interstellar propulsion UFO?


Registered Senior Member
Can someone explain to me how some works interstellar propulsion UFO?
Thank you
Can someone explain to me how some works interstellar propulsion UFO?
Thank you

UFOs are misidentified natural phenomena or aircraft. So there is no interstellar propulsion component.

Your question is null.
Dr. Gerald Cleaver, associate professor of physics at Baylor University, and Richard Obousy, a Baylor graduate student, theorize that by manipulating the extra spatial dimensions of string theory around a spaceship with an extremely large amount of energy, it would create a "bubble" that could cause the ship to travel faster than the speed of light. To create this bubble, the physicists believe manipulating the 10th spatial dimension would alter the dark energy in three large spatial dimensions: height, width and length. Cleaver said positive dark energy is currently responsible for speeding up the expansion rate of our universe as time moves on.


Another way.......

Their article 'Inertia as a Zero-Point Field Lorentz Force' appeared in the February 1, 1994 issue of the eminent journal Physical Review A, and it offered a radically new interpretation of the origin of the strange quality of inertia.

This new concept of inertia also points to a new understanding of gravity, since gravity and inertia are inextricably intertwined. Hal Putoff goes even further. Pointing to recent success in manipulating atomic processes by controlling zero-point fields in the lab, Puthoff says "If we are right that both gravity and inertia stem from the zero-point field, then someday we might be able to manipulate both."

This, In turn, means quite simply a warp drive. And Puthoff's idea is not merely a twinkle in physics's eye. In 1994 Miguel Alcubierre, a theoretical physicist at the University of Wales published a paper called "The Warp Drive: Hyper-Fast Travel Within General Relativity."

Alcubierre showed it is theoretically possible to distort space to allow warp speed travel: to literally expand the volume of space-time behind a starship, while compressing it up ahead -- like feeding a tent pole through its sleeve by bunching up the fabric ahead, and pulling it along behind.

Alcubierre showed that space-time can be similarly manipulated. The position of a starship within such a distortion would change, relative to its destination - yet the ship itself need not actually "move" at all.
I like the above suggestion as I have postulated that when it becomes to manipulate gravity, a ship could "project" a field of intense gravity ahead of itself for a moment to accelerate it and continue on inertia. The big problem though is encountering dust and micrometeorites which could rip the ship apart. It's all very well going so fast, but you have to be able to survive the acceleration, deceleracion and objects. Current ion engines may provide a platform to move up to ionized plasmas or suchlike.
I would like these particles and dust from surrounding yourself
Interior space ship to ionize them, supply them with high energy and then launch into space as a plasma

Thank for your replis.
This is kinda interesting, probably B.S:

Referring to this illustration of space/time distortion below, lets assume the red ball A, can generate a strong gravitational field and lens that gravitational field or wave in this case. Lensing a strong wave is sufficient to shoot a vector in any direction and therefore distort space-time in its path. But to define a point in space-time and bring that point to the gravity source, essentially compressing the space-time between A and B, then the Red ball would need at least 2 or 3 separately generated gravity wave vectors. This is due to the need to triangulate the three synchronized lensed beams of gravity to a distant point where they intersect. One example of a triangulation program that uses separate but synchronized vectors exists in the 3D motion capture industry which we use to do feature film effects. Another example is seen in sound based programs that can detect the exact point of origin of a sniper's position simply by listening to the gunshot from three to six different microphones. When we generate and intense gravitational field, we can distort the space/time and in turn the distance between the point where we are and the 'point' where we want to be. We can then position ourselves at the point where we want to be, a very small move at this stage, and then stop generating the gravitational field...allowing space/time to return to it's natural form. We would now be at that new point, still millions of miles from where we started an instant ago.
Quarks hold our location. If you could build a ship, and alter its Quarks to new locations, you could possibly jump via hole to a new location as though you were entangled with a distant part of the Universe. Not saying it would work.. you might just die!!! :D