Intelligent people are "less likely to believe in god"

Well ofcause intelligent people are less likely to belive in superstious beings.

Every generation since the stoneage have develloped about 50000 extra braincells than their parents. This is proberly why new religions tend to be atheistic.
intelligent people become prone to relying on their intelligence as opposed to their spirit, or what may be called instinct. and may i point out that it's the intelligent people in the world that all of us "dummies" can blame for the fucked up mess we have to live in every day, all in the name of science,all in the name of technology, all in the name of progress.

kudos to you for turning a paradise into hell. you're all so fucking smart. ha, ha, ha, ha.
I can see where picking the next number in a series and being able to tell what shape something has if you rotate it has to do with wisdom. They both share the ability to recognize patterns. Unfortunately the former ability is confused with intelligence and should not be, let alone anyone confusing it with wisdom, and for those with high IQ this confusion seems to foster the further confusion that they are wise and are good pattern recognizers in all ways.
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intelligent people become prone to relying on their intelligence as opposed to their spirit, or what may be called instinct. and may i point out that it's the intelligent people in the world that all of us "dummies" can blame for the fucked up mess we have to live in every day, all in the name of science,all in the name of technology, all in the name of progress.

kudos to you for turning a paradise into hell. you're all so fucking smart. ha, ha, ha, ha.

as opposed to religions being the cause of some of our biggest and bloodiest wars.
“I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing.” Socrates

"Efficiency is intelligent laziness.” David Dunham

“Knowing a great deal is not the same as being smart; intelligence is not information alone but also judgment, the manner in which information is collected and used” Dr. Carl Sagan

“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich.” Tao Te Ching

“Your intelligence is measured by those around you; if you spend your days with idiots you seal your own fate.” Annon.

The sign of an intelligent people is their ability to control their emotions by the application of reason” Marya Mannes
I was surprised by a poll in Canada a couple weeks ago. 71% of Canadians still believe in some higher 'force'....and a full 47% of Canadians still believed in a mythical character like Jesus, Mohammed. etc. I can't say I associate with many family, friends or colleagues that buy into religious myths so I don't know where the 47% comes from....I would have guessed maybe 30% believed in a Jesus type dude.

Fortunately belief in a 'force' was less than 50% in Canadians under 30 and less thhan 23% believed in Jesus like mythological figures....and the trend against mythical beliefs increases with each generation.
Every generation since the stoneage have develloped about 50000 extra braincells than their parents.

That sounds like sheer nonsense to me!! Do you have ANYTHING to back up that silly claim with?????? (I think you're just making up your own "facts.")
That sounds like sheer nonsense to me!! Do you have ANYTHING to back up that silly claim with?????? (I think you're just making up your own "facts.")

Well I can not give a link to any website, I was watching a program on Discovery Channel and that is where I have my fact from.

But why do is sound like sheer nonsense to you?
Don´t you belive that we have more braincells than people that from the past?
Are you having low tide in your braincell pool?
One of the two smartest people I know is a Christian. The other is agnostic.

and if you get to know another smart person who is a buddhist, you are screwed.

I just love when people make statistics out of personal experiences...
Don´t you belive that we have more braincells than people that from the past?
Not from the stone age.

The Reds in America were stone age, and they didn't have any fewer brain cells than the Whites in the boats.

Likewise the Papuans, or the aboriginal Australians.
and if you get to know another smart person who is a buddhist, you are screwed.

I just love when people make statistics out of personal experiences...

The thread is about the likelihood that intelligent people will believe in "god" - not specifically the Christian god, but any god at all.
actually what they are measuring is a particular social caste... a social group all educated within the same secular system.

What we see here is the success of U.K.s propaganda efforts... within their education system they have managed to eradicate Religious Belief.

Also, it may also have something to do with the system of Social Rewards. Perhaps in Job Interviews care is taken to screen out any applicants that are guessed to have any Religious Affiliation. These Religious People become impoverished. Their children grow up poor and in the worst schools. So they test lower in Standardized Intelligence Tests.

But does this prove that Religious People are inherently less intelligent or only that the Atheistic Ruling Classes have successfully persecuted the Religious Minorities or Proletariat.

Yeah, perhaps the study should have reported on what Great Pricks the Atheists are that they have successfully kept the Religious People out of the Schools in England. Probably something of a Free Mason thing going on too, I would guess.

This is a good one:'less-likely-to-believe-in-God'.html

"A survey of Royal Society fellows found that only 3.3 per cent believed in God - at a time when 68.5 per cent of the general UK population described themselves as believers.

A separate poll in the 90s found only seven per cent of members of the American National Academy of Sciences believed in God."
actually what they are measuring is a particular social caste... a social group all educated within the same secular system.

What we see here is the success of U.K.s propaganda efforts... within their education system they have managed to eradicate Religious Belief.

Also, it may also have something to do with the system of Social Rewards. Perhaps in Job Interviews care is taken to screen out any applicants that are guessed to have any Religious Affiliation. These Religious People become impoverished. Their children grow up poor and in the worst schools. So they test lower in Standardized Intelligence Tests.

But does this prove that Religious People are inherently less intelligent or only that the Atheistic Ruling Classes have successfully persecuted the Religious Minorities or Proletariat.

Yeah, perhaps the study should have reported on what Great Pricks the Atheists are that they have successfully kept the Religious People out of the Schools in England. Probably something of a Free Mason thing going on too, I would guess.
I really couldn't stop myself from laughing at all this.

I'm going to take a big stab in the dark, here, and guess that you didn't grow up in, or now reside in the UK?

From someone who did and is, I can categorically say you're talking drivel, and of a flavour I have not seen on this forum for quite a while.

Unless of course you wish to support your statements with any sort of evidence??
Well I can not give a link to any website, I was watching a program on Discovery Channel and that is where I have my fact from.

But why do is sound like sheer nonsense to you?
Don´t you belive that we have more braincells than people that from the past?
Are you having low tide in your braincell pool?

Are you suggestring that intelligence is a function of the number of brain cells we have ?