Introduction to the Religious Life


For readers who would like to follow a young monk in the early stages of his vocation.
Click: <a href="">In the Wheat : Songs in Your Presence</a>
Comments or points for discussion can be posted here.
sorry, I just think it's sad, what a waste of a life.
what earthly pleasure, could anyone get from watching, someone be over taken by completely irrational thought, and no one to help him, if someones injured we help them, if some has an headache we help, if someone is mentally ill we help, but when someone is overcome by irrational religious thought, we stand by and watch his mind being destroyed.
geeser said:
..., but when someone is overcome by irrational religious thought, we stand by and watch his mind being destroyed.

How does it destroy his mind?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
How does it destroy his mind?

Baron Max
M*W: From magickal thinking. It's a symptom of schizophreniacs who believe in a savior miracle. It eats at your soul and destroys your mind.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: From magickal thinking. It's a symptom of schizophreniacs who believe in a savior miracle. It eats at your soul and destroys your mind.

Are you serious? Religion destroys your mind? You do realize many of smartest and most influential people in history were religious, right? I don't know where that conclusion comes from, but it has an extremely weak foundation in reality.
QuarkMoon said:
Are you serious? Religion destroys your mind? You do realize many of smartest and most influential people in history were religious, right? don't know where that conclusion comes from, but it has an extremely weak foundation in reality.
M*W: Yes, I am serious! I don't care what the most influential people in history believe, religion is nothing but a mind-controller.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Yes, I am serious! I don't care what the most influential people in history believe, religion is nothing but a mind-controller.

Mind-controller and mind-destroyer are two different things. And it depends on what the mind is being controlled to do. Religion controls the mind by telling the follower to lead a moral and righteous life, and to worship an imaginary diety. That is not destroying the mind, as proven by many history makers throughout time.

Are you serious? Religion destroys your mind? You do realize many of smartest and most influential people in history were religious, right? I don't know where that conclusion comes from, but it has an extremely weak foundation in reality.
How do you know they would not have completed much greater things had they not been distracted by the idocy of religion?
Cris said:

How do you know they would not have completed much greater things had they not been distracted by the idocy of religion?

No, no one does. I don't act as if I do and I don't use it in my arguments, and I expect others not to as well. Let's worry about the history that did happen, not the history that could have happened. Speculation is useless.
Ok, let's have a quick competition. Let's paste all of the religious people that have been influential and then paste all of the non-religious people that have been equally influential. If you don't see worth in the competition, I can only ask what worth you saw in making your original statement.

It's also quite interesting to see that as time progresses, those that are more influential are less religious. I suppose we cannot blame the people of old, trying to figure out reality while living in a society where belief in a deity was absolute, but we could blame the modern day people.. Only thing is there ain't many of them anymore.
SnakeLord said:
Ok, let's have a quick competition. Let's paste all of the religious people that have been influential and then paste all of the non-religious people that have been equally influential. If you don't see worth in the competition, I can only ask what worth you saw in making your original statement.

It's also quite interesting to see that as time progresses, those that are more influential are less religious. I suppose we cannot blame the people of old, trying to figure out reality while living in a society where belief in a deity was absolute, but we could blame the modern day people.. Only thing is there ain't many of them anymore.

If you actually read his post, he was speculating about their level of influence had they not been religious. If you want to compare openly religious history makers with non-religious history makers, than fine. But don't try to argue how much more influential they would have been if they weren't religious, it's a complete waste of time and doesn't help anyone's argument.
Sorry, I just think it's sad, what a waste of a life.
what earthly pleasure, could anyone get from watching, someone be over taken by completely irrational thought, and no one to help him, if someones injured we help them, if some has an headache we help, if someone is mentally ill we help, but when someone is overcome by irrational religious thought, we stand by and watch his mind being destroyed.

Religion, i.e. my relationship to God, has given me much more than High School and College ever gave me.
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indeed, cingolani.

im considering leaving this board, as it is ceasing to be intelligent conversation, and has begun to show a trend of atheists overpowering the others by sheer numbers and belligerance. these folks dont want to conversate. they want to spew opinion at one another.
geeser said:
sorry, I just think it's sad, what a waste of a life.
what earthly pleasure, could anyone get from watching, someone be over taken by completely irrational thought, and no one to help him, if someones injured we help them, if some has an headache we help, if someone is mentally ill we help, but when someone is overcome by irrational religious thought, we stand by and watch his mind being destroyed.

what do you mean 'whaen someone is mentally ill we help'?
baron max said:
How does it destroy his mind?
because he cannot function as a normal human whilst his head is controlled by irrational thought, for instant: a person who talks too and see's a god, is classed as normal?
compared to a person who talks too or see any other fantasy creature.
he is quite clearly, crazy.

we put the latter poor creatures into asylums, and try to help them regain some kind of normality

religion is the mind killer

cingolani_c said:
Religion, i.e. my relationship to God, has given me much more than my Ph.D. ever gave me.
then why mention your ph.d. 99.9999% of the people on this forum are of extremely high educational levels , but they dont mention it, bragging is heard by deaf ears, however that is so sad, that you find your own self worth less than a fantasy creature.
duendy said:
what do you mean 'whaen someone is mentally ill we help'?
I suggest you ask a psychiatrist that question.
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geeser said:
then why mention your ph.d.

Because the very fact that he has a Ph.D, the very fact that extremely intelligent and forward thinking people are religious kills your argument. How can someone be insane and have their mind killed by religion and still manage a Ph.D? How could Einstein come up with Special and General Relativity when his mind was being killed and destroyed by religion? Or does you argument only pertain to certain people?

So far, your 40 or so posts here have been little more than blatant advertising for your books. If that is your intent and you continue to do so, you will be banned.

If, on the other hand, you wish to join in discussions, please feel welcome to do so.
my relationship to God, has given me much more than my Ph.D. ever gave me.

Perhaps you can start with that statement and let us know what your Ph.D is all about and its relevance to your relationship with a god.