Interesting account of Hell

Jesus fucking Christ on a stick. You people are vile abortions of humanity. The picture on this site is what your god offers to folks who just don't get the message quite right? You are psychotic pieces of shit and should be eradicated. I would support your genocide.

If I met the author of a universe (god) who penalized folks that way (for fucking ETERNITY no less) for simply not understanding, I would rip his eyes out and fuck his tiny brains out the back of his head through his vacant sockets.

I've seen less vile shit on documentaries of serial killers.

Interesting you call it. I despise you and your kind lawdog fucker. You revel in the thought of us "evil non-believers" ending up like that. Do us a favor and take youself and any relatives you have that carry your diseased genes and hop into the nearest meat grinder. I'll start the motor for ya. Bye!

You filthy evil shitwad.

Maybe I'll get banned for this. I don't care.
For God so loved the world that he was willing to torture even little children for all eternity for their iniquities.
