Interdimentional Traveling


Registered Member
hey im new here, so if im repeating form some one else, oh well i dont care... anyway. ive read alot upon interdimentional traveling.. and most of it is bull shit relaxation theories. what was looking for was a way to break the dimentional boarder between ours and another one. i know it sounds like somestar gate bull shit... but i do beleive it can work. i am a necromancer, my practice consist of mently connecting with another dimention and so on and so forth... i want to experance it full hand and physical... so i started thinking. if we humans can break the dimentional barder mently, why not physicaly. so heres my thinking on how we can do it.
our minds give off electric charges in order to think, some frequencies differ between each action. if we can record the frequency on which we give off when we are breaking dimention, then duplicate it and greatly amplify the charge while keeping it within a consealed area.. then it could possably create a doorway of sort to another demention. of course most of you are probably woundering how ar we to control the frequency and make it behave on which we want it to. simple... magnets... in the center or on the floor board of the 'door way'. te charges will be draw to it and thus making a solid frequency curtan of sort....

so wht yall think???

~and yes i did post this in another section of this forum... shutup i dont wana hear about it... :D ~
i am a wht yall think???

From what i know, necromancy is the study and art of the dead... i don't understand why you think it has to do wth interdimensional travel.
Inter-Dimensional is predominately a Mathematical term.
Enter-Dimensional is also.

Commonly referenced as something of abstract meaning being brought into the Mind for handling.
To cross to another dimension is done daily. Say, for instance when you use your computer.
You emulate 2d to 3d, with them games, you know. IT's nothing more than high mathematics.
Being rendered as to create the allusion that the space before you is represented by what you want to achieve.