Intolerance to Intolerants


Registered Senior Member
Is it morally right to hate racists and other intolerant people? I constantly hear people saying that they hate all racists, and more recently, I disagree. What are your thoughts on hating racists and the like?
I don't hate any person. I hate many thoughts & actions of people.

I love everyone. I don't like many.

If you don't love everyone, you can't truly love anyone.

Love doesn't necessarily mean tolerating people who hate & abuse others.

I can't tolerate intolerance. Actually, I guess I can some but I'm reaching my limit & will soon be absenting myself even more from my family in part due to their hate & unfair prejudice & desire to control what other adults do.
Also, unfortunately, people often say they hate someone when they mean they hate the person's actions, attitudes, dress, fashion sense, cooking or nearly anything that's not the actual person. This can be very confusing as of course, some people do hate people.
Are a person's actions not an extention of a that person via their will?
ah philosphy:p

tough question, also can you love a person if you cant hate them as a person?:p
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
If you don't love everyone, you can't truly love anyone. ”

"one raven Nonsense.
I'd like to see you justify that statement."

Many things a person can quickly answer but your not taking even 1 minute to think about the above indicates there can be no justifying it to you.
Many things a person can quickly answer but your not taking even 1 minute to think about the above indicates there can be no justifying it to you.
No justifying to me?
That's a hell of a judgement to make about someone you do not know.

How do you know what I have or have not given thought?
Just because I have responded to you quickly does not mean I have not given this a great deal of thought in the past.

Can you justify the statement?
My mother was horrible to me & I got to where I couldn't stand to be near her. I'm not justifying what she did to me but she was horribly abused by her father & it warped her mind. Tho I had to stop having much to do with her, I still wished her the best as long as that didn't hurt anyone.
Your mother was abusive and you forgave her, or came to terms with it in your own way.

How does that imply that "If you don't love everyone, you can't truly love anyone"?
I don't understand.
That's more related to hating the actions without hating the person.

I agree that one can hate actions without hating people.
My father was an atrocious father, but is a good man.

At the same time, however, I can also see how someone can hate a person specifically FOR their actions.
In fact, I'm not sure that I can think of any other valid reason TO hate someone.

However, I'm looking to understand why you would say "If you don't love everyone, you can't truly love anyone".
There are good people who just don't have the ability to be good parents. Some tho are not good parents because they're not good people.

There's no valid reason to hate a person.
Please justify:

"If you don't love everyone, you can't truly love anyone"

I get the impression you haven't given the statement much thought yourself.
StrangerInAStrangeLa said:
There's no valid reason to hate a person.
If you're going to separate a "bad person's" actions from their self and state that you hate the action but not the person then what reason is there to love someone?
Why not separate their deeds from their actions?
No I don't hate racists or intolerant people just for being racist or intolerant. They'd have to do something else in order for me to hate them. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, I don't have to like it.
I'm not separating anything.
You're judging the action not the person.
That's a separation.

I simply don't hate anyone & can't see any reason for it other than fear, instinct, human nature.
Um, human nature might possibly be a good reason.
We do tend to be human.
So explain why people deserve love, why not just love their actions?