Introducing yourself


Hi my name is Elias.I am a 36 muslim arab man of Spanish ancestory.I speak Arabic,French, English and some spanish.I hope that we break and destoy our different belief and open channels of cooperation and friendship.I harbor no hatred to any one .if any one of would like to visit my counrty welcome anytime.what ever u are' welcome in MOROCCO.
tresbien, we don't break and destroy our beliefs, we live with it side by side in peace and acceptance
Hi my name is Elias.I am a 36 muslim arab man of Spanish ancestory.I speak Arabic,French, English and some spanish.I hope that we break and destoy our different belief and open channels of cooperation and friendship.I harbor no hatred to any one .if any one of would like to visit my counrty welcome anytime.what ever u are' welcome in MOROCCO.

Here is one of our churchs that you may want to visit when you get a chance...
i mean being christains , jews , muslims or whatever religion should not prevent us from establishing a good relationship and friendship.Pls introduce your self and tell me about your liking disliking.we are here to listen to each other.why we are here then.
I think it is immoral to post an intro in the Ethics section... :)
Syzygys said:

I think it is immoral to post an intro in the Ethics section.

And I find it preposterous that you would think yourself qualified to offer a moral assessment.

(Oh, right ... ;) )

Draqon said:

anyone is qualified to offer their moral assessment.

In the abstract. In this environment, however, people can, by their conduct, disqualify themselves from pronouncing certain judgments. And, furthermore, the choice to post that moral assertion is itself ethically dubious.

I'll put on my green hat and move the discussion over to ATM eventually. Meantime, we're being just a bit rude to our neighbor.

On which note, I usually avoid these topics altogether, but since I've dropped in to make the point ....

• • •​

Hello, Elias. My name is Brian, but I generally go by BD these days outside my family. Or, naturally, I'll answer to Tiassa within these electronic walls. I'm 34, a struggling writer, nondescript theist and Sisyphan Camusite. My last religion was actually a Western witchcraft that mixed elements of Gardenerian faery-magick and Wicca with the ceremonial high magick of Qabalism and Christian sorcery circa 15th-early 20th centuries. Aside from that, I've a five year-old daughter, and prefer to advocate enlightenment and peace for her sake, as well as the benefit of all humanity for the present and future generations.

Welcome to our happy lunatic asylum. I hope you enjoy your time with us.