The truly ancient Persian civilization is Zoroasterian, not Islamic.
Of course they have an identity, but do they have a standard of living?
Why arent Iranians wealthy like their Saudi brethren?
They were. In 1905 when they first adopted a Parliamentary democracy [the first people in the Middle East to voluntarily do so], their nationalism and self determination was brutally crushed, first by the British and then by the Americans [in 1953]. At that time, most of the educated were already getting a western education and unlike their compatriots who were more socialistic and impressed with communism [like the secular Palestinians] they were capitalistic from the get go. After a century of being crushed politically, economically and socially by the Americans for their oil [the Americans knew that the Iranians would not only nationalise the oil successfully, but also manage it successfully, creating a model for the rest of the oil producing nations] what you see today is a society that has survived against all odds.
Inspite of this unilateral oppression by the Americans, merely to prevent the Middle East from self determination, Iranians have always presented continuous and consistent peace plans, which have been rejected by the US since the 1980s. Because they held hostage some of the Americans in 1979 after being fed up of being tortured and murdered for 25 years under a despot appointed by the US, with a secret police trained by the CIA. Hows that for irony?
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