"Invisible Man" technique!


Registered Senior Member
Though this technique might be interesting. It is believed that by it you can become, while not really invisible, but unnoticable. I.e. you would go pass people and they won't notice you. ___ <- here's an invisible smily :cool: .

1. Stop your thought ( it is supposed that you can already do that ).

2. Say what you want to do. For examle, "I will become invisible, go into that and that office, take pictures of that and that papers and return."

3. Go into an altered state of mind "here and now" - it is when nothing, exept for what you see around you, exists for you. There was no yestarday, no last year... you don't have a name and you don't know who your parents are... Also there's no tomorrow... everything that exists is HERE and NOW.

4. Go into an altered state of mind "Water" - like "I am water... I can run around all objects and get into any holes, etc.

5. At this point it is believed that you conscious would temporary shut down and your subconscious would lead you, according to your plan. And upon returning, your conscious won't remamber anything.

Well... I haven't tried this out myself, but sounds interesting. I heard of this technique in V. Shlahter's book, where he reffered it to Castaneda. Shlahter also claims that he used this thechnique to enter a secret ( more or less ) meeting, wounder around, look at some papers and leave. While no one noticed him, he was recorded on cameras.

Good Luck!
You can also be really boring and uninteresting to such an extent that people either really don't know, nor care that you exist, or that they aviod you completely thus technically you are invisible.
I was just thinking that they probably think your just crazy.

People don't mess with the crazy guy.
No... I was just building on your comment.

'You' was in the general sense that bratok used. Basically, whoever decides to use an invisible smiley.
Originally posted by Persol
No... I was just building on your comment.

'You' was in the general sense that bratok used. Basically, whoever decides to use an invisible smiley.

Oh...well you never know. Some ancient martal arts could probably employ such a technique for espionage.
I've read about certain arts visualizing things like this... but they always had some amount of skill involved as well. Never just, 'let your subconsious do it'... although with practice that seems to be what happens.
Just make sure that you remove your clothes before becoming unnoticeable. People are definitely going to notice the miniskirt or the FUBU chacqueto. Now try cancelling out your mind and entering a secret government meeting without any garments and you'll be a-ok!