Interview with God


Objectivist Mind
Registered Senior Member
Some of you may remember BeyondTime&Space. He and I have been discusing the deeper meaning of the metaphor of Adam&Eve allegorical story. Anyhow in my search for information, I came into this little interview:

When I found God, He was sitting in a remote corner of the universe,
trying to figure out what had gone wrong with the Grand Design. "I am moving
to another universe," He said, "because too many Christians have moved into
this neighborhood."
Asked if he was angry, God said: "Wouldn't you be if something you made
didn't work? I made man to think, to use his reason, his thought, his logic,
to be free, to be just, to create beauty, to love truth, to achieve, to be
joyous. My eagles soar, don't they? My fish swim don't they? I made man to
walk in joy and triumph. My greatest achievement. My masterpiece. And what
does man do? He fears. He crawls. He has faith. He ignores reality. He
evades action."
"I gave him vision. I gave him principled imagination. I gave him
courage. I gave him Mind that he might experience the joy of insight. I gave
him my love of Truth. What does he do? He seeks masters and saviors."
"This is not what I wanted at all. I am going to try it again in the next
universe. Maybe there things will work out better."
Are you planning any changes in the next universe, God?
"Yes, I am. No religion. No government. No Church nor State to oppress
and intimidate my creation."
One last question God, if you will?
Do you feel bad about leaving anything behind?
"Yes, I do...." (A tear came to God's eye. The first tear in a billion
years. His sorrow made me tremble. I waited for Him to speak.)
"I will miss the things most dear to me.... Conscience in the service of
Justice, and Genius in the service of Truth."
"I will miss the admiration and pride I felt when my creation perceived
Justice and asserted his knowledge of it."
"I will miss that immortal light of Genius, the power and glory of Man,
whose radiant glow gave me warmth and comfort on cold nights."
"I am just too damn disappointed to listen to any more foolish prayers."


Enjoy the rest as well.
