Interesting and heated discussion of what telepathy is actually


Deniers and disbelievers.
Believers and non believers.
Facts and fiction.
Psychologicial understanding and psuedopsychologicial understands.

In my opinion.
Telepathy is real. At least, the "something or so and so that has not been presented to the public in a correct fashion", I am sure, more than likly exists. That considering what has not been presented to the general public could be any range of possibilities which have not been seen and there is no apparent evidence for.

So that psuedopsciencicial (lol) statement. And if anyone cares to talk about any of it I am game, as well as I am sure many others..................

I have had to examine what some things are as far as dealing with things.
I have come to the ground that the people here say that telepathy is false or whatever ground has been presented, is that ... Well, what is it again? I do not remember the actual grounds which have been presented. Most of it ended in confusion, most of it ended how ever I am sure.

Anyway... Definately telepathy is something of a lot of controversy. The bit about the denial covers a lot.
The thing about dogs barking and it effecting people in such ways has a lot to do with telepathy or the psychic realm in my opinion. Someone could be an entire mute and yet totally and entirely control an entire house. How in the world can this not be considered as telepathy?

No further edit, have at it.
Or maybe a further edit, regardless I doubt it.. who knwos.
No, Brent, it not real. There have been thousands of tests and trials run by various universities and research groups in the past sixty years and NOT ONE shred of solid evidence ever showed it exists. The results were always the same - at or below what would be expected by pure chance alone. There were a few that seemed to show something but it later discovered that those tests were faulty.

Even CIA tried it for several years and eventually gave it up as a total loss.

The only people who believe in it are those who WANT to believe it - no one else.
I will believe that you think that this is so. That In point of fact, the universities have made valid tests and such. But can you show me anything about these tests? No. They did not have any material whatsoever which presents itself to me. It does not even present itself to you, unless you can present to me where it is precisely that you are getting this information from.

Tell me Read, so that I may infact change your mind... What is it that they seemed to show?

Of course guys, Telepathy is real, or, at least, there is some aspect which is capable of being uncovered to the ignorance of most every single sci-forum member (Likly James Randi included).
I will believe that you think that this is so. That In point of fact, the universities have made valid tests and such. But can you show me anything about these tests? No. They did not have any material whatsoever which presents itself to me. It does not even present itself to you, unless you can present to me where it is precisely that you are getting this information from.

Tell me Read, so that I may infact change your mind... What is it that they seemed to show?

Of course guys, Telepathy is real, or, at least, there is some aspect which is capable of being uncovered to the ignorance of most every single sci-forum member (Likly James Randi included).

Brent, sometimes what you type is so jumbled up that it's practically impossible to tell what you are saying/asking.

And I told you quite clearly that NONE of those tests showed telepathy to exist. It's nothing more than a fable - a wish that some people have for it to be real. It's no more real than Santa of the Easter Bunny.

You will never, ever be able to change my mind because I deal only in facts - not in wishful thinking.

Deal in facts. The best way to go. But.
It is far likely that what you say is true, but also possible to find the source. The source is telling me... ... ... that the university tests are not appropriate because I have no evidence.
Is telling me... ... ... that even the randi foundation or whatever, is falty. If you were to say "Randi never got any ability to find anything out about telepathy being real- AT ALL!!
I would say. I see no evidence. Oh. There is the evidence. It exists at the randi foundation website. Damn. So telepathy does not exist. This is quite a statement. Telepathy does not exist. When I experience the shit every day. The stuff is denied and it isn't even proper to consider it. When someone considers or is at least somewhat empathetic with what you are trying to explain, then it would help dramatically.

Deal in facts. The best way to go. But.
It is far likely that what you say is true, but also possible to find the source. The source is telling me... ... ... that the university tests are not appropriate because I have no evidence.

Then let's flip it around - you show us some SOLID proof from a relible source that telepathy exists. Not some shady website but a scientifically recognized source. Can you do it?
I know one thing.

And that is that I know a lot about some things about this... I don't want to say the big gun, or someone on this site would find it. Oh, I got that from Quantum Quack; of course it is not evidence. But it is at least something worth while. Besides. I have no scientific evidence from any reliable source. However I do have one source. My self. That tells me: I am at this moment ENTIRELY experiencing something ENTIRELY similar to telepathy; I have had a VERY GREAT DEAL of time experiencing and deciding what is up with this telepathic shit. Let me tell you that straight out. I've had to consider it, whilst Spidergoat would entirely dismiss and deny the idea. There is something fishy with that is there not? "Is this not somewhat at least proof for some of the statements that I have made above- like ''There are some things which have not been uncovered about 'telepathy' to the entire ignorance of sci-forums"... Oh sigh. Anyway Read, the point is simple. And it is this... there is a lot which is utterly faulted in the telepathic world. One is my own experience of it, and two... is that I cannot deny it whatsoever and especially three, no one will even test it and four! It's bobane to deny every single bit of it.

Especially the bit about ..
Well.. What is the mind capable of. I'll stop right there. I know that telepathy exists.
Before I make a complete fool out of myself..
The only shady website that I go to is sciforums.
But now that you mention shady websites, I am not at all tempted. Maybe I'll google telepathy? And find a bunch of bullshit. I doubt any of it will be true, the same as you do.

I am pretty concerned with it all, though, as it affects my life.
My family.
And my own perceptions of the thing.

The evidence to me is that there is no evidence that I am wrong.
The only thing I have to say to the lack of evidence is that randi or anyone on this planet refuses to test my environment. And the conditions of a "psychic realm" involvement (which is denied by the public)--- etc..
The only shady website that I go to is sciforums.
But now that you mention shady websites, I am not at all tempted. Maybe I'll google telepathy? And find a bunch of bullshit. I doubt any of it will be true, the same as you do.

I am pretty concerned with it all, though, as it affects my life.
My family.
And my own perceptions of the thing.

The evidence to me is that there is no evidence that I am wrong.

You were right - I did miss post 8 so I went back and read it. :)

Brent, I do understand what you're thinking about all this. And there ARE some real and solid reasons why some people have experiences that they tend to group under the general heading of "telepathy." And we can talk about those if you wish.

Incidentally, I just saw a couple of very kind things you said about me and I appreciate them. :) I think perhaps you like me because I always try hard to be very open and honest about everything. I have no hidden agendas, no dark secret thoughts and I don't try to sugar-coat the facts nor attempt to dress up a dog in a fur coat and make it appear like it's a full-grown polar bear. Nor do I make any attempt to avoid issues - I think it's best to deal with everything head-on rather than trying to side-step them.

Sorry for that bit of off-topic there, it was just on my mind at the moment.:)
I'll butt in if I may seeing as Bent has mentioned this handle.

Telepathy or communication across what appears to be space with out the use of Electromagnetic Emmissions or mediums that require time to transit is real and is indeed fact.

Unfortunately people tend to think of telepathy as being something simple, something really easy to use and do, something that people somehow develop with out proper support and training.
When entering infinte space with infinitre path ways and an infinite information source tell me how is it to be easilly navigated and controlled?

It is not easy to make sense of. Certainly very diffciult to predict or do in predictable ways.
To communicate a thought or a feeling or a nightmare or a believe or a will to someone with all the baggage of human skepticism to deal with makes it ultimately impossible to do unless one can work in a very hostile and confusing mental environment. If you want to know jsut how hostile visit a psychiatric institute/hospital or the Irak war front for a few hours and find out.

Some will claim ability and show how grounded they are by devoting themselves entirely to love conceptsto avoid the punishing aspects of more earthly desires. Such as faith healing, talking to the dead for charitable reasons, the laying of hands and even prayer meetingsat your local church group. After all what is praying any way but merely an attempt at telepathic transmission of desire to some thing or some one...usually a devine entity.

Now even though most athiest will deny they pray I know that it is a part of our every day nature to reach for inspiration when we need it and that my firends is an act of prayer. Telepathy is real abeit at this time very difficult to prove in a way that the tests do not destroy.

Best wishes,
love and light
and hows it hangin'