting someone ain't nearly so difficult or traumatic as people make it out to be.
According to most WWII vets I've talked to, in an industrial modern war it normally scars you for life. Bad dreams, stuff like that.

And that was a justified, well-supported war.
According to most WWII vets I've talked to, in an industrial modern war it normally scars you for life. Bad dreams, stuff like that.

And that was a justified, well-supported war.

yep the human mind blocks it out. i talked to my grandpa bout ww2 and he never talked about combat all he talked about was shooting monkeys and eation parrots. i know he was in combat because he had a purple heart but he never talked about it. being in war fucks you up real good
...Orleander: It is funny to me that you don't understand. It only takes a bit of empathy (not sympathy) to imagine what it would be like to live in constant severe stress. 24hours a day, 365 days a year. You see the most horroble things and then you are supposed to return back to society and 'pick up your life again'. How do you think that that is possible when you are 22??

??? My father and brothers both joined straight out of high school. My dad was in the military during Viet Nam and both brothers went to Iraq. One then went to one of the 'stan' countries right after 9/11. Both are/were career military.
Its possible.
It's been done after every war America has been in.

I do not believe there have been more vet suicides than battle casualties. These soldiers aren't coming back to scorn. They are coming back as heroes.
War is bad and it invariably leaves scars, but I stand by what I said earlier. The gist that got this thread rolling seems wrong, as does Spider's non-specific "support" story. I need to see some hard numbers before I buy the premise for sale here.
??? My father and brothers both joined straight out of high school. My dad was in the military during Viet Nam and both brothers went to Iraq. One then went to one of the 'stan' countries right after 9/11. Both are/were career military.
Its possible.
It's been done after every war America has been in.

I do not believe there have been more vet suicides than battle casualties. These soldiers aren't coming back to scorn. They are coming back as heroes.

wEll I am truly happy your family returned safe and healty...but still I think it sounds logical many vets are a psychological dissaster when they return.
My own grandpa was sentenced in Nazi camps for 3 years, he survived but came back a wreck (offcourse).
As I said I was in Bosnia for a while and everybody I spoke (young men) that have been on the battlefield had scars of war.
For exemple: one of the guys I met went on a mission with another one. His partner suddenly stepped on a mine. The guy described how his partner was ripped appart.
Now the thing what was strange about him telling this story was the lack of any emotion on his face. He couldn't laugh either. To be complete: he never showed any sense of emotion.
Now I can tell you that these people are a psychological wreck too.
shooting someone ain't nearly so difficult or traumatic as people make it out to be.

Well maybe you need a psychological check up Baron, cause shooting someone is not that easy.

One of the reasons why sldiers are able to shoot is because they dehumanize their victims. It is less difficult if you even don't see someone as a human ..... it is easier to take distance from that person and commit a crime.

That is the technique the Nazis used to program their soldiers. All jews, resistance, gay, gypsies and other non-arian people where Untermenschen.
Baron Max: If only 25% is realy on the front line: Why the hell did you sent the other 75% for? To play cards? Is that maybe why you made a mess out there? I think you miscalculated!
They're part of the support structure necessary to maintain a highly mechanized and technologically rich force in the field. For every trigger puller we send downrange, it takes another 11 to support him. We call it the tooth to tail ratio, and the US military has the lowest tooth to tail ratio out of any fighting force, ever.

The difference is, Iraq is an amorphous battlefield with no clearly discernable enemy lines of advance, so the rear echelon personnel can find themselves putting steel on target just as often as the dudes on the pointy end of the spear. Somebody pointed this out already.

It doesn't matter anyway. Every Marine is trained to be a rifleman first and to perform his or her other occupational specialty second. The Army trains their soldiers in a similar manner.
According to most WWII vets I've talked to, in an industrial modern war it normally scars you for life. Bad dreams, stuff like that.

And just how many of the millions of WWII vets have you actually talked to? And that small percentage is what you base your opinions on?

Or are you reading the sensationalist bullshit in the papers, on tv and in books?

Baron Max
Well maybe you need a psychological check up Baron, cause shooting someone is not that easy.

Well, apparently it is ....because there are thousands of people shooting people, and killing, every day somewhere on this Earth. So reality certainly holds up my opinion a lot more than it does yours, don't it? Hell, I'd bet that there was a murder yesterday right there in your own city/town.

Baron Max
That part is so wrong that it's not even worth talking to you about.

Baron Max
Operations in Iraq are all about presence. 99% of the missions we run in-country are presence patrols - walking a given route through a neighborhood to establish a friendly rapport with the locals - rather than deliberate attack missions where we roll out to destroy a particular target. Instead of loading up with extra grenades and boxes of ammo, shooters load up with toys and candy. In this role, it doesn't matter if you're Force Recon or a're both equally qualified and trained to do the same thing and are employed as such.
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