Iq Test

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Is there such thing as a accurate IQ test on the web?

All that IQ tests measure is your ability to memorize stuff and regurgitate it when needed. IQ tests never ask to write a poem or a song or draw a picture or tell a story or many other things as well. That's why I do not think any IQ test can really evaluate someones mental ability.
then how do people estimate historical figures iq's.

Well i guess iq is a pointless number in the first place, therefor this thread is useless.
again it is a recent test, just developed by some people trying to see who had a better memory than others.
Memory, i thought it was supposed to test your intelligence. Last time i checked you can have photographic memory but still suck ass at math.
I'd think that would be rather hard to do for if you had a "photoghraphic" memory you would know all of the formulas to use with all math problems.
I don't know. Even if you know the fourmulas how does that help you decipher the math. Your brain is not a caculator no matter how photographic it is.

add 5146551151 and 48894984894 with a photographic memory. It would take a normal human just as long. I think anyways.
Standard IQ tests tend not to test memory. It is true some knowledge is required for parts of the tests but memory is not the dominant component being tested. It is more about the speed at which you can reach conclusions to a long set of short tests, e.g. pattern recognition, sequences, math, and logic problems. Most people given enough time can complete all the questions in an IQ test, they are generally not hard. The test is how fast can you do them.

An example would be comparing a 20 year old computer with the latest, they both complete the tests, but the latest does it a thousand or more times faster. It would seem that people's brain's also operate at different speeds.

Unfortunately it is possible to cheat somewhat on IQ tests by practicing the types of tests that are typically presented at the formal tests.

As for artistic talent: I would say that such human abilities are independent of intelligence. IQ tests simply do not measure such things.
Re Photographic memory: Everyone has photographic memory, but some people simply don't have any film. :)
The International High IQ Society's test is unbiased and rather accurate. Google it, I can't post links.
I have taken several tests and score in the same range. I don't think they're real accurate, either. They measure certain aspects of intelligence, not all or most.
I have taken several tests and score in the same range. I don't think they're real accurate, either. They measure certain aspects of intelligence, not all or most.

Watch how it changes every 10 years or so. If it stays the same, by definition it is wrong, because all IQ tests should take age in to account. Tests are good up to age 10 or more...
It is impossible to have an accurate iq test.

I have recently completed one on line and i scored just above average at iq 63 i have the picture to prove it.
jmpet i am not lying, but i honestly beleive if the iq tests were acurate your score would always be almost the same each time you took the test.

i only truely trust the iq tests you can take at my local library not online because sometimes the score could just be random.
i blew through iq tests, and i can not spell worth a fuck..

English class was parking lot 101 for me in high school, best choice of my life, i would prolly have arthritis's in my hands, with our crazy write out 15 000 pages a day teachers..
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