Interview with an Alien!!


Registered Member
12 questions to a member of the Galactic Federation from Dr. Michael Sallas:

1. Could you describe the location of the star system from which you originate?

2. Can you describe the most important characteristics of your society and history?

3. Has your society ever gone through something similar to Earth in terms of subversion by external races such as the Grays or Reptilians?

4. Can you describe the nature of your activities on Earth and how long you have been here?

5. Please describe how you assist individual humans and what your goals are in such assistances.

6. In what way do you differ from other ET groups trying to assist in the evolution of humanity?

7. Do you cooperate with other extraterrestrial groups assisting humanity? If so, can you describe what star systems they come from and their specialities?

8. Are you involved with any `Galactic Councils' that deliberate on the Earth's future and can you describe the nature of your involvement?

9. What would you consider to be your most important contribution to the evolution of humanity?

10. Have you had any official contacts with government authorities and what were their responses to you?

11. Are your personnel and/or ships actively targeted by national security agencies intent on limiting your interactions with humans?

12. Do those extraterrestrial races who disrupt humanity's evolution directly interfere with your own assistance efforts with humanity either by targeting your personnel/ships or humans you work with?

For the full text, see
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A member of the 'Glactic Federation' WOW! Really! Can I join! I men, I live in the Galaxy. Do I get an ID card and a magic decoder ring?