Introduction to the forums


Registered Member
Somehow I ended up lurking this board earlier today (i've no ide how) and laughed, pondered and contemplated the various threads that caught my eye - The outcome? I had to register and bang the url into Operas bookmarks. I feel my stay will be a long and interesting one.
Insulting the various younger female members always makes things interesting, just anyone....except me, about it. Ha! There's some sope-operaish stuff for ya!

Oh, and I invented a new word today. Hawaiineriffic. It describes the shirt I wore as I strolled through the town with a local sciforums member, Oedipus.
Welcome to sciforums, bsg.

Many has been the time that this board has supplied enterainment.
Thanks wet1, my business (web hosting) is (obviously) based around the internet so I spend 16-17 hours a day looking for interesting stuff to read - looks like i've found a nice spot to settle...

Pollux, ermm?
Somehow I ended up lurking this board earlier today (i've no ide how)...

Kinda weird, huh? Same thing happened to me. I was fooling around on some Opera sites and the next thing I know... :eek:

It was like wandering into the Bermuda Triangle... or maybe "Hotel California."

"You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave..." Insert Joe Walsh guitar riff =====> HERE. :D



Welcome aboard, bsg. :cool:


In case you start to run a little short of material, in the main heading where the threads are listed, at the bottom you will find a colored bar running across the end of the thread listings. The last selection has a button by it that says "go". If you select the box and go to the bottom of the list you will find "the beginning". It will increase the available threads to look at.

I hope this is not redundant, looking at the amount of time you spend on the net, you are probalby already familiar with such.
It was like wandering into the Bermuda Triangle... or maybe "Hotel

LMAO - thanks CB, that is exactly how it happened, strange thing is - I keep coming back, I think it's the time travelling illuminati in their UFO's sending mind control signals from their atlantis base :D