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Hi, I am going to prove to you that there is intelligent life on Europa. Together with other scientists we are going to uncover one of the most significant discoveries of our lifetime.
The discovery of two perfect geometrical structures 7 kilometers in size is what you have to see. Authentic NASA image was blurred. Image and info along with link to origin of original NASA image of Europa by the Galileo Space Probe is available at the following link:

H. Kraiken
Not that I am doubting your discovery, Kraiken, I feel it is my duty to tell you that as a seasoned image editor, I know that a sharpening process can produce any number of strange results. It's a mirage, it blends lines together, it can make you see the word "BOB" in a picture of the Martian surface. Especially when applied to a distorted JPEG.

I thought the image you showed me seemed a little strange, so I went to NASA and got the original, and tried the sharpening process on it. There is nothing in that crack, that I can see.
I can guess that you'll say i'm from the government, send to debunk you, or that the NASA image I loaded had been further tampered with, in order to mask your discovery. But I propose that you simply made a mistake by further distorting an already-distorted image. Go back, try downloading the full, uncompressed .TIFF file, and you will see that your image of proposed europan structures is not there, nor is the alledged intentional fuzzing.

They're out there, but not where you think.

I have tried what you said before and I tried it again. You and I see the same. I was using the image that you click on when you get to the site at NASA. This image has what I call artificial structures in it. Are you saying that these structures were created by something that the imaging people did? And that even though I see them, they are not actually there? I'll go look again.
Talk to you later. H.A.K.
Ya sure, and I suppose that the famous "Mars Face" is not a face at all, and it's nothing more than a naturally occuring phenanema?
OK Now!
Artificial structures?

Well, ya, the entire surface of the mini-planet Europa looks like it's covered in Mac Truck tracks... It will be astounding when we land there, regardless of whether there is life.
The thing is, when I do sharpening work on the image I got from NASA, I didn't find anything unusual in the area you pointed out to have that hidden thingamajig, with the smear lines and the circular area that looks almost like a tiny landing pad. And I myself see no signs that the image was "intentionally blurred".
Europa is so strange in its surface features... If there are artificial structures on its surface, it will be very difficult for anyone to differentiate them from normal planetary formations in the ice shell.
And anyway, I think it is more probable that life exists "IN" europa rather than ON it. I'm sure we've all heard the theory of the big thermal vents filled with bacterail plumes, in the oceans beneath the surface...
I followed the link and this is what I saw:

File Not Found
The requested URL //outdir/PIA02099.17085.jpeg was not found on this server.
Junior Member
Posts: 11
Registered: Oct 2000
posted November 23, 2000 12:46 PM
Artificial structures?
Well, ya, the entire surface of the mini-planet Europa looks like it's covered in Mac Truck tracks... It will be astounding when we land there, regardless of whether there is life.

So the question here, is NOT about whether or not, the existence of artificial structures were built on planets that used to contain some form of advanced civilization, but if what we are examining from the images in fact show enough evidence to suggest that what we are seeing demonstrates sufficent proof of the existance of artificial structures on these planetary surfaces in the first place, Right?

I for one agree that this argument will not become sufficiently conclusive, untill we physically travel there, to further examine these structures up close, but then again, who's to say what these astronauts are going to interpret for the rest of our worl, exactly what they are looking at? moreover, in relation to what actually gets reported will be "Dictated" by regulatory agencies from our Global GVT's as to what they are willing to "Spoon-Feed" through the mass media.

Whith all these political structures dictating to the rest of the world what will be channeled down the proverbial "Pipe-Line" what is our Guaruntee, that we will be told the TRUTH? (Special Intrests involved.)

Anyone who fails to see the light of day, in relation to the potential of over assumptins, vrs. political controversy & political conspiracies to supress Truth involved in the true origins of Mankind's History, is truly a sheep among us, and the rest of the "Sheepole" will continue to be manipulated by these entities untill "The Day Of Reckoning." And as a personal observation in the "Biblical" terms, we are already living in the present tense of Revalations (Ch.2)

These aincient civilizations that once existed did not all simply die off durin the great calamities of their planets, not even in Earth's own history, and not all of them remained behind, They "Went" elsewhere, which would explain for these anomalous "Vortexes" or ancient "Stargate" structures that seemingly have some crude form to transport physical beings through hyperdimensional Space-Time to another location away from their point of origin.
(For further information about these "Stargates" you can review my other posts.)

"Sargate in the Andes."

"The Planetary Grid,Ley Lines,Vortexes & Interdimensional Portals."
Yeah, I looked at the new image, and I am telling you, that image is a COMPRESSED JPEG, and is DISTORTED, blurred, etc. in places in order to safe file size and make it easier to download.
I sharpenned the area where you indicated the "structure" on that web site you first gave us, and found that the circular landing pad. I also sharpenned a number of other areas and found identical "structres" splattered all across the image. There ain't nuthin' there!

Hi DataBob,
Thanks for looking into this image. What you say could be true. But I can't believe that NASA would allow this. Also I am getting different results than you. I don't get these structures popping up all over the image when I sharpen. Anyone that over sharpens will see little grids and boxes start to show up but no circles. What I plan on doing is this, first, have everyone refer to the same image, develope a set procedure on how to specifically enhance the area in the image to see the structures more clearly.
I hope that I am not insulting you by continueing my research on this subject. With your help you have helped me identify that all of us were in fact not even looking at the same image. I would appreciate it if anyone could send me their results.
H. Kraiken
I think it would be more conclusive if it didn't matter what graphic software you used, on what platform, using whatever method you chose, and THEN still ended up with the same result.
Here's an old news flash for you - NASA doesn't blur pictures - they airbrush them.
I downloaded the 7Mb .tif image and found zero...and I have some top end graphic software here....
You know there are uncountable amounts of circles on Mars, but the attention grabber was the pyramid structures - straight sided stuff that nature doesn't normally knock up itself. Same goes for the moon. It wasn't all the craters that caught peoples eye - it was the unbelievably straight lines and upright monolith style objects.
In conclusion - I don't think NASA with their billion dollar projects would let some intern 'blur' a section of a photograph to hide something from us. It's just too easy for a child to hit the sharpen button in a paint program and undo it again!

No, Kraiken, I have absolutely no objection to you continuing your research. I support it. If I really thought there were something in that valley, I would certainly keep trying...
And obviously oversharpenning can do a lot... I found that if I oversharpen just about any image I get a very bright white/black dithered mess.
But I really agree with Dave. Every program will sharpen things slightly differently, and it will be very difficult to get a set method that will work.
And... If NASA were really trying to hide something that's in that image, why not just keep it off the site? Or slice it up and only post the parts that don't have alien buildings in them?
That's my bit...

Thanks for your time. The crew on this board has not given me detailed specifics that I am trying to get.
Detailed specifics of what?

Okay, you're right, we weren't initially looking at the same image. But I'm telling you, the one that was on the site at the link you pointed me to in your first post came from a JPEG image that I downloaded and sharpenned for myself. I did see that weird little circle thingy that you had indicated, but it can't be anything but the product of JPEG distortion.
