Invincibility Mode


Come Let Us Reason Together
Valued Senior Member
I am home this week recovering from Back Surgery. My Surgery went well and my Recovery is going very well.


I have been thinking lately that my need for back surgery might have ultimately been caused by my own religion or faith in the years past.

Christianity has always kinda taught me that God will protect me from harm. And I know very well that I have chosen to lift very heavy objects in my past which I now know I shouldn't have. I thought God would protect me. When I was younger I think I had almost an Invincibility Complex because of it. I have seen others in my faith who tear up their bodies because of similar thinking.

Just think of how “Invincibility Mode” changes the way you play a video game.

Now I believe differently on many levels but back then I bought into everything without question.
I am home this week recovering from Back Surgery. My Surgery went well and my Recovery is going very well.


I have been thinking lately that my need for back surgery might have ultimately been caused by my own religion or faith in the years past.

Christianity has always kinda taught me that God will protect me from harm. And I know very well that I have chosen to lift very heavy objects in my past which I now know I shouldn't have. I thought God would protect me. When I was younger I think I had almost an Invincibility Complex because of it. I have seen others in my faith who tear up their bodies because of similar thinking.

Just think of how “Invincibility Mode” changes the way you play a video game.

Now I believe differently on many levels but back then I bought into everything without question.
M*W: I was also under the false assumption that god would take care of me. It boiled down to me taking care of myself. Now that my body is old, tired and worn out, I wish there was a god who could take care of me. Ah, but not so. If we were taught in our youth how to keep our own bodies healthy, we wouldn't have relied on a magical being to do it for us. Times are changing, and more emphasis is put on young kids to keep healthy.

My point is that we all must stop the insanity and quit believing in that magical diety to save us from ourselves.
you have to ask yourself if god was real why wouldnt he heal everyone from the injuries they have i know some people will come in and say "god has protected me over my xx ammount of years" yet what they dont tell you is " i have never lifted anything over 50 lbs"

what you have to remember about faith/god is it is still unproven.. so as far as we know today its just a glorified fairy tail that millions of people believe because without religion there would be chaos. with religion there is chaos.. its a lose lose situation
I am home this week recovering from Back Surgery. My Surgery went well and my Recovery is going very well.


I have been thinking lately that my need for back surgery might have ultimately been caused by my own religion or faith in the years past.

Christianity has always kinda taught me that God will protect me from harm. And I know very well that I have chosen to lift very heavy objects in my past which I now know I shouldn't have. I thought God would protect me. When I was younger I think I had almost an Invincibility Complex because of it. I have seen others in my faith who tear up their bodies because of similar thinking.

Just think of how “Invincibility Mode” changes the way you play a video game.

Now I believe differently on many levels but back then I bought into everything without question.

Surely you realize that you are just relaying how a young person would think in GENERAL.:facepalm: Some more than others.
Surely you realize that you are just relaying how a young person would think in GENERAL.:facepalm: Some more than others.

I agree!

And I think it does come down to the individual.

In my individual case my faith influenced me.

M*W: I was also under the false assumption that god would take care of me. It boiled down to me taking care of myself. Now that my body is old, tired and worn out, I wish there was a god who could take care of me. Ah, but not so. If we were taught in our youth how to keep our own bodies healthy, we wouldn't have relied on a magical being to do it for us. Times are changing, and more emphasis is put on young kids to keep healthy.

My point is that we all must stop the insanity and quit believing in that magical diety to save us from ourselves.

The "God Description" you were raised on might be in gross error.

But how does that mean, with absolute certainty, that some other unknown or even unknowable correct "God Description" cannot exist?

Thanks for your comments MW.
I am home this week recovering from Back Surgery. My Surgery went well and my Recovery is going very well.


I have been thinking lately that my need for back surgery might have ultimately been caused by my own religion or faith in the years past.

Christianity has always kinda taught me that God will protect me from harm. And I know very well that I have chosen to lift very heavy objects in my past which I now know I shouldn't have. I thought God would protect me. When I was younger I think I had almost an Invincibility Complex because of it. I have seen others in my faith who tear up their bodies because of similar thinking.

Just think of how “Invincibility Mode” changes the way you play a video game.

Now I believe differently on many levels but back then I bought into everything without question.
Its not unusual.
Every teenager thinks they're god
I am home this week recovering from Back Surgery. My Surgery went well and my Recovery is going very well.


I have been thinking lately that my need for back surgery might have ultimately been caused by my own religion or faith in the years past.

Christianity has always kinda taught me that God will protect me from harm. And I know very well that I have chosen to lift very heavy objects in my past which I now know I shouldn't have. I thought God would protect me. When I was younger I think I had almost an Invincibility Complex because of it. I have seen others in my faith who tear up their bodies because of similar thinking.

Just think of how “Invincibility Mode” changes the way you play a video game.

Now I believe differently on many levels but back then I bought into everything without question.

It's called getting old.
I believe in invincibility mode. Not in relation to physical damage. But in relation to my life. I believe God knows the day and time of my death. Therefore i cannot die until that time. I believe God will not allow me to die before then. I am invincible until that day.

If it ever comes. It may not :)

But that’s a whole other topic.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I believe in invincibility mode. Not in relation to physical damage. But in relation to my life. I believe God knows the day and time of my death. Therefore i cannot die until that time. I believe God will not allow me to die before then. I am invincible until that day.

If it ever comes. It may not :)

But that’s a whole other topic.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

So you play in traffic and run through a hail of bullets and stand in the path of oncoming Vehicles on a daily basis then? As you say you cannot die until,that day your God told you so.
So you play in traffic and run through a hail of bullets and stand in the path of oncoming Vehicles on a daily basis then? As you say you cannot die until,that day your God told you so.

To tell you the truth sometimes i have been tempted to do things like that.

But no. :) That would be putting God to the test. Thats not good.

But i believe God has intervened to protect me on a few occasions in my life. Looking back i believe He intervened when i stepped on a snake and also i believe He protected me from a lightning strike that enveloped me without striking me. Oh and there was that time i got hit by that car, i was thrown into the air and landed on the hard road, but i never landed with a thud. It was as if someone gently placed me down on the road, protecting me from that damage

Now I do not go running out looking for deadly snakes to step on nor do I run under trees in lightning storms. Those happenings happened with no intention on my part for them to happen.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
To tell you the truth sometimes i have been tempted to do things like that.

But no. :) That would be putting God to the test. Thats not good.

But i believe God has intervened to protect me on a few occasions in my life. Looking back i believe He intervened when i stepped on a snake and also i believe He protected me from a lightning strike that enveloped me without striking me. Oh and there was that time i got hit by that car, i was thrown into the air and landed on the hard road, but i never landed with a thud. It was as if someone gently placed me down on the road, protecting me from that damage

Now I do not go running out looking for deadly snakes to step on nor do I run under trees in lightning storms. Those happenings happened with no intention on my part for them to happen.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Well that is well and good but if God was truly looking out for you he would have made you aware of the snake and aware of the car and he would have perhaps given you the sense to go inside during a lighting storm rather than making you go through the ordeal of all that has happened. And what it sounds like to me is God perhaps is testing you to see if he has another sucker hooked I mean devout follower. I see nothing wrong with a 2 way testing system God tests you you test god...
I have always wondered why your God only gives you abut 90 years or less to live, why not more? :shrug:

The universe is over 13 billion years old so why don't you live say until 5000 years or 10,000?
Well that is well and good but if God was truly looking out for you he would have made you aware of the snake and aware of the car

Well if He wanted me to know He was looking out for me and was interviening in my life then He would have allowed me to walk into a dangerious situation and then saved me from it. See it all depends on how you look at it. lol

and he would have perhaps given you the sense to go inside during a lighting storm rather than making you go through the ordeal of all that has happened.

Well thats just it. It was not an ordeal at all.

And what it sounds like to me is God perhaps is testing you to see if he has another sucker hooked I mean devout follower.

LOL :D I cannot see how they where tests. Its not like a saw the snake and had time to wonder if God was going to interviene for me or not. More so with the lightning, all happened in an instant. No time for thinking about it.

I see nothing wrong with a 2 way testing system God tests you you test god...

I don't believe God test us. He already knows out thoughts. But God does put us into situations that cause us to execrise our faith to make it grow stronger. He may also place us in situations where we fail Him, just to let us know we are not rightious, so we do not suffer from the delusion of self rightiousness.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I have always wondered why your God only gives you abut 90 years or less to live, why not more? :shrug:

The universe is over 13 billion years old so why don't you live say until 5000 years or 10,000?

How long does one have to live to have a life?

As far as i am concerned the sooner i get out of this life the better. I have experienced enough of it thanks.

But it seems God wants me here for a while more.. Such is life.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well if He wanted me to know He was looking out for me and was interviening in my life then He would have allowed me to walk into a dangerious situation and then saved me from it. See it all depends on how you look at it. lol

Well thats just it. It was not an ordeal at all.

LOL :D I cannot see how they where tests. Its not like a saw the snake and had time to wonder if God was going to interviene for me or not. More so with the lightning, all happened in an instant. No time for thinking about it.

I don't believe God test us. He already knows out thoughts. But God does put us into situations that cause us to execrise our faith to make it grow stronger. He may also place us in situations where we fail Him, just to let us know we are not rightious, so we do not suffer from the delusion of self rightiousness.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Well peronally I would rather not be rightous and protect myself thanks. And I have never steped on a snake been hit by a car nor hit by Lightening. And I have dont this by myself. Any way off topic really so you think what you want to think and I know what I know.