Introspective Question


Paint it Black
Registered Senior Member
First off, I am atheist.

Growing up in a church, I never understood the logic behind praying. This greatly confuses me, and I would appreciate some insight.

What I do not understand is: there is either FATE or FREEWILL, and either way, praying does not affect either. In the case of fate, you are predestined. So, praying is a waste of time. For freewill, God will not interfere with your life because he placed you here, and now we are the masters of our lives.

Now, you may say that it is a form of introspection, but I must disagree. Why do churches pray congregationally if God cannot change anything? One could gain as much knowledge from plain introspection rather than the cliche "on your knees with hands clasped" gesture.

well the whole hands clapped thing is pointless. it's just tradition. lots of things in the church are just tradition. by any decent church's view of god, he doesn't care if you dress up for church or get on your knees when you pray.

praying is supposed to be like talking to God or something like that. you're not supposed to pray for things like "please let my team win the game". although people do....but that's another issue.

hey, religion doesn't always have logical answers for why it does the things it does.

(100:D )!
Originally posted by Slacker47
First off, I am atheist.

Growing up in a church, I never understood the logic behind praying. This greatly confuses me, and I would appreciate some insight.

What I do not understand is: there is either FATE or FREEWILL, and either way, praying does not affect either. In the case of fate, you are predestined. So, praying is a waste of time. For freewill, God will not interfere with your life because he placed you here, and now we are the masters of our lives.

Now, you may say that it is a form of introspection, but I must disagree. Why do churches pray congregationally if God cannot change anything? One could gain as much knowledge from plain introspection rather than the cliche "on your knees with hands clasped" gesture.


There is no free will, read Romans(iirc), he is the potter, and we the clay, he molds us for his glorification.
There is no free will, read Romans(iirc), he is the potter, and we the clay, he molds us for his glorification.

OK... that wasnt the point, though.

And Spiff,

hey, religion doesn't always have logical answers for why it does the things it does.

What does praying do, though. That is my question. What is the final purpose? I do not understand why people pray for someone that is sick in the hospital... etc.

Can anyone explain this?
Originally posted by Slacker47
OK... that wasnt the point, though.

And Spiff,

What does praying do, though. That is my question. What is the final purpose? I do not understand why people pray for someone that is sick in the hospital... etc.

Can anyone explain this?

Ah, I neglected to respond in full. Sorry. People pray because it provides a feeling of peace and comfort. This is the same feeling one gets while meditating, or whatever. It is also a social function when done in groups, allowing everyone to realize that they are part of clan unit.
I believe people pray and keep faith simply out of the fear of death. We will all die, but through prayer and faith we hope to cheat death.

I take solace in the fact that I do not know what will happen when I die, and that in itself could be an adventure. Don't spend time trying to explain what will happen. No person or religion is going to give you a perfect answer anyway!!!
When people pray for someone to get better they end up in one of two ways

1)yay God answered our prayers!!
2)Gods plan for that person must intail them being sick for some higher purpose

yeah it makes people feel better. but If god has a plan then praying won't do anything to change that plan. So maybe it has no practical value.
What religion would you be refering to? It doesn't sound as though they we're believers of the bible, or of the apostles, at least not of the part's that didn't please them.
So maybe it has no practical value.

I was kind of thinking the same thing. I would really like to hear Whatsupyall on this one. It does provide a sense of comfort and everything, but why pray TO God? Why not just look directly inward? Do Christians realize that praying is worthless (if we agree on this one)?
Focus Your Mind

All praying does is help you concentrate....

Atheist - implore

Christians - pray

Buddist - meditate

Hindus - worship

Its all the same we just need to clear our minds sometimes to help us concentrate better on what is actually going on in our lives...

Best of Life - No Matter what you practice...
Ok, here is my point...

Why do Christians pray TO God. "God, forgive us for our sins...."

Does the Church not realise that God isnt listening? Or is this a way to discard reality in hopes of creating a barrier that pushes the pain of the real world away?
Originally posted by Slacker47
Ok, here is my point...

Why do Christians pray TO God. "God, forgive us for our sins...."

Does the Church not realise that God isnt listening? Or is this a way to discard reality in hopes of creating a barrier that pushes the pain of the real world away?
Yes, it is a way to discard reality behind a shield of fantasy.
Originally posted by Slacker47
Ok, here is my point...

Why do Christians pray TO God. "God, forgive us for our sins...."

Does the Church not realise that God isnt listening? Or is this a way to discard reality in hopes of creating a barrier that pushes the pain of the real world away?


How would you know that God isn't listening...
Only a believer would say something like that...
To know he is not listening, you must be a saint...

Everyone has someway to escape reality; however, prayer has been show to help release negetive energy that builds up around peoples bodies...along with meditation...and some other practices...

Begin rambling

Is the real world really that painful...I mean if we can afford to chat online...aren't our needs being met....

I cannot say I am not worried about what going on in the middle east and north korea; however, I have my own little problems to handle...

End of rambling...
Luke - 11: 1 - 4 (Jesus' Example of How & What to Pray)

For those of you that are interested, see the book of Luke, Chapter 11, Verse 1 - 4.

Also, (although not related directly to the topic of prayer) I encourage the reading of Romans, Chapter 8, Verse 1 - 39, if you should desire to see the Apostle Paul's powerful exhortation to early Christians, spoken in regard to their "living through the Spirit."

~ Disciple of Jesus
Is the real world really that painful...I mean if we can afford to chat online...aren't our needs being met....

By stating this, you have made a huge mistake. You have single handedly proved my point. People in India, Africa, Bangladesh, Iraq, Afghanistan, and pretty much ALL other middle eastern and southern asian countries are dying from all of these things that you take for granted. Yes, OUR needs are being met, but by "praying" to God, you reconcile and your eyes see that God has a plan for the world, but consider this: there isnt a God and people across the globe are dying from malnourishment. THE WORLD IS IN A GREAT DEAL OF PAIN. Not just humans either: plants, animals, soil, and other natural resources are about to leave the earth FOREVER.

May I take the time to show you this fact: 30,000 species of animals die each year. EACH year. Now, you tell me what is about to happen to our ecosystem. TELL ME.
Luke - 11: 1 - 4 (Jesus' Example of How & What to Pray)

Look, you cant cite evidence from the Bible to prove your point. It is a completely biased source. The Quran says that Allah is the true God. Read that... same thing.
I like to compare prayer to meditation as many others here have done.

Christian monks just like Buddhist monks spend their lives in a meditaion or a dream state. The idea is the same, shutting out all distractions and thoughts then focusing on one task or thought, or nothing at all.
Originally posted by Slacker47
May I take the time to show you this fact: 30,000 species of animals die each year. EACH year. Now, you tell me what is about to happen to our ecosystem. TELL ME.
A couple of questions:
  1. How do we know this?
  2. How many species died each year before the advent of homo sapiens?
  3. How many species are there?