Iran police beat women


Valued Senior Member
Iran police beat women activists

Police in Iran have beaten a small group of women activists trying to hold a protest for greater legal rights in the biggest square of the capital. Several people were arrested by the security forces who moved in almost as soon as activists started gathering. About 20 women sat on the grass in Haft-e Tir Square in central Teheran and began to sing a feminist song. They were calling for equal divorce and custody rights and a ban on polygamy.

By the beard of the Prophet ... how dare these harpies go against the teachings of our beloved polygamist founder Mohammed. Monogamy is a lie sold by the Zionists!! Told to deceive good Muslim men from having multiple sexual partners!! Do not be deceived my brothers!

HAhahahahahah! Sorry about that, but I read this stuff and think to my self: People in the West (namely the USA and Europe) are worried that this backwards (backwards from my point of view) religion is somehow going to come over to the West and take it over?!?!? :bugeye: Not by a far sight!!!

Turn off CNN and come in from the cold, it aint going to happen.
Isn't polygamy allowed in the qoran? I thought it was?

Any muslims want to answer this one?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days